retired military ex Republican

NRA is now the new KKK.

By:  retired military ex Republican  •   •  12 years ago  •  4 comments

NRA is now the new KKK.

A large majority of Gun owners are new gun owners following the election of President Obama. The GOP in conjunction with the NRA and Gun manuffactures have joined at the hips to portray a ruse of look out the African Amercans, Mexican and Chinese and Jewish and Muslim and any religion but Christian is going to take over. When a Party the GOP/NRA stoop to using poopie pants Neugent draft dodger as a symbol of Militia or Man's man they cannot stoop much lower than that except maybe caribou Barbie. The dregs of American society have turned to Republican party.

The new President of the NRA is a proud Boss Hogg impersonator who is the new Spoke person for the KKK/NRA. Many NRA members have quit due to political, radical activity of the NRA rather than the sportsmans gun club of old. Many NRA members are for Back ground checksto protet their sport and their families. Their NRA President is not.

The first person with a gun loaded and pointed at even another gun carrier, the old police saying drop your weapon orI will shoot. First agressor in this case almost always wins especially with a semi automatic weapon that can kill 15 or 20 easily in a minute and a half ormore depends on size of magazine.

NRA and Gun manufactures think we all should own one inspite of mental stability or associaation to extremist or being a drug user. The NRA is no longer a Sportsmans club but a political activist group.


jrBlog - desc
Nigel Dogberry
Freshman Silent
link   Nigel Dogberry    12 years ago

I quit the NRA 20 years ago. I figure they represent only a small percentage of gun owners. They certainly don't represent me.

retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

Nor me and I'm a gun owner as well. They have in the past represented many sportsmen and I would suspect still do. When a club or group becomes political they usually no longer serve the people themselves or Big business.

retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

Sorry they serve big business Gun manufactures and clothing and accesories for weapons.

retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

The NRA was originally a very sport orientated hunting target shooting skeet and or trap shooting. Very much family and competition. Over the years as Politics and Corporations have become one we the working man have been shoved aside. Militias are often the old Outlaw type motorcycle/militia combined. Guns of which i own one and have custody of a cross bow are sufficient for my needs. There are hundreds of millions of guns in the united states and enough munition produced every year to shoot every man woman and child twice. Night scopes and armored vests many of our Second Ammendment advocates are a non regulated militia of one person. In other words regulation is non existant and against the very ammendment they cherish above all others. The KKK I knew wanted regulaation only to keep minorities from getting guns. What little association I personaly saw of the KKK was in Florida and Mississippi. As far as the NRA not speaking for the majority of gun owners thats absolutely true but unfortunately the majority is the silent majority some are as crazy as the KKK. The Political Hipe perpetuates theracial divide. Oh how sad the younger generation is much more acceptable of all races and most of all religions. But Religiion has quickly become a big divide scaring theunder educated.