retired military ex Republican

Texas Politician calls pro abortionist terrorist.

By:  retired military ex Republican  •   •  12 years ago  •  2 comments

Texas Politician calls pro abortionist terrorist.

The thing that amazes me is the Bible states life starts at first breath. Test tube babies are probably currently possible with todays technology. Putting human embryos in an animal to be bornis quite possible. Sperm is a seed womans eggs are just that. Whare do Finatics draw the line why dont they follow their religion.

Rape and incest the right wing fanatics see as acts of god apparently. Actually they are satanistic acts

Why would you want your wife to have to carry anembryo to termafter she was raped by some psycho lunitic. Or a young girl have to carry an embro created by the act of incest.



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retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

I am Pro abortion in the case of incest. I am pro abortion in the case of rape. With the number of children without enough to eat what 10 million maybe more family members out of work many under employed the Christian bible which I believe the Texas governor preaches from states life begins at first breath.People don't want their tax money paying for abortion. I would rather that than our earned tax money given back to companies to move jobs overseas. They are killing the tax base and weare paying for it. That is terrorism. Killing a fetus is a killing a non being. That is if you believe the bible don't believe micro miology think the earth is only six thousand years old. The Christian religion is pushing for 18th century science and laws. The problem with Pro Choice is the GOP believe it is their choice. You now know some one who is PRO abortion.

Freshman Silent
link   bluearcher    12 years ago

Firstly, the Bible is a poor source for morality, science and reality.

Secondly, No vagina, No say.

Thirdly, who wants to return to the days of illegal abortions?

Fourthly, the Rethuglicans have no other platforms to run on outside of abortion and tax cuts.

Fifthly, if men could get pregnant then abortion would be legal at any time in any state.