retired military ex Republican

What If Republican fascist Tea party members own all the Major radio and Television Stations?

By:  retired military ex Republican  •   •  12 years ago  •  2 comments

What If Republican fascist Tea party members own all the Major radio and Television Stations?

The law was Changed during Clintons presidency that one company could own as many radio or T.V. stations as they could afford. Let Capitalism reign, or is that a fascist activity like Hitlers Germany. Freedom of speech is quickly being eliminated preparing for the next election. The law use to be a maximum of 14 stations by one owner be it person or Corporation.

Now Bain Capitol owns One Thousand Two Hundred plus and buying up other media platforms to control an even bigger chunk of the pie. Wether the stations are Government owned or Corporate owned with media no longer having to give equal time to opposing views or political parties where is the balance. Newsvine fell under that Bus.

The top 1% has just about sealed the media loop holes. Now they are going after the internet sites. Like News vine is Corporate owned and cleansed by Bain Capitol. People banned for mysterious reasons became the norm. Big Corporations demand big control direction from the top.

Fight for your right of free speech and equal access to major media outlets for all Political parties at an affordable reasonable rate. During the last Presidetial election all canidates were not allowed to debate or even get air time. Just because your candidate makes it on the state ballots does not mean they have media access.

State Colleges allow their largest donors like the Koch brothers to review and make changes to corriculum. That being a little off topic but is even more frightening. Its is similar to Government Colleges Government/Corporate TV and Government/Corporate Radio and now Government/Corporate Internet Web sites except its fascism at work with State and Public Universities controlled by the same top 1%. Owners are forced into a financial corner with little choice because of no big advertising.

Providing a huge national blanket coverage in many towns and cities the only radio platforms are basically GOP/Tea party owned Like WLW in Cincinnati all the Liberal and left leaning talk show hosts there are gone. Repeated attempts to buy up and control the Internet sites and continues with Bain Capitol's Clear Channel leading the way with deep pockets supporters like the Billionaire Romney family who also make the voting machines you use in the election booths or the machine that electroniically scores your ballot correctly or does it. Florida was a prime example in previous elections. Mitt Romneys Son owned and still owns the voting machine Company????

Yes this could classify as a rant by an old man an old man who is concerned by the Corporate take over but no longer in small bites but huge chunks. These activities rarely make the news I wonder why? Do you know who Clear channel owns if you say yes you have got to be lying i find new platforms they are purchasing or have purchased often real often. More repeater stations for their Political end. Have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year. Keep your eyes open and your ears tuned tothe corrupt state andCongressional actions and Corporate Takeover.

One Man fighting back with the truth Norman Goldman.Com (Attorney Liberal) so far still an independent talk radio host. Fighting every day. Fighting using cyber space internet radio. Never give up the fight. Be aware very aware.


jrBlog - desc
Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    12 years ago

Since when did the Romney family become billionaires? Last year he was only worth 250 million.

retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    11 years ago

Both of you how much do you think clear channel is worth. 1250 stationsmany are Burners 50,000 watt stations. If you want to advertise in your home town of any considerable size their channels are the only high power stations available. They are worth way more than 250 million even 2 or three billion wouldn't touch their combined value. Romneys net worth is 250 million according to who. Does that include the Chinese electronics firm he owns or is that not taxable in the USA therefore not reportable. Much of his money as I remember the partial explanation I read was tied up in a tax free Morman banking/money trust or something along those lines. If the only station that reaches your outlying area is clear channel and you want to advertise you have to use the torch the 50 kw station. Makes little difference they cover major Sports channels and many of the biggest FM stations.