
One Way Out RM Sixpick RG LT

Category: Music
Duration: 00:03:01
Allman Brother's Cover Song by a good group of guys. We recorded this song. RM guitar, Sixpick bass. RG Lead guitar. LT drums and lead vocal. Any backup vocals were done by RM and RG.


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Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago

The date on the picture of the guitar isn't the date of the recording.  I used anything I could find to use as pictures in these videos, since I didn't have any videos recorded.  Hope to change that in the future at some point.  Need to do more A Mac and make some video recordings. This is one of the last recordings we made in the last band I played with.  I think Larry the drummer did a very good job singing and playing those drums on this song.