Flat Earthers Just Held an International Conference
What the human mind is capable of believing ...
Over the weekend, hundreds of people donned their tin foil hats and flocked to Raleigh, North Carolina. Why? To attend The Flat Earth International Conference , of course.
The conference was bound to be a doozy. It's schedule was chock-a-block full of intriguing talks, including "NASA and other Space Lies," "Flat Earth & The Bible," and "Exposing Scientism."
For those of you that don't know what all of this is about, here is a quick summary:
Flat Earthers generally believe that planet Earth is a disc covered by some sort of dome, that gravity doesn't exist, that NASA has been fooling us all, and that Antarctica provides an ice wall barrier so people don't fall over the edge.
According to the website, the Flat Earthers conference was an "educational endeavor" to unite people from around the world under the common purpose of "true scientific inquiry."
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These people truly believe the Earth is flat. Apparently no amount of information (evidence) or scientific explanations will penetrate this belief.
People believe what they want to believe. That is why propaganda is effective.
I just received an email this morning about how Facebook users embraced and shared more "fake" news after it was flagged as fake. LOL!
Willful ignorance (or just plain stupidity) can be quite strong.
It boggles the mind Gordy. How could anyone living in civilized society with all the info available still somehow believe the Earth is flat? I have no words.
I know what you mean. There are those who think the Earth is only 6000 years old or that Noah'Flood was a real event. Mind boggling is an understatement.
So when they flew in from all over the world did they all take aisle seats so they wouldn't have to look out the window and see the curvature of the Earth.
They probably would deduce that the curvature was due to curved glass in the windows.
Did you see the one lady who conducted her own experiment at the beach with a straight edge. The horizon was flat. Some people cannot think beyond their eyes I suppose.
If they want to prove the earth is flat, one of them complete with a body cam needs to sail towards the edge and tape themselves falling off.
I once watched a one-hour YouTube video made by a flat-earther. It alternated betweed crazy "proofs" of flatness, and BE AFRAID conspiracy theory stuff about the giant cover-up hiding the TRUTH.
I kept wanting to believe that the producers of the video were doing hidden comedy... but I finished convinced that they were genuine.
Remember the Heaven's Gate cult ?
This is serious belief. These people committed suicide believing that death will enable them to get to Heaven:
People are capable of convincing themselves of (seemingly) anything.
I saw the comet and the only thing following behind it was its own tail.
Soooo, here's a question for "Flat Earthers", if the earth is flat, then how do you explain being able to travel in any direction and, ending up in time at the same place were you started, instead of just falling off of the planet?
I suspect they would simply deny it.
People are amazingly adept at rationalizing their beliefs. Many hold a belief true and distort or deny that which compromises the belief.
they have flat brains
Bless their little flat brains.
I've been told already - that since there is faith, then this must obviously be truth. (or so i'm told by some of the religious)
which means, the Earth must be flat.
I suspect the 'flat earthers' do believe that literally. Rather they fear 'the science' will make everything relevantly irrelevant. Or something equally nefarious. Trump voters?
The bible describes the earth as flat, stationary, and supported on pillars.
And, that shows how much traveling the people of the time did, this is why we needed someone like Columbus to travel to the "New World".
His "new world" consisted of the West Indies.