Pastor Greg Locke Bashes Dollhouse To Pieces With A Bible Taped To A Baseball Bat
By: Rachel Kiley (God)
What's with all the violence in churches today?
August 24, 2023, 12:39 pm
A MAGA pastor who gained national attention thanks to his political rants during the Trump era is making headlines again after destroying a dollhouse with a Bible taped to a baseball bat in front of his congregation.
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Greg Locke gave a sermon back in June that centered around casting "out the spirit of sexual perversion" and tearing down demonic strongholds, ultimately capitalizing on the so-called "righteous anger" that is so often used by Christian grifters to rile parishioners up.
"What some of you need to understand is you've been delivered from a demon, but you've not pulled down the stronghold yet. You gotta get rid of the triggers on that iPhone. You gotta get rid of the triggers on that Netflix. You gotta lose her number. You gotta lose his number," he screamed. "The demon comes out when you expel it. The stronghold comes down when you demolish it with the Bible."
Locke then went ahead and smashed a chest-height dollhouse to pieces on the stage, using a bat he said he had duct taped and zip-tied to a baseball bat.
Somehow we almost missed MOUNT JULIET, TN MAGA grifter Greg Locke demolishing a Barbie Dream House with a Bible attached to a baseball bat.
The movie would go on to gross over $1 BILLION dollars — The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) August 17, 2023
The clip initially made the rounds recently with people under the impression that it was related to the recently released Barbie film, which has received genuinely baffling blowback from extremists among both conservatives and Christians—so baffling, in fact, that many of their own don't seem to understand what they're so riled up about.
Even though the sermon took place a month before the film's release, it's an understandable mistake, considering pastors were, in fact, already preaching against its alleged evils before even early screenings of the movie took place. But Locke reportedly never mentioned Barbie in his sermon. He was too busy screeching about demons and demanding people stop repeating the same sins—"sins" seemingly referring to anything related to sex.
A normal person having a meltdown in front of a crowd and bashing a child's dollhouse to smithereens would be reason enough to get them a psychiatric evaluation, but this is fairly typical behavior at evangelical churches.
Screaming in rage and calling it God delivering a message to all the sinners through you is part of the pastor playbook, and being so distressed at sexual desires that seeing a little skin or possibly even some gays on Netflix gets called a "trigger" is depressingly common as well. In fact, it was only days ago that a TikToker with a Christian fish tattoo got called out for her deranged reaction to there being nudity in Oppenheimer .
At any rate, while Christians may have become desensitized to angry rants and destructive behavior as just a normal part of their Sunday mornings, the rest of the world still recognizes how unhinged it actually is— Barbie- related or not. — Lover of Truth ✊ (@LoverOfTruth79) August 18, 2023
A Bible wrapped around a Baseball bat is a near-perfect metaphor for so much that is wrong with Evangelicalism. — Billie (@Billieiswriting) August 18, 2023
But women can't control their emotions. — Emily Chambers (@Dumily_Chambers) August 17, 2023
Greg said "I've had KENOUGH!" from his Mojo Dojo Casa House Church. — April Ajoy (@aprilajoyr) August 18, 2023
Some little girl would have loved that house. A "Christian" pastor might have thought of that. — Marilyn (@MarilynShimmie1) August 17, 2023
Nah. There's nothing peaceful about "Godly men."
They are the worst men I've ever known in my life, and I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. — Karla Claire (@KarlaClaire9) August 17, 2023
Right? This behavior defies traditional Christian thinking/behavior, but now it is the norm, not the exception. — PammyCanFinallySleepAtNight (@PSchmaling) August 18, 2023
When someone mentions American Christianity, this is what I think of now. Culture warring nonsense, white supremacy, prosperity gospel. When I was a kid I thought of things like charity and community (which in retrospect may have been naive!), but the vibe now is very different. — Jean-Michel Connard (@torriangray) August 17, 2023
Share this article *First Published: August 24, 2023, 12:39 pm
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These preachers are becoming unhinged. I haven't seen the Barbie movie and I wasn't that interested in it, but when it comes on one of my streaming services, I'm watching it just to see what all the fuss is about
Talking to the women I know who have seen it, one and all describe it as a highly needed entertaining and joyous cinematic romp in luscious pink.
I just read a synopsis of it on Wikipedia. Definitely watching it when comes on Prime or something
I wasn't interested in Barbie until Locke ranted about her demonic shit.
I didn't have a sister so the only Barbies I saw had been stolen by guys (from their sisters).
They were always decapitated and naked.
Since they had no genitals (nor nipples) they weren't interesting.
Here's a photo of Greg Locke's vaginaless squeeze:
To make a woman look like Barbie, it takes lots of surgery, lots of plastic and a butt load of photo shopping.
What would Jesus do?
I don't think it involves anything with a baseball bat and bashing the fuck out of something.
As I recall he was prosecuted on bogus charges and put to death.
As I recall he was part of a human sacrifice ritual to appease his father and forgive human sin.
Nope. The Jewish people had their charges/reasons.....With the Romans it was insurrection.
Telling people to go in peace is not enough.
The bible says over and over again that you are WRONG.
Romans 5:6-8
For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Hebrews 9:26
He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
Hebrews 10:10
By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
1 Corinthians 5:7
Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.
Ephesians 5:2
And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Due to three years of covid I wouldn't go to a theatre for any reason.
While I like Margot, Barbie just doesn't seem to be my kind of movie.
I'll just go to the library and borrow Wolf of Wall Street or I Tonya instead.
Both are good movies
oh yeah...
I’ve seen it. It’s really good. It doesn’t do any of the scary crap the nut jobs claim it does.
Just read the plot line. Might be a good movie at that.
I broke down and went to see it with my wife, for the same reason - to see what all the fuss was about. I still don’t get it. A handful of funny lines spread out in a long but completely nonsensical story. Will Ferrell has had some great roles and some shitty ones - this was his worst, imo.
Greg Locke is a real piece of work. Every time his name comes up it’s for a worse reason than the last. Who is actually listening to this creature?
I hadn't heard of him until the Wash Post did a piece on him last year. They reported then that he had a social media following of 4 million and more than 1,000 at Sunday service.
The article gave me the impression that Locke is to Christion Nationalism
Pastor Crock is a nut case looney who needs to be locked up in a padded cell as he represents a clear and present danger to sane and reasonable people.
... like most every other religious wacko trumpster.
Who here doesn't understand that it's a movie about a doll with no genitals?
Triggered toxic men
Well, we all know how much God loves violence. /s
I know God, follow him on Twitter...<cough> X
Here he is bestowing some pearls wisdom.
I have nothing much to say about normal religious people but, none of these Evangelicals are right in the head. They are being led by sociopaths and grifters.
It wasn't a doll house it was a ''house of ill repute''. /s
barbie has to go live in a trailer now...
That's a shame. But she does have that cool Winnebago
too bad for her that ken is anatomically incomplete...
it's probably an accessory that isn't included and has to be purchased separately...
tighty whiteys with a huge package...
What is with all the violence? Warming up the shock-troops for armageddon. It is going to occur November , 2024.
He seems nice.
I imagine he hands out cookies and has little kids sit on his lap.
All that sinning he has a problem with - I wonder what he's repressing
Methinks he doth protest too loudly.
1 guess...
sorry, 2 guesses and they're both right...
He'll shake your hand, smile with all his teeth, while he's picking your pocket
that's what thumper preachers have to do nowadays if they want lauren blowbert to stop by for some... uh, fellowship...
yeah, that's it...
What’s it?
Show me a evangelical mega pastor who does not. Locke already has a net worth of 5 million.
sounds like he's skimming geezus' cut...
Right? I vaguely remembered him, but checked him out on Wiki.
So....are you supposed to beat it out of your kid?
It’s okay if you use a soft cover Bible.
How about if I use my catechism book?
You haven’t burned that yet?
I'm saving it for a special day
Wait, isn't that Catholic?
Catholicism is idolatry. Please wait patiently to be cast into the next available fire.
I'm waiting for the next toilet paper shortage
I knew a guy who was reared as a Catholick.
He was an altar boy.
Sometimes he couldn't sit down.
This explains everything:
LMAO, Flip is just great.
while you're yelling scripture...
He was always very funny. In his time we could laugh at lame excuses on why we did what we did. Now with complete angry sincerity we blame our actions on the other guy.
"I want more than 4 tickets to the friday night fish fry next time, father"
Good grief, Sean, read the context of my comment. It was a joke, made in response to a joke. Trout, who used to be Catholic, recognized it as such. It's poking fun at the Evangelical attitude toward Catholicism.
Exactly and as you said, humor is in the eye of the beholder.
I won't make fun of you for not laughing.
The hate group making fun of the pastor bashing a Barbie dreamhouse with a Bible and saying autistic kids might be possessed by demons?
Yeah, I think it's ok to make fun of that guy.
Or are you ok with pastors literally demonizing autistic children? Because literally demonizing autistic children is pretty fucking hateful, Sean.
their parents must have previously sinned and that is their punishment...
A college classmate's pastor told her that her mother's breast cancer was a punishment for sin.
I'm convinced that if there is an afterlife, no deity would want to be anywhere near those insufferable people...
makes me nauseous just thinking about a world filled with them, let alone a country...
Pretended to burn my draft card back in the 60s
Just burned an old, expired Pa. drivers license.
Still have my 1H draft card to this day.
I torched mine in the 70's, since they wouldn't be asking for it if you enlisted.
then they ended the draft 3 years later...
Maybe, just maybe he thought that the dollhouse represented the dreams of girls - you know that they would actually dream of having a decent house (not a trailer), get an education so they could BUY that house by themselves with no need of a man.
I think you nailed it
yeah, but how many has that maga thumper nailed?
>whew< LOL...
LOL, funny how shit works sometimes...
Spent a few years as a bouncer in strip joints.
Protected the ladies from the assholes to the best of my ability.
They mostly made lots more money than I did without the risk of violence.
Was never the "driver" that some wanted me to be. Was never a pimp.
This was over 30 years ago and haven't been to a strip joint since.
It's been hard for me to trust a woman since those days.
I tend to see a stripper and a whore in pretty much every woman I meet.
It's a bitch being seriously jaded and disillusioned.
I ran into some interesting "independent contractors" when I drove for uber in the very early mornings...
I love strippers and whores.
I've never known anyone with that attitude.
My assessment in HD has been proven once again.
I think your comment is disgusting [Deleted]
there's a big thumper church close to my home and on sundays there's a crew of "parking lot monitors" working. nothing like a bunch of crazed thumpers in orange vests packing heat to project their saviors teachings...
What do they need parking lot monitors for?
godless libs may attack...
... and interrupt the sunday cash intake.
I will admit that there is something appealing about taping a Bible to a baseball bat and smashing stuff with it. All Bibles should be treated like that.
Baseball bats are too slow and too awkward to carry.
A collapsible steel baton is much faster and creates much more damage.
... and it fits up your sleeve.
tazers are more fun to use, visually...
watching horizontal tap dancing is fun...
... less chance of causing an elbow or shoulder injury than swinging a bat.
... easier than carrying around a pillowcase a quarter full of oranges.
A roll of quarters in a tube sock?
oranges don't leave marks.
... any citrus fruit actually.
I assure you, it is not.
If it were, nobody would feel the need to write about this incident.
This particular guy just seems to like cheap theatrics.
... the foundation of evangelicalism.
along with waving their hands in the air and bawling their eyes out...
boo hoo hoo, I was a scumbag all last week, forgive me geezus, here's a twenty for the collection plate... see you next sunday...
Don't ever go to a Pentecostal or Assembly of God church. I have a couple of times. I was embarassed for them. All that hallejuahs and screaming AMENs was too much
I have those wackos in my extended family. my favorite aunt's father was a traveling hellfire and damnation preacher in texas. he drove a new cadillac every year, even during the depression. he would drag my aunt and her 2 sisters into the local bars to sing and dance and pass the hat. he'd put on his big revivals on saturday nights and milk all the cash from the locals that was intended for the local churches the next day. that was the weekend entertainment in bfe texas. his charity was limited to finding the local constable and buying a weeks worth of groceries for the poorest white family in town and afterwards would never pay for anything in town except for the gas to get a few counties away. when he retired in the 70's, he paid cash for his home after selling all the gold coins that had appeared in the collection plate and he had saved. when my aunt married my uncle, is when she started wearing red lipstick and high heels. my grandfather came from a family of holy rollers, snake handlers and poison drinkers in your neck of the woods.
He sounds sound like a real peach
... typical religious wack job. my aunt totally went anti-religion after she got married. red lipstick, red high heels, dancing, and drinking coca cola and never setting foot in a church service ever again. when I was a little kid, drinking a soda was a rarity. imagine my surprise when the big coca cola truck pulled up in front of her house and wheeled cases of those little bottles of coke into her garage. she was a fabulous cook and made all of our candy and snack foods from scratch. I looked forward to xmas eve at her house every year. she was a lifelong texas racist, but I still loved her.
fun fact - bush jr liked her so much after he met her in denver, he sent a plane for her and my uncle to attend a barbecue at his ranch in crawford texas when he was POTUS. she was very proud of those pictures in her scrapbook.
Holy Crackers!!!!!!!!!!! Best biography I've read in decades. I'd love that girl too.
you can't pick your relatives...
Sounds like somebody I would have loved to hang out with
she was awesome. name your favorite snack food or candy today, and she was making it in her kitchen back in the early 60's. her chocolate bread recipe is one of the prized possessions of my mom and her cranberry nut bread is the only way I can stand eating cranberries.
He probably like "grannie panties."
my cousins called him pope, not grandpa...
I was too young to realize how his attempts to control his extended family with religious edicts was ignored and mocked by them. what's really weird is how half my cousins turned into mackerel snappers by marriage.
for her? wouldn't banana flavored be more appropriate?
When I was a kid, a preacher shot off a starter pistol during his sermon just to wake everybody up. It did!
I thought it was kind of cool, but he was fired soon after.
we stopped going to church when I was 13 or 14 and the preacher started getting a little too anxious for mom to join the "adult bible study class". f'n church bullshit cramped my weekend style anyway.
Was always an atheist. just took awhile to realize it.
one of my oldest friends turned maga thumper preacher years ago and it's all about the money.
Rev. Locke. Beating on a doll house. Was the bat aluminum or ash? Were the bibles printed in Tehran?
Locke is a real Bible thumper.
Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
gee, why doesn't that picture show her barefoot, pregnant, and standing over a stove...
Leather is so much easier to use and reuse than tape.
"uck you inker."
... with a telephone pole.
Christian leaders are fucking lunatics.
I'm starting to think that anyone involved with tax free money is wacko...
the IRS could have knee-capped this problem decades ago...
... legally.
... with extreme prejudice, financially...
I wouldn't mind telling folk the meaning of life for a Gulfstream.
there seems to be a pretty low bar for success...
Wow....this brought out some angry people. I guess mocking churches on NT gets knickers in a twist....that's for the men here who got all butt hurt
selective forgiveness...
unique to conservative xtians...
... fake xtians that is.