Ron DeSantis Loses Fight to Limit COVID Data
F lorida Governor Ron DeSantis officially lost the fight to limit COVID data on Monday and will now be forced to release the data to the public.
Former State Representative Carlos Guillermo Smith first filed the lawsuit in 2021 against the Florida Department of Health and Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, after the department refused to continue to post data on COVID to their public dashboard under orders from DeSantis. Access to Covid-19 data was restricted after the Republican governor decided to open Florida for business in June 2021 just as the Delta variant spread throughout the state. During the information blackout, thousands of Floridians died from COVID-19 in the summer and early fall of 2021.
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A dumb political move on DeSantis's part and he got called/caught on it.
Too bad he can't be sued by the families of those who died.
In others words “too bad we have a rational legal system based on evidence and not hate”
Thank you for that stirring commentary, Sean.
Anytime Kavika. When someone posts something as truly fundamentally stupid and purely partisan as claiming DeSantis should be sued for covid deaths, it deserves recognition. The ignorance and pure partisan hatred it takes to believe something like that are truly awe inspiring. Is it as dumb or dumber than the people who accused DeSantis of mass murder for opening the beaches? So much hysteria, so much as anti-science ignorance has been used to attack Desantis on Covid (who by any sane standard handled it as well as any governor in the country) that the possibilities for the stupidest anti -DeSantis take are endless. This one deserves its moment to shine though.
I'm so happy that you approve of the article, that's really important here on NT.
BTW, the anti-DeSantis article are there to keep up with your anti-Biden commentary.
Thanks for your contribution.
In other words you support a right wing populist that hid data so people couldn't make a sound decisions for themselves, their families or their employees and students. Keep shoveling shit for right wing partisan causes, Sean.
Shoveling shit with a toothpick.
I'm looking forward to this release, since there was so much condemnation about how New York handled the pandemic.
Yes, it's going to get interesting.
Oh. I remember that!
Man...some of them acted like it was your fault
If he limited access to the data just so that tourists would continue pouring in, that's not only irresponsible, it's criminal
It also stopped school districts, businesses etc from getting timely updates on COVID so they could make rational decisions. It also took away important information from the average citizen many of which had to be especially careful because of being seniors.