Trump Protesters Mock Floyd's Death
By: YouTube
Disgusting. And people wonder why we Anti-Trumpers think Trump Defenders*** are racists and bigots.
I really don't have much else to say except that this truly turns my stomach that in 2020 people are still bigots. This is not the only time someone has mocked the death of George Floyd. There were college students who were doing some stupid "challenge" or another and kneeling on each other's neck and snapping photos of it. Their parents should be ashamed.
***Defenders are different from supporters. Supporters can at least sit back and say "yeah, that ain't right" whenever the Chicken Shit Coward in Chief opens his mouth and inserts his foot.
However...the Defenders defend every goddamn word that comes out of his mouth. Is there a reason for it? Is it because you know he's offending someone or that you think the pussy-hat wearing liberals are going to take to the streets and cry in anguish?
How can you watch that without getting nauseated?
What a POS group of so-called humans.
typical trumpster trash
Looks like someone taking a knee without a Kente cloth.
How is a cop placing a knee on someone's neck different than placing a knee on what represents the United States? Why aren't both offensive?
Because one is free speech and the other is murder. If you can't see the difference then I feel sorry for you
The guy in the video isn't killing anyone. It's a stunt to cause outrage and attract attention. The guy in the video is exercising free speech, too.
And the guy in the video is taking a knee. Only the blind cannot see that.
All this 'take a knee' stuff started when Colin Kaepernick placed his knee on the national anthem. That was a stunt to cause outrage and attract attention. Now the 'take a knee' stunt has metamorphosed into placing a knee on the Constitution and upon civilized society.
My question is why one stunt should be considered offensive while the other stunt shouldn't be considered offensive?
I'm comparing a man kneeling on another man's neck that caused that man to die. I don't know WHAT the fuck you're talking about
He usually doesn't either.
It's all conspiracy nonsense with some posters.
I'm comparing one stunt to another stunt within the context of protecting rights. THAT is supposed to be what the protests are about.
What purpose is the self righteous outrage serving? The guy in the video has as much right to exercise free speech as does Colin Kaepernick. However, being offended is not a right. Self righteous outrage cannot take away rights, either.
George Floyd was killed by one cop, not by a police department. George Floyd was not killed by systemic racism or by Confederate statues. And that one cop killed Floyd by taking a knee on Floyd's neck.
You certainly didn't clarify that with your first comment.
I agree that being offended is not a right...but when I see someone mocking the death of another, am I just supposed to shrug my shoulders and ignore it?
My first comment was intended to cause outrage and attract attention. That's consistent with the other stunts.
Taking offense is relative and subjective, isn't it? Outrage and offense can result from something as simple as a comment, as you have aptly illustrated.
The video really does represent a competition between self righteous outrage. But that self righteous outrage is only valid within a subjective point of view. Is the guy in the video mocking the killing of a man or is the guy in the video mocking self righteous outrage? The guy in the video could just as easily be expressing his own self righteous outrage from his subjective point of view.
As I pointed out, George Floyd was killed by one cop; not by a police department, not by systemic racism, and not by Confederate statues. Violence and murder are violations of rights that should cause outrage. But allowing that outrage to justify violating the rights of others should also result in condemnation.
We should be reminding ourselves (and law enforcement) that the duty of police is to protect our rights. That's supposed to be the purpose of law and the purpose of enforcing law in the United States. We need to remind ourselves that the United States is governed by rights and not governed by the rule of law. Laws that allow infringing on the rights of others are not Constitutionally valid in the United States.
In simple terms, a badge is not a license to violate the rights of others. A badge is not a license to threaten violence. A badge is not a license to kill.
Sure it was!
The results speak for themselves.
Right. So that's your excuse. I get it.
From my perspective, that picture could easily have been any number of our more illustrious "freedom loving" NT members.
no doubt about that...
There are those people on both sides of the political spectrum.
Yes, it's called blind something. I hesitate to say a cause, because the people I encounter, that defend everything from their candidate of choice, generally don't know shit about much of what they either defend or bitch about. They just get in line. My sister is a prime example. She will repost every damn thing that runs across her page, without hesitation, and without ever bothering to do some of her own investigation. Unsurprisingly, a good number of times, the article she reposts is legit, but contradicts her position. Doesn't matter. She just yells louder. Why? She knows little about what she actually purports to value, and predominantly knows only that the side she yells against is allegedly promoting all things in contradiction to positions she is told she has.
As for the idiots in the video, they are just that. It would be nice if everyone always, and only, used their right to expression for the purpose of promoting productive discourse. This is obviously an example of that not being the case. Take it for what it is. Reparations, legislation, defunding or dismantling of police departments...none of that is going to do anything to stop people like this. The old saying of "there is no such thing as bad press" has a lot of truth to it. These idiots are getting press. Seems clear, the intent was to offend here. Thanks to the media, youtube, and everyone reposting this, their area of reach expanded exponentially. I assume they see it all as a win, regardless of how negatively it is received.
I don't disagree with that.
I know people who don't know diddly squat that repost shit on Face Book and never bother to fact check it. For example, one face book "friend" who is also a friend of Mr Giggles posted 2 photos side by side. One of trmp in a military uniform (it was his school uniform) and the other was of Bernie Sanders being dragged off by police (it was a protest). Anyway the stupid meme said something "Look how each served his country" or some bullshit like that, implying that trmp actually served in the military while Sanders was portrayed as a draft dodging thug.
The kicker was that another friend of Mr G's who is retired military commented on it about how trmp was such a patriot because he served his country blah blah blah. She replied back agreeing with him. That's when I knew I had to cut the stoopid out of my life. So now I avoid those two whenever I can and neither one of them are my "friends" on Face Book any more.
Do I know leftists with extreme views? Yeah. But I try to steer them back to reality.
No mistaking, I tend to lean conservative. I have a good friend that is left, and probably way left on some issues. Super intelligent dude. We have some serious debates. Never anything but friendly, but vigorous, and usually long winded and into the depths of the night, especially if there is any alcohol involved. We enjoy it. Clearly, not everyone shares our zest, as we often find ourselves alone.
I have a conservative friend that I debate with equal enthusiasm.
My sister, despite the fact that we have basically the same values and views, is like potassium in water. We can't be in the same room, nor can she be in the same room or hold a coherent/calm conversation with anyone who dares question anything promoted by the left. I have friends on both sides that are similar. (my sister is by far the worst though) She is the #triggered poster child, and (IMO) the type of person that is preventing honest discussion. Both sides have them, and I would say that they are not on the fringe as we see them on a sliding scale, but they are smack in the middle of the two sides, acting as buffers. They are the ones yelling and screaming, preventing any meaningful message from making its way across the isle.
Why do people that want to espouse bigoted views always drape themselves in the flag....
that particular flag was probably their second or third choice...
Have you seen the disgusting photos of Trump hugging US flags? They are the same flags he refused to honor by draft dodging.
Were they actually yelling, "White Power!" in the beginning of the video, or was I hallucinating?
I thought I heard that too.
Yes they did.