Joe Biden Said It: He ‘Should Not Remain As President’
By: I&I Editorial Board
Joe Biden has blood on his hands. He’s going to have as many die on his watch as did before him and more. He had three vaccines since day one. He’s gone about everything all wrong. He’s President super spreader. He should follow his own advice and resign as the disgrace that he is. Let’s go Brandon!
Joe Biden Said It: He ‘Should Not Remain As President’
November 10, 2021
March 1, 2021
“220,000 Americans dead. You hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this. Anyone who … is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America.”
That was Joe Biden at his last debate on Oct. 22, 2020, with then-President Donald Trump.
At that debate, Biden went on to proclaim that the only reason all those people died was that Trump had failed to do things such as test people and issue mask mandates.
“What I would do,” he said, “is make sure we have everyone encouraged to wear a mask all the time. I would make sure we move into the direction of rapid testing, investing in rapid testing. I would make sure that we set up national standards as to how to open up schools and open up businesses so they can be safe and give them the wherewithal, the financial resources to be able to do that.”
Then he declared:
“And so, folks, I will take care of this. I will end this.”
If you hear nothing else Biden said that night, hear this: “I will end this.”
That promise, more than anything else, got Biden into the White House.
Fast forward to today. Biden has been in office nearly 10 months, and how has he done at “ending this”?
Over those months, more than 21 million people have contracted COVID-19. More than 332,000 of them died from the disease . Recently Biden’s own (fully vaxxed) press secretary tested positive for COVID, as did an aide who’d been traveling abroad with the president.
What’s more, after declining over the past two months, COVID cases look poised for another spike in the winter.
All of these COVID cases and deaths happened even though Biden had put his entire “plan” into action. He got nearly $2 trillion in COVID-fighting funds approved in March. Mask use has been widespread. A record number of people are getting tested under Biden — more than 333.3 million since he took office. Plus, Biden had three vaccines available to him, none of which he was counting on when he promised to “end this.”
So it stands to reason that if Biden’s “plan” would have prevented the 220,000 deaths that had happened before the November 2020 election, it should have prevented the 341,000+ who’ve died since he got the keys to the White House. Right?
And if — as Biden kept insisting — Trump was responsible for 220,000 COVID deaths that had occurred by Oct. 22, 2020, doesn’t that make Biden responsible for the 341,000+ who’ve died from COVID on his watch? Doesn’t that also mean that Biden, by his own standard, “should not remain as president”?
The other option, of course, is that Biden knew all along that his plan wouldn’t “end this.” He and his advisers almost certainly knew that nothing Trump did or didn’t do would have stopped COVID from spreading in the U.S.
But if Biden did know that, then he was brazenly lying to the public to win the election.
So, doesn’t that mean that Biden is either a bald-faced liar or a mass murderer? Either way, again, using his own standards, he has forfeited the right to remain as president, and both he and his equally inept vice president, Kamala Harris, should step down.
That’s going to happen of course. But so long as people insist that Trump was responsible for every COVID death that occurred on his watch, we will insist that Biden heed his own counsel and resign from the presidency.
— Written by the I&I Editorial Board
President Biden is not responsible for the ignorant arrogant idiots fucking morons who refuse to get vaccinated and or mask. Those are the ones who are responsible for the 341,000+ who've died from Co-vid since he's been President. Those responsible are the ones who refuse to get vaccinated and or mask and those who are continuing trumpturd's ignorance - like DeathSantis and Abbott and all those others are the ones responsible.
his replacement is worse than he is
That’s true but both would do the bidding of their handlers, foreign and domestic anyway. Maybe find a way to replace her before Biden retires, like when they got rid of Agnew before Nixon resigned. Do the democrats have an equivalent of Gerald Ford?
Yes, he should, should, should...
I’ll have to agree to disagree. I think that he should not remain President.
Biden is trying to end this without any help from the so called republicans and the Putin backed conservatives.
Besides, 'The dweller at Mar-a-Lago ran with, "It's a hoax" for at least two months and fired anybody with competence in order to maintain his-----------he had no idea what he was doing then then and continues to have no idea with what he is doing now--------with the exception of division and fear which is exactly what the Autocracies want and more precisely what Putin demands.
I am surprised there aren't Class Action Lawsuits by the tens of thousands lodged against Trump and his enablers for purposely and with extreme malice excerbating and prolonging this pandemic. And there should be, period, end of story.
if Biden were really trying to end it, he wouldn’t have opened up the southern border to so many covid and other disease laden illegal alien enemy invaders and deliberately moving covid positive illegals into red states. As to Putin, it was Barack, Joe, and Hillary who collided with Putin and sucked him off.
actually he created the commission to deal with it, closed the border to China travel, and mentioned the threat in the SOTU address all while democrats were more concerned with impeaching him and accused him of diversion when he talked about it. These same democrats had leaders criticizing the China travel ban, saying to go out to eat and take the subway and to travel to Chinatown because everything’s fine.
Because he didn’t do that. He took control of the situation replenishing PPE’s, masks, producing respirators, distributing them to areas of need, making the hospital ships available, providing field hospitals and staff, setting up 15 and 30 days guidelines to stop the spread, cut travel from Europe, and directed the effort to provide stimulus relief for individuals and small businesses, and pushed hard for development of therapeutics and vaccines. Biden has done nothing by comparison. Democrats are mad because he realized that vaccines were the key and kept the economy alive outside of blue states while we waited for them.
Same here bbl, same here. There should be and hopefully there will be. That thug piece of shit trumpturd is responsible for so many deaths due to exactly what you said. All his enablers are responsible for those deaths also. I want that fat fuck trumpturd to be dodging subpoenas for the rest of his fat miserable life or behind bars or the inevitable - just wish the inevitable would come sooner rather than later.
Yes. Except what is even more harder to understand is why there is this------------thing----------that Trump and Trumpism must be protected at all cost.
On one occasion Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testifying under oath for 11 hours. And Trump--------why is he not testifying under oath for anything? Like even for where all of that money he sent for border security ended up? Like who got it, what did they do with it and where is it now?
Trump lied about the seriousness of Covid, downplayed it's effects and ridiculed basic safety recommendations. He is directly responsible for tens of thousands of American deaths.
Biden and Democrats have been constantly reminding Americans of the seriousness of Covid, have been pushing for everyone to get vaccinated, supported all CDC safety recommendations. Sadly, shit for brains Trump supporters keep pushing back against any safety protocols, dismiss the pandemic as 'fake news', claim masks don't work so they refuse to wear them as they act like petulant little 5 year old's and then try to blame all their rising death tolls on Democrats for not saving them from themselves. But that's right wing conservative's for you, winners of the biggest Darwin award of the last decade.
Let’s go Brandon!
So immature and ignorant and lame.
Snitch? An army of snitches? What are we in kindergarten here?
Unfuckingbelieveable that you went there.
Naw. Bot.
Bots are limited in their scope.
Yea because Trumpturd is so enlightening and those that use it show their true intelligence....and it;s not good.
But that’s different! It was always ok to say that, several other such things, and F Trump for them, yet so terrible and bad for us to say Let’s go Brandon!
Yes, he did and yes, he is. Same for his enablers/supporters/
What ever you say about Trump, his supporters and voters, we say about Biden and his supporters, voters, and enablers tit for tat as long as you shall do it without end for as long as we share living in the sane country.