Trump: Jesus is the Savior that America needs
By: Michael Brown Christian Post Op-Ed contributor
Donald Trump Merry Christmas
Photo: Andrea Hanks / Courtesy of White House
Donald Trumps Christmas message to America was right on in all that he said. He noted the American exceptionalism and the role of divine Providence in our founding and the role of God in our inalienable human rights and all the things we overcame through history as a nation and our need for more. He recognized that there is a higher power and our individual and collective need for it. His Christmas message was one of hope.
Trump: Jesus is the Savior that America needs
Delivering prepared remarks for Pastor Robert Jeffress at First Baptist Church in Dallas this past Sunday, former President Donald Trump said , "Our country needs a savior right now. And our country has a savior. And it’s not me. It’s somebody much higher up than me. Much higher.”
Yes, much, much higher, indeed. Can we say "Amen” to that?
The truth be told, the Savior is on a completely different level than Donald Trump (or any other world leader, or human being, for that matter).
He is not just much, much higher up. And greater. And wiser. And holier. And more powerful. He is infinitely higher up. And greater. And wiser. And holier. And more powerful.
In fact, the distance between Donald Trump on his very best day (or, any of us on our very best day) and Jesus Himself is the distance of infinity.
He is God. We are not. That about says it all.
All of us really do need saving, desperately. And only He is the Savior.
That’s why I’m glad that, on this Christmas-themed message, the former president pointed to the Lord rather than himself.
Of course, many would object to him speaking from a pulpit in any church service.
Others would object to some of the political content of his message, especially his bashing of the current administration.
But let’s put those issues aside.
America does not simply need a better president. And better-elected officials. And better judges. And better . . . well, you name it.
That’s because America does not simply need improvement. America needs saving. By that, I do not mean that we set up some kind of Christian theonomy. That would be a disaster.
I mean that we need Jesus, personally and corporately. I mean that we need serious, deep, life and death help.
We need radical transformation. We need holy upheaval. We need sweeping spiritual visitation. We need the Lord.
Without His intervention, we are doomed. With His merciful help, the tide can be turned and future generations can have hope.
Trump also said in his speech, "The life and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ forever changed the world. And it’s impossible to think of the life of our own country without the influence of His example and of His teachings. Our miraculous founding, overcoming civil war, abolishing slavery, defeating communism and fascism, reaching boundless heights of science and discovery, so many incredible things.”
He continued, "None of this could have ever happened without Jesus Christ and His followers and His Church. None of it. And we have to remember that Jesus Christ is the ultimate source of our strength and of our hope and here and everywhere and for all time.”
He really is the ultimate and only source.
When I wrote Donald Trump Is Not My Savior: An Evangelical Leader Speaks His Mind About the Man He Supports as President in 2018, it was not meant as an attack on our president, as the subtitle indicated.
That’s why the book ended with these words: "Donald Trump is not our Savior. But he is our president, and as such, one of the most powerful men in the world. Let’s not scorn him; let’s not glorify him; and by all means, let’s not give up on him.”
But there was a message I wanted to proclaim to the watching world, especially to those who asked, "How could you, an evangelical, vote for a man like Trump?”
And my message was simple: Jesus the Messiah, not Donald Trump, died for my sins, and I have one Savior and one Savior alone. He is the one I preach and proclaim. He is the one I will follow regardless of cost or consequence. He alone is my Lord.
As Paul wrote, "For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake” ( 2 Corinthians 4:5 ).
The more loudly and clearly we proclaim this, the sharper and clearer our perspective will be and the better our hearers will understand our message.
That’s why one of the 10 closing points in my 2020 book Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? , was this: "We must proclaim that Donald Trump is our president, not our Savior.”
I added, "This, of course, is self-evident to any devoted Christian. We owe our souls to the Savior, not the president. Yet this is a message we need to make clear to the world, preaching Jesus and exalting Jesus and focusing on Jesus rather than preaching Trump and exalting Trump and focusing on Trump."
"We can have our political discussions. And we will certainly have our political disagreements, some of them sharp. But at the end of the day, let’s make it a point to say to those we differ with, ‘Hey, we can have our passionate debates about the president, but there’s something much more important. How are you doing? How is your relationship with God? And who is Jesus to you? He is everything to me.'
"Let Him be our theme. Let His name be mentioned through the day. Let Him be the one who drives our passion. And let’s be sure to help everyone know, without any doubt, that we identify with Jesus, our totally perfect Redeemer, infinitely more than we identify with Trump, our very imperfect president.'
"It’s also crucial that our attitudes reflect this reality, that our hope for the nation is in the Lord, not in a man, that our expectations are tied in with the name of Jesus, not the name of Trump. And let’s remember that, on that final great day, the entire universe will bow down and confess Jesus as Lord, willingly or unwillingly. At that moment, not only will the name of Trump be forgotten, along with all of our names, but no one will notice him among the billions bowing the knee with awe and wonder. Only Jesus is Lord. Only Jesus saves. Donald Trump is just one of many billions created by the Son and for the whom the Son died. Let us not lose our perspective.”
Can I get an "Amen”?
Dr. Michael Brown( ) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Revival Or We Die: A Great Awakening Is Our Only Hope . Connect with him on Facebook , Twitter , or YouTube .
It would be a clear violation of the Constitution that he has never read.
Isn’t that why he said that we Americans who are believers don’t want that and that such a theocracy would be a disaster?
There are several politicians who would LOVE a theocracy and you yourself have complained about Secularists right here on this site for YEARS. This is a secular nation it will never ever be anything but that.
And conflict with the bible, which he also has never read.
That’s why 99% of us believers don’t want a theocracy here on earth at this time.
Complaining about the closed mindedness and intolerance of today’s American secularists on the left is not the same thing as wanting to impose a theocracy. This seed is about Donald Trump and his optimism in his Christmas message to us all as Americans
You know not whether he’s read it or not.
God told me his didn't read it.
The God you don’t believe in talked to you?
Nope, the god I do believe in talked to me. Never said it was the same god as you believe in. Mine is the king god.
But trump is not a Christian. He has gone so far as to say, "I have never asked God for forgiveness and I never will".. So not only is he a sinner, he is an unrepentant sinner, (per the bible).
He said that at the beginning of his campaign in 2015 before his close contact with devout believers moved him on several issues regarding religious belief. He has also since renounced his membership in the old line liberal Protestant Presbyterian church in favor of a more evangelical oriented non denominational church. For one to declare that he is not a Christian now is to sit in judgement over another. His Christmas message to America last weekend in Dallas was sound Christian theolo
He is not a Christian. He went to church what, twice in 4 years? I have yet to meet an Evangelical that actually followed the teachings of Christ.
Evangelical Jesus.
In other words, he said it before he realized he'd need their votes.
And that is all this is as well, pandering for votes.
But he once held a bible. That plus his disdain for what the bible actually says, qualifies him as christian. Doesn't it?
It is not for us to judge, only God knows the content of his heart and the changes he’s made in his life.
As if we ar going to take the judgements coming from secular progressives as to whether a person is or became a Christian. There is no group of people on the face of the earth less qualified to sit in such judgement
God told me that Trump is full of shit and is only in it for the money. So there you go.
How can someone you don't believe in, yet still hate, tell you anything.
trump is the perfect representative of today's fringe evangelical xtian trash and has been his entire life.
trump found the most ignorant and gullible saps on the planet, especially those that are used to throwing money away for no return, and then pandered to them.
Trumps base is the multiracial mostly theistic middle and working class coalition. We support him because he really did make America great again and gave us prosperity with low taxes, low inflation, and rising wages for the working poor to middle class. Trump realizes that it’s not he who ultimately will save America and made it clear in his speech Who it is that will.
Trump is an example of one who was blind but now can see, was lost but now is saved. There is nothing he’s done in his life that can’t be forgiven. The secular left that is so quick to judge can’t understand forgiveness and grace.
I’ve always wondered about that too.
God would never tell you or me about the content of another living humans heart.
Donald Trump
Don't know what you are talking about. The god that I DO believe in is who told me. He is the one who controls all the minor gods.
There is only One God. All the rest are frauds created by the great deceiver to divert as many people as he can to follow him instead through them.
Trump is as usual quite right. On this issue more so than any other.
It was a proud moment to see our President go out there and make that stand and let the woke mob know that burning down Churches was not going to be tolerated. A great pro law and order moment. I’m glad that he did it!
Prove it.
Jesus Trump
(My response continued)
This was supposed to be 2.1.1.
Thank you President Trump for your great service to our exceptional 1776 America and your contribution to our prosperity. You are a great American! Thanks also for your Christmas message of hope for us all as individuals and as a nation. We appreciate your wise words.
On this issue, Trump is absolutely right. We have no other.