Sean Feucht says being a revivalist has brought family 'hate, harassment and death threats'
By: Jeannie Ortega Law, Christian Post Reporter
Trump: In America We dont Worship Government We Worship God
Sean Feucht says being a revivalist has brought family 'hate, harassment and death threats'
Worship artist Sean Feucht, who has become a well-known revivalist leading outdoor revivals nationwide, has opened up about the amount of hatred he and his family have received for sharing the message of freedom in Christ.
The former Bethel Church worship released a new live record, Let Us Worship - Miami, in February, which captures the sound of revival he emitted in the atmosphere to kick off the new year. The album reached No. 1 on the iTunes chart under the Christian genre upon its release last month, and Feucht wants the live record to continue to resonate with listeners.
“It is raw. It is not a polished, perfectly produced sound captured in a sterile studio that is normally heard on Christian radio,” he told The Christian Post. “It’s a sound caught in the middle of revival outdoors in some of America’s hardest cities.”
“It feels like you are actually right there in the moment,” he added. “There is something powerful about that.”
The father of four is the founder of the Let Us Worship movement. His New Year’s Eve concert in Miami was his first stop on the “Let Us Worship” Tour.
Feucht’s “Let Us Worship” movement was birthed during the height of the COVID-19 lockdowns, in response to state and local governments across America restricting in-person worship through policies aimed at mitigating the spread of the coronavirus.
While Feucht came in third place in his bid for U.S. Congress in 2020 as a Republican in California’s 3rd Congressional District, he has since been at the center of several large health mandate-defying Christian revival gatherings in major cities across the nation.
The large revivals have brought national media scorn to Feucht, who hosted the outdoor rallies to worship and encourage Christians to become more politically active.
Feucht revealed that his bold stance for revival in these times has been difficult.
“It is more controversial than I ever imagined,” he admitted. “Jesus was right when he warned the disciples, ‘You will be hated by everyone because of me. But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved,’ ( Matthew 10:22 ).’”
Feucht told CP that he and his family have “endured the most intense resistance, hate, harassment and even death threats to our home and family that we’ve ever experienced.”
“But yet the glory has been incredible, and the testimony of breakthrough has sustained us,” Feucht added.
The minister has been accused of being too political with his Gospel approach, but he believes ministry, politics and everything overlap.
“The Church needs to wake up!” he maintained. “Christ calls us to be salt and light. He wants us to [put] His Love and truth to every facet of our life, not just our families and church, but schools, work, and politics too!”
Feucht declared that the Church is in “a season of historic revival!”
“While we are living through the ‘wars and rumors of wars’ promised by Jesus in Matthew 24 , I also believe that ‘the Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to the ends of the earth and then the end will come,” he added. “These are the times of great intensity and polarization. But they are also the times of awakening in the Church.”
Songs and sounds captured in his heart are what Feucht hopes comes as he continues to press for more across America.
“Let Us Worship exists to call a nation and people back to God,” he stated.
He warned the world is “closer than we were yesterday” to the End Times.
In Let Us Worship - Miami, Feuct can be heard praying over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ wife, Casey, who was diagnosed with breast cancer six months ago. Casey is now cancer-free, according to DeSantis , and the worship leader took to social media to testify of God’s healing power.
Feucht also shared several other testimonies from his “Let Us Worship” tour. He said people were healed of COVID, children were baptized and many other healings occurred.
The Oral Roberts University alum wants people to know that worship is essential in times of great turmoil and resistance.
“It is what sustains us and our strength. We came in weighed down by the narratives of the world, wars, the media, etc. When we enter God’s presence, He is the ‘glory and the lifter of our head,’ and we are reminded who is in control and who is on the throne,” Feucht concluded.
He ended by telling believers everywhere to “pray,” “stand” and “believe.”
I wish that Feuct had been heard praying over me when I was diagnosed with Stage 4B cancer twenty months ago. Instead, it took two separate series of chemotherapy and an eighteen hour, mother of all surgeries to be cancer free. I have taken to social media to testify of sciences' healing power.
I have always believed in a combination of all of the above. The use of all holistic and natural remedies, following general good health principles, the use of and power of prayer for healing, and using the best doctors, medical and related technology and research in a hospital that can be had. To me it is foolish to rely on any one to the exclusion of the others. I don’t believe that God wants us to refuse medical treatment while praying and anointing and asking Him for a miracle.
I agree. The seeded article perhaps left out the fact that Casey also received medical treatment. Maybe Feuct should expand his testimony to include the combined healing power.
Good luck with that.
I’m familiar somewhat with his denomination and their beliefs. They are based here in Redding Ca. and one in every nine people who live here attend their church. They are a very positive influence in our community and economy. They are not Christian Science who generally refuse medical treatment and go exclusively on prayer for healing nor are they like Jehovahs Witnesses who refuse blood transfusions. They do not in any way discourage anyone from going to our two local hospitals, one for profit, one run by a Christian denomination. They do minister to people in hospitals too. For the record, I’m not a member of his church. The one I grew up in goes with the all of the above in dealing with ones physical, mental
(my cut off comments meant for the above reposted here)
, and spiritual health.
Show me where he or his faith group discourages people from seeking the best medical advice and treatments possible. A lot of what they do is ministering to and praying over the terminally ill who have already exhausted all that science, medicine, and technology presently have to offer.
Have you heard his testimony? How do you know he didn’t do that. We all know that gov De Santis was out of the public eye for a period of time as he accompanied her when she got medical treatments for her cancer. It seems like she relied on both medical and spiritual for her recovery from cancer.
Here is a video of this guy
I dont have a big problem with it as long as they keep their nose out of blatant politics. Religion should be kept out of politics and vice versa.
Clearly he disagrees with you as he was quoted in the article and in post 1.1.1
Thanks for posting that. The song at the beginning is one of my favorites.
Since the over-the-top religious love to feel persecuted, no big deal. Persecute away.
Anybody who tries to mix religion and politics is fair game for persecution.
Chairman Zi, and many other nations with authoritarian regimes, secular atheist, or a state religion would agree with you and do exactly there what you would do as you suggest here, if only you could.
"he and his family have “endured the most intense resistance, hate, harassment and even death threats to our home and family that we’ve ever experienced.” “But yet the glory has been incredible".
I had a JW friend back in Ohio who used to tell me that he was proud of the persecution he felt he received from angry people that would curse him off their porch when he was just trying to share what he called "the good news of the bible". He said the persecution was proof that he was doing Gods work and quoted Matthew ‘You will be hated by everyone because of me'. I told him it was proof that he woke someone up by banging on their door on a Saturday morning which was likely their only day off...
Notice above where this guy says he "endured the most intense resistance"? Would there be any "resistance" if he hadn't been trying to push something on others?
If the religious worshiped the way they want, went to church, and practiced their faith in their daily lives no one would be persecuting them, at least not here in the US. It doesn't matter what religion or faith it is, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Satanists, the brand of faith makes no difference, no one should be persecuted for their faith. The problem comes when people of faith decide to start pushing their faith into the public square, into laws, local communities, schools, courts and politics. That's when there is push back that the religious often interpret as "persecution" since they seem to imagine anyone rejecting their faith and beliefs is persecuting them.
Christians seem to have no problem attacking any proposal by Muslim Americans to institute Sharia law, but when it comes to injecting their own brand of faith into society if you oppose them they accuse you of "denying them their religious freedom". They have no problem having kids in public schools make all sorts of Christmas and Easter themed art projects, but a teacher having kids practice calligraphy by writing a sentence out of the Koran is unacceptable. Right wing conservative Christian hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.
Like I said, "It doesn't matter what religion or faith it is, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Satanists, the brand of faith makes no difference, no one should be persecuted for their faith". And of course no one is persecuting Christians in America, they are as free to practice their religion as any other. In fact Christians are actually more free to practice their religion than many others like Islam and Satanism which still get a lot of push back from the supposedly tolerant Christians.
Of course, if a religion or members of a religion cross the line and start pushing their faith into courts, laws, schools or the public square then it becomes a problem because their religious freedom rights do not give them the right to trample others rights. If some members of the church of Satan were going around to public schools urging them to add art projects during the holidays of doing water colors of Baphomet or making a bunch of "Hail Satan" themed greeting cards how do you think the parents might react? Yet each year children in public schools, regardless of what religion they are or even atheist, are asked to make Christmas cards and pictures of Santa or the Easter Bunny or a nativity scene. There are often school plays where kids dress up as the main players in the birth of Jesus. Could you imagine the reaction of parents if a public school suggested putting on some "Satanic Rights" play where kids play out a Satanic ritual?
The fact is there is no difference between Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Mormonism, Satanism or any of the thousands of faiths out there, they are all equal in the eyes of the constitution. They all share the exact same amount of empirical evidence to prove their faith is the true faith, none. That doesn't mean they shouldn't believe, I'm not attacking these faiths by making that statement of fact. Pointing out that the Christian faith and Christians are no different than Satanists isn't meant to be an insult, it's just a statement of fact that many Christians seem to get enraged over which only goes to show that they don't think of themselves as equals. I doubt there are many of any faith that thinks of their faith as being equal to all others, if they did they wouldn't be putting their faith and trust in whatever brand of religion they chose, most likely the one their parents brought them up as. It seems like it's mostly the "none's" that believe all religion is equal, which means they're likely the only ones who truly support religious freedom.
The nones are the most opposed to freedom of religion, religious liberty, and the free exercise there of clause. They want to gag any and all expression of religious belief anywhere they might see or hear it. There is no more intolerant and hate filled class of bigots in all of America as the militant religious “nones”.
Total bullshit. All you're really describing is the fight for their right to freedom from religion which is every bit as important as freedom of religion and religious liberty. It is just as reprehensible to make participation in Christian themed curriculums in public schools for atheists or someone of another faith as it is to create public school curriculums that require Christian children to participate in the Church of Satan themed art projects celebrating and picturing Baphomet or making wood and wool yarn pentagrams to hang in their bedrooms.
Not true. I'm not a fan of sports memorabilia, but I've never complained that there are several sports memorabilia shops in my area. They're there for anyone who likes that stuff. Just like all the Churches around town, there are far more of them than there are sports memorabilia shops. And I see adds for several local Christians churches on local TV, there are Christian events happening all over town almost year round, if you want to find one you can. When the pandemic hit they did not single out Churches for the mask mandates or bans of social gatherings, they just listed the number of people allowed, it was not directed at any Churches. They just happened to be effected along with all the commercial events. But, just like they act with everything else, the Christian Churches seemed to believe they should be an exception, that they should be exempt of any of these rules. They believed their right to spread Christianity was more important and vital than preventing the spread of a potentially deadly highly transmissible virus.
Militant 'nones'? What the fuck are you smoking? The "nones" want everyone to worship however they want to as long as they're not violating anyone else's right to be left alone and live free from religion just like any religious person has to right to practice their own religion.
I think it's clear how the religious would react if the "nones" started going door to door actively trying to convince the populace to give up on religion. Or if the 'nones' had Sunday morning TV anti-evangelists preaching all the evils of religion, exposing all the vile and horrible things religion has done through the centuries, listing the facts every weekend to the masses on broadcast TV about how Islam has exactly the same amount of evidence for it being the "true faith" as Christianity does along with every other faith on the planet. Or if there was massive group of 'nones' who were trying to legalize discrimination against Christians for businesses open to the public, tried to pass laws that would force abortions (take away their choice) for Christian women if they've already had one child or were actively working to ban marriage between a man and a woman.
But that would just be the mirror image of how Christians groups already act. The 'nones' would simply be replying to the Christian 'Reich' that push Christian themed events year round in their local communities, approve Christian themed art projects and theatre productions in their public schools, try to pass laws that ban woman's right to choose, try to pass laws that ban gay marriage, try to pass laws that legalize discrimination against lgtbq Americans for businesses open to the public or try to fight basic rational pandemic safety measures.
Now, I'm not advocating for any 'nones' to return evil for evil, that would just be imitating Christian zealot thinking. I'm just pointing out who I believe the vast majority of rational humans would likely recognize as being in the wrong or being truly intolerant, and it's certainly not the 'nones' who simply expect the same curtesy and respect of their freedom from religion as they have given to those who cherish their freedom of religion.
But I get it, many religious believe their God is the true God (of course) thus being a total dick to others in the name of that God, in their minds, will always be forgiven as long as they're able to convert at least one non-believer. Even if they have to bash someone over the fucking head, anything is allowed when you're a "true believer" on a mission from God, the ends justify the means. Humanity has been witness to thousands of years of forced conversions by many different religions at the point of a sword or a gun, todays 'nones' do not want to repeat those mistakes and just wants to be left alone to 'non-practice' their 'non-religion' just like any Christian desires to be left alone to practice their religion. Is that really so hard for those with more than half a brain to understand?
Redding is Heaven on earth! We call our area Gods country!