Liberal Corporations Are Confused and Scared Because Conservatives Now Fight Back
By: Kurt Schlichter
We no longer take abuse from the bicoastal secular progressive urban elites or their suburban limousine liberal friends. We now stand up to their crony capitalist woke cancel culture and fight back. We are no longer pushovers for woke CEO’s, hedge fund managers, and Wall Street banksters. We and our elected and religious leaders as well as alarmed 😱 parents are taking the fight back to them.
Source: AP Photo/John Raoux
It’s always fun when progressive jerks try to leverage their bizarre perceptions of our beliefs to get us to do what they want. It can be some smug Twitter blue check informing us that “Actually Jesus was a socialist who would want us to cancel student debt for spoiled rich kids who got degrees in Transgender Visual Arts” or, more recently, some newly-minted Milton Friedman acolyte goofsplaining that we must submit to the skeevy whims of California corporations and accept the imposition of grooming mandates because, after all, they are private businesses. And sometimes it works, even on alleged conservatives – David French has made whatever passes for his C-list career out of striving to twist conservatism to conform to his lib masters’ version of it.
But this cheesy ploy is not working anymore, at least not on the rest of us.
Ron DeSantis, the Scourge of Odd sitting on his growing throne o’ skulls in Tallahassee, is fresh from laughing off the howls of broken libs enraged that he gerrymandered them in Florida like they gerrymandered us in New York and Illinois. Ron is not one for accepting two sets of rules, one for the ruling caste and another, crappier one for us peasants. He identifies the applicable rule, and applies it good and hard. It’s about time the left learns that norm-breaking has consequences. And one consequence is frequent broken-norm suppositories.
Disney found out the hard way for the same reason as other woke corporations will. These CEOs, who appear to be ruthless robber barons in business, encounter a bunch of their own blue-haired, pierced subordinates who think a penis is irrelevant to determining their gender and suddenly these executives roll-over and give it up so cravenly that even Mitt Romney would look at them and mutter “Get a spine!”
And in the case of Disney, it was so objectively insane that you had to wonder about the thought process, but only for a moment until you realize that this is 2022 and everything is utterly stupid. Disney got welcomed into America’s homes and hearts by purveying safe and wholesome kiddie fare to American families and has decided, to please a pack of mutant employees, to administer a coup de grace to that rep by leaping into the arena to fight against a law that all normal people agree is so manifestly proper that it really should not have to be a law at all – that pervs can’t talk to little kids about sex in schools. But no, Disney had to weigh-in on the side of groomers because the consensus in the rarified circles its leadership circulates in and among the weirdo contingent on its staff is that the world must be made safe for bizarre sexuality.
Oh, and it did not help that a bunch of Disney employees recently got swept up in a child porn sting, and that the strange-os in its bureaucracy decided to brag on leaked Zoom calls about how they were injecting their freak show gender nonsense into its once sacrosanct movies and shows. You know what Buzz Lightyear was missing? Some not-hot girl-on-girl action. We are one revision away from changing the title of “The Lion King” to “The Otherkin Non-Binary Member of the Royalty.” “Hakuna matata” is supposed to mean “No worries,” not “It’s okay to lop off your junk if you’re not feeling like a boy today.”
So DeSantis decided that Disney needed some discipline, and that stepping to him (and, therefore, us) cried out for a response. Some folks worry that this is an attack on the First Amendment, but this was not just because Disney chose to weigh in on an issue (though it’s unclear why you are obligated to continue providing juicy tax breaks to political opponents – the Founders would have tossed you in a madhouse for arguing that). No, Disney has launched a broad offensive against normal people using political, cultural and economic power to change our society without our permission. This is not just about Disney expressing an opinion, though its groomer-tolerant opinion is creepy and gross.
DeSantis’s response was to strip away the special giveaway that Disney got for its overpriced hellscape in Orlando. The left responded by telling Disney it should pick up Disney World and move it to, say, Buffalo. Disney, on the other hand, realized it has stepped in a steaming San Francisco sidewalk sundae and is desperately trying to turn down the temperature.
Disney thought it was going to win, because, you know, Republicans like big companies and defer to them and, well, no. That’s not us anymore. After years of big companies leveraging their power to screw us over, from the NFL to Delta to Coke, now we’re over it. They are free to use their power – a potent cocktail of cultural, economic, and political power – as they see fit. And so are we. We have freed ourselves of the arbitrary rules that formerly prevented us from responding with our own brand of power – which is a little bit economic but mostly political – to fight back.
And a lot of conservatives have mixed feelings. Some part of that is legit – using political power to crush enemies can go too far. Hell, that’s essentially how Chicago works. But our new way of responding to our enemies – who, remember, chose to break the norm of businesses staying out of social issues – is not designed to shake them down but to shake them up. We are not twisting arms for cash tributes. We are trying to keep perverts away from our kids. It’s very clear – you corporations go make money and run your business and we’re not going to hassle you. But if you use your power to pursue the agenda of our enemies, you are now our enemy, and we will gleefully and without apology use all our power to harm you right back.
The fretting conservatives, some in good faith and others because they are worthless and weak, claim to worry that this is some grand violation of our principles. It is certainly not a violation of my principles, starting with this one: If you hit me, I will hit you back twice as hard and then kick your quivering body. One problem with so much of blue check conservative Twitter is that so many of those who would presume to lead us into battle have never been in a fistfight. I have no use for anyone who has never gotten in a brawl and lost – and I prefer ones who have experience winning too.
We’re told that for some reason we are obliged not to use our most effective strength, our primary mode of power, in support of our interests. What we are never told is why that is true. Where we hold the government, we need to use it to deter corporate intervention – when did conservatism drop the concepts of deterrence and righteous retribution? We believe that for criminals who wrong us, and we need to apply them to others who do so as well, including companies. And there’s a track record of not using our power, manifesting in the current crisis. We have seen what not fighting back does, what substituting conservative cliches for conservative ass-kicking has got us. So, what’s the alternative they suggest? We tried doing nothing and that didn’t work. Maybe do nothing twice as hard?
No, we’re way past the phase where our opponents can appeal to our principles to neutralize our ability to resist. Our goal is a freer, more prosperous country where our kids are not the target of weirdos. You don’t get that by holding fire when the California commie contingent comes to make you into second class citizens. And do not think for a moment that making us into serfs is not their desired end state. From running down the idea of free speech to reimagining “democracy” into meaning that they have total control over the levers of cultural and political power to their manifest desire to turn our kids into gender-baffled sex objects for the Democrat pervert constituency, the future our enemies seek is unacceptable.
And we need to follow the principled lead of guys like Ron DeSantis and simply not accept it.
The Tragic Kingdom
Disney corp is against the Desantis bill that protects parents’ rights from radical leftist teachers. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco
Critical Race Tyranny
Broken Moral Compass
See more @Varvel toons HERE.
Read More »This has been responded to before but I'll do it again...
DeSantis will leave Tallahassee, but not until January 2025 when he is your next president.
Very well said!
As rich as Disney is, they don’t have enough money to turn Florida blue. Not with all the national issues and the parents rights matters covering several key issues beyond k-3 child protection. How much has their share value price dropped lately?
For the first time Florida has more registered Republicans that democrats.
That's a case where DeSantis gets to say I did that!
Disney will not shut up; but they will pay all of their damn taxes for a change!
Disney has some 14 months to make peace with the elected leaders of Florida before this goes into effect. Like Twitter, Disney will come around to a deal.
In other words, bow down to the conservatives like peasants bowing down to a tyrant.
I wish the left would remember their damn motto, "Shut up and pay your taxes".
Disney didn't shut up; but now they are paying their taxes. It took Republicans to do it; with the Democrats crying and protesting the entire damn time.
I'll interpret his words however I wish, and I don't require your input into what I post.
Some people just can't mind their own damned business!
That's not my motto, and you cannot prove that it ever was. Disney is being denied its 1st Amendment rights, and no doubt there will be a lawsuit against this, since the government cannot punish someone for using their 1st amendment rights. The government is punishing Disney for not towing DeSantis' line. Now the people who live in the 2 counties in which Disney is located are looking at at 20% increase in their taxes to cover the things that Disney paid for. In this end, this will backfire on Florida conservatives. People are going to pissed that their taxes went up, and Disney will win any lawsuit it brings for violation of its 1st Amendment rights.
How? What is Disney being prevented from saying?
This is punishment for Disney vocally not supporting the "Don't Say Gay" law (yes I know that's not the title of the bill).
I know that DeSantis and the Republicans in Florida are punishing Disney, so yea, it's exactly how I said it is. Disney wouldn't bow down to DeSantis and conservatives in Florida, and now it's being targeted and punished for it's free speech.
Didn't you know - when Elon Musk purchases Twitter - he will have restored free speech to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Chick Filet was denied it's first amendment rights when cities stopped them from opening?
Pot, kettle….
Didn't read the rest of my post now did you? No, you did not or you would have seen "(I know this is not the title of the bill)". It's like calling the ACA Obama Care, you know it's not the name of the bill, but you still call it that.
Maybe, I don't know the circumstances surrounding each and everyone of them being denied, except the one that was planned for a Township in Southeastern Pennsylvania, which was denied because of zoning and PennDOT issues. They couldn't get permits because the intersection was already backed up with traffic most of the time and putting it there would have exacerbated the situation.
And Obama Care was invented by sensitive conservatives. So, freaking what. Both sides do it. And I can easily assume you didn't read my entire post because you cherry picked what you quoted from me which is being dishonest in your rhetoric about my original comment.
I was referring to the cities like San Antonio, Boston, Chicago etc that made their opposition known based on Chick Filet's position on gay marriage.
Though the issue is different, since their the government was stopping a corporation from doing business based on it's free speech. In Florida, the state is taking away Disney's ability to act as a governmental agency, which is not the same thing and makes it harder for Disney to argue it's First Amendment rights are implicated.
First, I have no idea about the other Chik-fil-a's. I only know about the one in Pennsylvania.
As to this:
"In Florida, the state is taking away Disney's ability to act as a governmental agency, which is not the same thing and makes it harder for Disney to argue it's First Amendment rights are implicated."
Florida is punishing Disney by taking away that ability to act for not supporting it's politics thereby a government (the State of Florida) is punishing Disney for using its First Amendment Right.
This is what is dishonest about your post. You quote part of what I said and then use it for your dishonest purpose of making it look like I didn't qualify what I said. I'm not going to go around and around with you while you continue to talk in circles like you always do. You were dishonest in your quote of me and I called you out. If you don't like it, too bad, so sad.
Why, that is utterly fantastic! WTF does it have to do with THIS discussion other than yet another weak attempt to derail and deflect?"
It has to do with the fact that the Florida bill is going to be called the "Don't Say Gay Bill" forever because that's the way it has been branded by "sensitive" liberals, just like the ACA is going to be called Obama Care forever because it was branded that way by "sensitive" Conservatives. It's called a comparison so, that's what it has to do with this discussion.
It was a national news story. Same as Disney. Easily verifiable by google.
s thereby a government (the State of Florida) is punishing Disney for using its First Amendment Right
It's really not that simple. Florida is acting with regards to Disney's role as a subsidiary state government. When acting as a governmental agency, Disney (like a government official) does not get the same First Amendment protections in that area as it does towards its normal business activities.
I haven't spun anything, but you have.
Well, I didn't see it. Sorry.
Yes, it is that simple. Disney will win any lawsuit it brings.
At least in Florida, Republicans have thrown their principles in the trash. So much for free speech. So much for liberty. So much for supporting business. So much for complaints about Cancel Culture. They have become the very thing they claimed to hate.
Exactly, at least these big corporations can count on Dems for protection.
Defending our kids and the interests and desires of their parents is not throwing away any principles. It is not liberty to be able to groom other people’s kids.
No one is grooming anyone. Stop playing the pedophile card. It’s flat out bigoted and ignorant to equate LGBTQ with pedophilia.
It is not bigoted nor ignorant to shield grades K-3 from any discussion about sex issues and to keep such discussion age appropriate beyond that for 4-12 or 9 to 18 year olds. The vast majority of the public supports this
That's not what's happening. No one supports what's not happening.
Oh no no no. I will not tolerate a change of subject on this. You said “groom.” We weren’t talking about exposing kids to sex issues. You were talking about grooming them. We’re talking about the constant accusations from you that people you think are icky are secretly strategizing to sexually assault children. I.e. the Pedophile Card. You keep playing it, and it’s disgusting.
But when called on it, you go into this disingenuous bullshit about “oh we just want to teach age appropriate content.” It’s a lie.
Disney can go woke. They also can go broke.
No one is stopping Disney from saying whatever they want. No one is stopping them from polluting the planet with their new woke LGBQT programming. (Which they will happily edit out for China. Have to keep their biggest market happy). No one is stopping them from spending however much they want creating it and promoting it.
Great thing is that no one is forced to pay for; watch their programs/movies; or support Disney in any way shape or form. No matter how hard leftists scream.
Disney chose to insert itself into politics. They made their damn bed, now they can lie in it.
Those people screaming that Disney is losing their special tax status are the very same damn people that scream, "Shut up and pay your taxes"; "Corporations aren't people"; and "No special tax exemptions for corporations"! Republicans gave the Democrats and left exactly what they wanted; and now they are bitching about it.
Really? Why all the woke cancel culture secular progressive opposition and anger regarding a law that bans something that is not yet happening? Because it was being planned to happen by the left?
It's just like CRT. The republicans are busy banning something that isn't happening. They're creating a crisis which only they can fix!
Talking about sex to 5-8 year olds is by definition grooming as far a I’m concerned. I’m simply restating the real intent of the very fine and appropriate Florida law. Groomer is an appropriate term to use on legislators, media, and corporations, etc. opposing the Florida law and ones like it happening all over red state and county America.
Bravo! So very well said. Thanks for your fine post on my seed!
See post 1.1
CRT is not being taught either.
Well, they probably will now. This new law will prevent Disney from raising their own money and managing the infrastructure for the land they control. Now, taxpayers and government will have to take care of that. That's what happens when you govern out of spite and emotion instead of adhering to actual principles. Trust me, it won't be Disney that goes broke.
No, it's not. It's not an appropriate term for anyone who isn't actually preying on kids.
We will simply have to agree to disagree. Enablers count too.
"We no longer take abuse from the bicoastal secular progressive urban elites or their suburban limousine liberal friends. We now stand up to their crony capitalist woke cancel culture and fight back. We are no longer pushovers for woke CEO’s, hedge fund managers, and Wall Street banksters. We and our elected and religious leaders as well as alarmed 😱 parents are taking the fight back to them."
So now they're "bicoastal 'secular' progressive urban elites", not just 'bicoastal progressive urban elites' mind you, AND THERE'S AN ADDITION, "or their suburban limousine liberal friends"
Every day it's a new load of nonsense.
A new nothing to fight.
Something that isn't happening that the republicans need to stop!
This whole 'article' is a rambling bunch of made up nonsense and gobbledygook.
Yet here you are not reading (typically) and adding worthless commentary. Carry on.
"It’s always fun when progressive jerks try to leverage their bizarre perceptions of our beliefs to get us to do what they want. It can be some smug Twitter blue check informing us that “Actually Jesus was a socialist who would want us to cancel student debt for spoiled rich kids who got degrees in Transgender Visual Arts” or, more recently, some newly-minted Milton Friedman acolyte goofsplaining that we must submit to the skeevy whims of California corporations and accept the imposition of grooming mandates because, after all, they are private businesses. And sometimes it works, even on alleged conservatives – David French has made whatever passes for his C-list career out of striving to twist conservatism to conform to his lib masters’ version of it.
But this cheesy ploy is not working anymore, at least not on the rest of us.
Ron DeSantis, the Scourge of Odd sitting on his growing throne o’ skulls in Tallahassee, is fresh from laughing off the howls of broken libs enraged that he gerrymandered them in Florida like they gerrymandered us in New York and Illinois. Ron is not one for accepting two sets of rules, one for the ruling caste and another, crappier one for us peasants. He identifies the applicable rule, and applies it good and hard. It’s about time the left learns that norm-breaking has consequences. And one consequence is frequent broken-norm suppositories."
I stopped reading this garbage at this point
This 'article' is worthless commentary
Carry on
Can’t you put the part of the article you quoted in the quote function? The article is brilliant and right on!
I did.
The 'article' is garbage and nonsense.
You're getting better.
I was accused of having you live rent free in my head.
I think it's the other way around.