Sikh store owner goes viral for beating armed robber with stick in California
By: Michelle De Pacina

n a video circulating on social media, a thief whose face is concealed with a blue cloth can be seen rummaging through the store’s shelves and tossing tobacco products into a large garbage bin. When the store owner tries to intervene and threatens to call the police, the thief, who wields a knife in his pocket, warns him to back up.
The person recording the incident from behind a plastic partition also tells the store owner not to intervene. “Just let him go. There ain’t nothing you can do. They’re not going to do nothing,” he says before asking if the owner has insurance.
As the robber tries to leave, a store employee grabs hold of his arms as the store owner hits the man with a stick, delivering more than 20 blows to his body despite the man's pleas for mercy.
The exact location and date of the incident are unclear. It is also currently unknown if police were involved after the beating.
The video quickly went viral on social media, with viewers applauding the store owner for stepping up. Netizens praised him and his store employee for their actions.
This is what we do to criminals in most parts of the world. Soft, stupid, woke liberal policies have made America dangerous for law-abiding citizens,” conservative commentator Ian Miles Cheong tweeted.
“While I am not the type to promote violence I am a strong believer in being able to defend what is yours. If it takes violence to prevent that, then so be it. I’m glad the store owners are safe, he had what looks like a knife in his back pocket. Lock him up!” another Twitter user said.
Other users also offered legal funds to the store owner if a case is filed against him.
“If the Sikh guys get sued, post the legal fund so I can give to it,” one user wrote.
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I couldn't quit laughing when he come out with the stick.
This needs to start happening across the country.
At first, I laughed, too. Definitely a sight to behold! But then when I started thinking more about the thug, I realized that he "only" had a knife this time and maybe he'd come back with his thug pals to try again ... this time with a gun.
PS - It happened at a 7 Eleven in Stockton, CA.
I don't think the clown is bright enough to have any friends. But the video is a warning that they aren't playing in that store.
Good for stick guy
Put him in the majors - either BB or Hockey.
Good swing
I almost felt sorry for the thug, especially when that stick whacks him near his crotch - but I was laughing too hard!
Gee, I could watch it all night!
Isn't this the part where they say "he was only a teen."
LOL and I watched it twice. Stupid is as stupid does.
If this had happened in Chicago, yes. Brandon Johnson is very upset with a reporter who called 300-400 pre-teens, teens, and young adults "a mob" when they looted, vandalized, and robbed a convenience store and destroyed vehicles in the vicinity. I suppose that's their version of Sunday night fun in the city.
If this theif was beaten to death, I assume the New York Times would post a high school yearbook picture of him.
As would most all of the MSM.
I had a famous yearbook picture to post, but I want to be kind.
Vic - this was black on brown crime. You know as well as I do that MSM only creates false narratives when it's white on black or police on black.
Ok, I know it's hard to find sympathy for the thief, but maybe he was grabbing them as a poor father whose kids had nothing to smoke at home.
You, Sir, owe me a new laptop! I now have coffee all over the screen and keyboard!
Lol …. That’s called whoopin your ass …. Hilarious!
Got what he deserved
Ok that was hilarious. I don't think anything serious happened but boy is he gonna be sore for a while
“You got insurance ….. you got insurance.”
Classic liberal mindset.