Beautiful fall photos Mac. Reminds me of when I used to go fishing with my Paternal grandparents when I was young. I fished with cane pole and wound up getting smacked in the face by more fish than I was able to land, as the fist would fall off after smacking me in the face. But, I was happy that they returned to the water to live another day. The fun part was catching the fish. I guess my punishment for catching them was the smack in the face. (grin)
Your photos are beautiful - caused me to have memory pangs of the wonderful times I enjoyed at my all-year lakeside home. I take note of the accessory trolling motor on that boat. I actually did not enjoy trolling, although it was the way I once caught a muskie on another lake. I grew up on and always preferred still fishing with live bait, and a little casting with lures/spoons in between.
I found this kitschy plastic flower thing loaded with fiber optics on Craigslist for twelve bucks. Naturally I had to have it. It looks pretty cool in a dark room, but it’s a great subject for photo edits.
And now for something less decorative. Just stepped over this guy on my patio. We have a ton of these guys that come out every night and leave slime trails all over everything. Live and let live I say. Good thing for them I don’t like escargot - I could rustle up a meal every evening if I did.
Their purpose is decorative, but they were also built as a tribute by the artist, Simon Rodia, an Italian immigrant, to his adopted country, the U.S. They are described as: " perhaps the nation's best known work of folk art sculpture".
About Kavika's tree photo - One of the reasons that tree has survived so long is because it was not suitable for lumber, and was therefore ignored by the loggers who long ago devstated many forests. Back then there was no such thing as "reforestation".
Autumn or Fall, as captured by me in Central China. You may have seen these before, but because I now live in a more tropical zone, I have no others comparable.
. "The party's over. It's time to call it a day.".
Looks like all my artwork I posted has been turned into the default hat. Does not seem like much point in posting them if they are just going to be turned into the default hat.
One of them was my new Mayan Queen that I reposted, but, the others are ones that I had posted before and they did not turn into the default hat. This is not the first time this has happened, and the same thing happened in Kavika's Anishinaabe group as well.
A few of the artwork here are still showing properly, but, they were post at a more recent time.
Here are the ones that have changed;
This last one I reposted for those who had not seen it yet. And it is one that changed in Kavika's group as well.
Yes. The only thing different is the time that I posted them. The ones that have changed were posted before the ones that have not changed yet.
And the one of the Mayan Queen that I also posted in the Anishinabe group also changed into the hat, and I posted that about the same time I did the one to this group.
Can OVALtine be part of a SQUARE meal? Well-ROUNDED individuals question that. Either way, if you don't drink too much of it, you can stay in SHAPE (but don't drink it if it goes FLAT).
Mac......the photo that you posted on the main page is not visible for me. It looks like it came from your phone. You may need to copy it to your hard drive and then post it to the pain page. When I click on image I can see that it is supposed to be, but, the image itself is not visible.
The fleur de lis she is holding is a French symbol. What is the significance of the harp headdress? That is one very beautiful frame for a beautiful woman image. Were the Mayans matriarchal?
The bird is a Magpie; wondering if there's something about its behavior that may attribute to its iconography; among other things, it is widely considered one of the most intelligent animals in the world and one of only a few non-mammal species able to recognize itself in a mirror test.
That looka like a "road less travelled" but certainly should be during Autumn leaves. I was just wondering, I don't think the song "Autumn Leaves" would sound so beautiful if its wording was "fall leaves".
Thanks Pat. That is one thing I really like about Native American artwork, be it pottery, blankets, jewelry, etc. And..maybe that is where I get my love of the bright colors as well. (smile)
Thanks for the idea Mac. I may try my luck at that as well. If I get it done, I take a picture and post it the group. But, I can tell it will take a while to get it done. What would you suggest for a color for the bonding? Silver, gold, black, or something else? I've only done one stained glass before but it was not as intricate as this would be.
I think we'll have to ask A.Mac - he has all the answers about things like birds, fish, animals, flora and fauna, BESIDES art and photography, and who knows what else..
The Eagle was actually soaring above a lake in the Pocono Mountains. I've been photographing the same pair of eagles for several years. There's an old, dead tree they roost on and I can sometimes anticipate when one is about to take off … which makes shots like the one above a bit easier to capture.
Any season, any subject, any civil comments … all appreciated and welcomed!
Beautiful photos!
Beautiful fall photos Mac. Reminds me of when I used to go fishing with my Paternal grandparents when I was young. I fished with cane pole and wound up getting smacked in the face by more fish than I was able to land, as the fist would fall off after smacking me in the face. But, I was happy that they returned to the water to live another day. The fun part was catching the fish. I guess my punishment for catching them was the smack in the face. (grin)
Just beautiful, Mac.
Your photos are beautiful - caused me to have memory pangs of the wonderful times I enjoyed at my all-year lakeside home. I take note of the accessory trolling motor on that boat. I actually did not enjoy trolling, although it was the way I once caught a muskie on another lake. I grew up on and always preferred still fishing with live bait, and a little casting with lures/spoons in between.
I'd like to introduce Sir Squirrellliam Edward Bastard the III
Also know as Squirrel E Bastard to his friends.
I'll go out on a limb here and say that the Bastard isn't your favorite photography subject?
Neat shot! SEB was really hanging out there. (grin)
Looks ready to take off.
I hear that the squirrels are arming themselves. Best be careful.
But look, those mammaries tell a different story!
Best not to fool with a Mommy protecting her little ones. The consequences could be murder.
Mac, those are not the type of nuts that Squirrel was talking about...LMAO, bad Mac.
Too Funny, good catch Mac !
I'm not critter sizing anyone...
Ha, good one.
Great close up shot EG!
In my more than 14 years in China, I've never seen one squirrel. Of course one needs to realize that people don't go hungry here.
Although it seems to be a mile away, that comment applies to your first squirrel photo.
I might be reading a little too much into that.
He's so cute!
I found this kitschy plastic flower thing loaded with fiber optics on Craigslist for twelve bucks. Naturally I had to have it. It looks pretty cool in a dark room, but it’s a great subject for photo edits.
It is indeed very lovely, Hal.
An amazing and colourful yet tasteful arrangement - your photo does a great job of displaying its perfection.
An example of "decorative art" … we are off to a unique and outstanding start!
They are part of the circle of life, live, and let live.
LOL. Good thing you stepped OVER it and not ON it. They wouldn't last in my home, I DO like escargot.
Some views of L.A. landmark Watts Towers
They are incredible. It's been 15 years since I saw them in person.
Indeed they are very lovely. Great photos G.
Do they have a purpose other than decorative?
Their purpose is decorative, but they were also built as a tribute by the artist, Simon Rodia, an Italian immigrant, to his adopted country, the U.S. They are described as: " perhaps the nation's best known work of folk art sculpture".
The story of Simon Rodia and his Towers is very interesting:
Simon Rodia and his Towers
I can't open Wickipedia here but I did learn all about the Watts Towers here:
Known as the ''Big Oak Tree in Texas''. It's over 1,000 years old and a circumference of over 35 feet.
Wow! Amazing.
That's a beautiful photo Kavika. And a truly great tree. If it could talk, what a history it could reveal.
I love trees that resemble that. Actually, I think I just love trees.
"I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a tree."
Speaking of ancient trees...
That's a lovely tree photo Buzz, What are all the red ribbons tied to the tree for? Are they for wishes or prayers? It sure does have a lot of roots.
It's an ancient tree, venerated by the local citizens who tie red ribbons to it as wishes for good fortune and long life.
Thanks Buzz, that is sort of what I thought. It seems to be a custom shared by many Asian countries.
About Kavika's tree photo - One of the reasons that tree has survived so long is because it was not suitable for lumber, and was therefore ignored by the loggers who long ago devstated many forests. Back then there was no such thing as "reforestation".
Here's an artwork for Thursday.......
Stunning, RW.
Thank you Kavika. I'm glad that you like it.
One can say your framing adds "flare" to a fine image.
Thank you Buzz. Sometimes the biggest challenge for me is how to frame the artwork. This was one of them.
Very effective the way the frame "embraces" the subject.
Thanks Mac. I'm glad that you like it.
Really nice
Thank you G.
And here is another one of my artwork being replaced by the default hat.
Not a squirrel, but, closely related … a Chipmunk making the most of his pipe dream.
A. Mac/A.G.
Possible captions: "Peek-a-boo" or "Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it"
In any event, a photo worthy of a wildlife photo prize.
Now that is cute as can be!
Autumn or Fall, as captured by me in Central China. You may have seen these before, but because I now live in a more tropical zone, I have no others comparable.
. "The party's over. It's time to call it a day.".
Beautiful autumn/Fall pictures Buzz.
Here is a repeat performance of one of my favorites...I hope you like it too.
LOL. Is there anything you created that I DIDN"T like?
LOL! Thanks Buzz.
Beautiful, creative image
Thank you G. I'm glad you like it.
Looks like all my artwork I posted has been turned into the default hat. Does not seem like much point in posting them if they are just going to be turned into the default hat.
What I see is that some have and some haven't turned into the "hat".
What is the original image you had posted?
One of them was my new Mayan Queen that I reposted, but, the others are ones that I had posted before and they did not turn into the default hat. This is not the first time this has happened, and the same thing happened in Kavika's Anishinaabe group as well.
A few of the artwork here are still showing properly, but, they were post at a more recent time.
Here are the ones that have changed;
This last one I reposted for those who had not seen it yet. And it is one that changed in Kavika's group as well.
Yes. The only thing different is the time that I posted them. The ones that have changed were posted before the ones that have not changed yet.
And the one of the Mayan Queen that I also posted in the Anishinabe group also changed into the hat, and I posted that about the same time I did the one to this group.
TiG... I will send you a PN with a copy of the the original images.
Raven ~
Taking a peek around to see what's going on...
caption: "Did somebody call me?"
caption: "Did somebody call me?"
Ooops! Sorry about the duplicate.
FYI: The bird is a White-breasted Nuthatch.
Yes - The white breasted nuthatch is almost twice the size of the red breasted nuthatch that I see a little more often.
That's a winner, EG!
Terrific shot!!!
Great photo
Both are beautiful birds EG.
A Friday starter.
© A. Mac/A.G.
That is a really beautiful picture Mac. Love all the fall colors.
Reminds me - going to make eggs for breakfast. But I can't get OVALtine here.
Can OVALtine be part of a SQUARE meal? Well-ROUNDED individuals question that. Either way, if you don't drink too much of it, you can stay in SHAPE (but don't drink it if it goes FLAT).
Any questions?
Or, have I indulged in CIRCULAR logic?
I surrender.
Kyoto garden
I really love all the color, G.
Great array of colors G. Lovely photo.
Mac......the photo that you posted on the main page is not visible for me. It looks like it came from your phone. You may need to copy it to your hard drive and then post it to the pain page. When I click on image I can see that it is supposed to be, but, the image itself is not visible.
The "main page," not sure what that means. Are you referring to the site Home page?
The group home page for this group. Here is what I see there
I do not see the image, just the type of image.
This is a little bigger..
Have no idea ... maybe Perrie knows.
OK, Thanks. I'll PN her.
I think I fixed it and updated it as well.
Well done Mac. Thank you! I can see what it is now.
Very colourful.
Here is a new artwork for Friday..
She is a Mayan Queen....
(The case of the disappearing comment...)
The fleur de lis she is holding is a French symbol. What is the significance of the harp headdress? That is one very beautiful frame for a beautiful woman image. Were the Mayans matriarchal?
No...they were not matriarchal. They had Kings, but, they had their Queens.
The harp is sitting behind her chair and the decorative plant behind her.
The fleur de lis......yeah....but I thought it looked nice there. Call it artists leeway. (grin)
Very imaginative. Nice image.
Thank you G. Something a bit different for a change.
Why did my Mayan Queen artwork turn into the default NT hat? I truly dislike when that happens
I'll post it again for those who may not have seen it yet....
And here is a second new artwork for Friday..
Birds of a feather.....?
I think it is trying to steal some of the Chief's feathers for its nest. (grin)
The bird is a Magpie; wondering if there's something about its behavior that may attribute to its iconography; among other things, it is widely considered one of the most intelligent animals in the world and one of only a few non-mammal species able to recognize itself in a mirror test.
Thanks for the info Mac. I have heard a lot about the Magpie and how smart they are. But, didn't know they were that smart.
How do you bake a Mag pie?
Give the job to an Ovenbird.
LOL. Good one.
That is a great picture Raven Wing. The colors of the framing really enhance it, also.
Thanks G. I'm glad you like it.
An ominous sunset?
Changing of the weather, although I suppose heading towards Halloween that would be more appropriate.
Continuing the Autumn/Fall theme....
Lots of beautiful colors in that one, Buzz
Openers for Saturday …
© A. Mac/A.G.
Very nice Mac. All the great colors of Fall.
That looka like a "road less travelled" but certainly should be during Autumn leaves. I was just wondering, I don't think the song "Autumn Leaves" would sound so beautiful if its wording was "fall leaves".
True, it would be cacophonous rather than unified and smoothly transitioned.
Love that shot Mac. Really interesting!
Here's my contribution for Saturday...
Absolutely adorable. Wonderful image.
Thanks G. I'm glad that you like it.
Loved her before. love her still.
Thanks Buzz. I always enjoy working with the children.
Adorable Raven!
Thanks Perrie.
OK, I'll be waiting.
Great Image Mac. Looking forward to it. But, what does the hand at the lower corner represent?
I was thinking it could mean "hand-made" or "man-made" i.e. creative.
Thanks Buzz and Mac for the info on the new avatar image.
Are those lanterns?
Are those lanterns?
They're computer-design digital spheroids.
Here is my contribution for Sunday....
Fascinating - an image within an image within an image......
Thanks Buzz. My first try at multi-image creation. I'm glad you like it.
I love the colors.
Thanks Pat. That is one thing I really like about Native American artwork, be it pottery, blankets, jewelry, etc. And..maybe that is where I get my love of the bright colors as well. (smile)
That is very colorful and interesting.
Thanks G.
Might work well as a stained glass, hanging window ornament.
Thanks for the idea Mac. I may try my luck at that as well. If I get it done, I take a picture and post it the group. But, I can tell it will take a while to get it done. What would you suggest for a color for the bonding? Silver, gold, black, or something else? I've only done one stained glass before but it was not as intricate as this would be.
Fresh out of Autumn leaves, but here are some other leaves....
Very beautiful and interesting plants. What type of plant are they?
I think we'll have to ask A.Mac - he has all the answers about things like birds, fish, animals, flora and fauna, BESIDES art and photography, and who knows what else..
OK...they look like some kind of oriental plant that was from one of your garden strips there.
I don;t remember exactly, but I most likely took the photo at one of the university campuses or gated community that was a short walk from our home.
It's a form of PALMETTO.
Thanks for the clarification Mac.
Lots of palms and palmettos around here.
Our local eagle caught a fish.
How cool is that?! Really great Kavika
How nice of your local Eagle to provide you with an in-action fishing pose. Great catch Kavika!!
Better luck than I've had the last at least 15 years. LOL
Here's one more for Monday...
This one reminds me of some of R.C. Gorman's paintings.
Thanks Kavika.
Thank you Buzz.
We have hundreds of these plants throughout our complex. Dozens on the side and in back of our home.
"Pretty in Pink" (a movie title)
If you'se gonna throw around the cotton candy, throw some my way, 'K. Yum!!
If I told you once, I'll tell ya a thousand times, stop throwing around the cotton candy!
I love me some cotton candy.
Not good for the teeth - and people aren't going to the dentist these days because of the virus.
Pink Pampas Grass
I want some of these as a border between my house and my neighbors house
Two of our resident eagles on a house about one block from us.
That is super cool! We saw 2 eagles up on the Norfork River this past weekend. I didn't see it, but Mr Giggles saw one of them diving for a fish
It's fun to walk out the front door and there they are.
Cool that Mr. Giggles saw one diving for a fish.
You're talkin' to an Eagles fan!
© A. Mac/A.G.
An admirable and patriotic photo.
Beautiful photo Mac. The realism of the photo looks like the Eagle is actually flying.
The Eagle was actually soaring above a lake in the Pocono Mountains. I've been photographing the same pair of eagles for several years. There's an old, dead tree they roost on and I can sometimes anticipate when one is about to take off … which makes shots like the one above a bit easier to capture.
© A. Mac/A.G.
A truly beautiful pair Mac. They look very healthy, and their coloring is awesome. Do they live in their tree year round?
A quiet place among the flora.
Looks like a very peaceful little place.