Derivatives & Other Good Stuff on Creative Arts Three-Day Weekend
This week, I used parts of my acrylic paintings to creates "derivatives". The colorful areas are derived from my paintings.
© A. Mac/A.G.

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Goin' fishin' … post your creativity & we'll reconnect in the mountains.
Your "derivatives" are terrific!
I appreciate that; thank you.
Very cool Mac! Very retro.
Although the other two are excellent, your "Yin-Yang" derivative is magnificent.
great work
Independence Day nostalgia...
That's a great photo, EG.
That is a superb example of a photo of fireworks. Will you enlighten us on the technical info - camera settings, editing?
Hi Buzz. The photo was taken with my Canon 80D: 12mm - f3.5, ISO 100, 40 second exposure - Using a black ball cap to pause exposure between bursts -
For processing I used Adobe Photoshop CS - I found the mid-gray point and used a levels layer to set my initial color - Then I used the (very old now) Nik Collection plug-in Analog Efex Pro 2 - there I used the #7 filter to give it an older camera film look AND the Bokeh effect to blur it.
I did an article in the past detailing how to take fireworks photos:
cool shot
My two bird hunters.
Morning..hmmm Mum I wasn't looking honest..he/she was..😸😸
Funny thing is that is exactly how they act.
Yes I had the same thing with my dog and cat...
Something would go wrong and I would say.. Who did this?? The dog would always stare at the cat..really and it had dog paw prints all over it..😂😂
My cat used to leave me birds as presents on the front door mat.
A cat we had years ago left birds, rabbits, mice and even a baby woodchuck.
One day I was sitting inside near a sliding glass door and happened to be looking outside. My cat jumped up on the fence with a bird in his mouth. He was so proud and he was showing it off to me for a second or two, then the bird escaped. He tried to chase it, but it was too late!
My big boy in the picture above, smashed into our slider one day chasing a squirrel. After banging into the glass he quickly turned around with a look on his face like "No one saw that right?" We just burst out laughing and he stalked away.
They are so funny sometimes. Mine has been gone for about 15 years. The day he died was the saddest day of my life. I still miss him every day.
I know that very well. I lost my Darkness 2 years ago this past June 3rd and it can still make me cry. His brother is the big guy (Ghost). The smaller one in the picture is Onyx - she joined the family in Oct of 2019.
This is my Darkness.
My cat was Homer. He was also all black with a big busy tail.
my cat howard used to leave the hind quarters of mice on the front door mat. he'd make the funniest growling sound when crunching on their skulls. he'd also bring in sparrows and little garter snakes, then turn them loose under the lounger in the living room for the ex to find when cleaning.
I love black cats. I pretty much love all cats.
I second that emotion, thinking about my cat Fidget.
Don't forget the "wild" dogs either -
My two...
waiting for crunchies
Here is Buzz's beautiful Fidget. He also holds an honorary place to represent the Cat-Adorers group on a monthly rotation with other kitties in that group...
Thanks for the you remember this?
meh, the top cat with the fancy do kind of looks like it might be a diva.
Blasted dang hat!!!
Here is Fidget again...
I bet you don't let them hunt, but 'bird-watchers' they surely be.
You would be correct. They are indoor kitties, for a variety of reasons. One - we are close to the road and people are maniacs on the road. Two - they are black cats & there are still people out there that think they are evil & kill them.
A double rainbow a few days ago in Stone Creek, Ocala, FL.
Morning...a symbol of hope in a very dark world at the moment..
Cool photo, Kavika. Beautiful rainbow.
Very cool Pic Kavika.
Hope that's a sign of good luck. I don't remember the last time I ever saw a rainbow.
This is an unedited photo of a fast moving storm above me a couple weeks ago. It went from sunny to downpour and back to sunny in about 30 minutes. I see an alligator.
Morning... almost looks like a dragons head lower right of the photo with a lot of teeth...a very angry looking sky...
Very dramatic.
Wow amazing shot!
Yes I see the alligator head as well at the bottom of the photo.
Yep, ready to bite.
A Garden Fantasy
A scene from Nanjing, China
© G. Gam 2021
An abstract piece
© G. Gam 2021
I love your original work. It's so whimsical.
Thanks, Perrie! Those are all photos from our garden taken by me at various times. With the drought this year, we did not have as many flowers as usual. The butterfly visited me for quite a while one day.
Great work, G. Your gradient is very cool.
We have a lot of Monarch butterflies here, and they are now showing up by the thousands.
Morning.. love Monarchs. Use to see them here once every blue moon...
Unfortunately, they hang around here long before moving on to some other venue. But, while they are here I really enjoy them.
You're so lucky. They haven't made it to our area. I hope they do.
Not sure why they like this area so much, but, our complex is very open and lots of the kind of environment they would like. They seem to rest here for while before moving on.
Very cool photos, G. I especially like the top one.
Thanks, Kavika. I had a lot of fun creating the piece with the flowers and butterflies.
Love the Nanjing photo, and Perrie used the perfect word to describe the other two. I'm glad you're having fun creating them, and enhancing your others by editing.
Thanks much, Buzz. I am definitely having fun creating them.
Here is my Friday artwork,
Morning Raven. Very touching and fitting at the moment..guarding each other, if only....💔
Indeed, The wolf is her Spirit Guide, that watches over her and keeps her safe.
A cute child, being watched over by her spirit guide?
Yes. Her Spirit Guide will ultimately change as she goes through life, depending on what achievements she attains, and her contributions to her Tribe along the way. However, her Totem Spirit will never change, it will remain the same throughout her life.
I'm reminded of this drawing by Charles Banks Wilson, entitled ''Plains Madonna''
That is indeed a wonderful work of art. It really lives up to its name. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
That image makes me feel how angry I am because when North American history is taught in the Canadian schools, it starts only with when the white man came.
Same in the US, Buzz.
Well, after posting an 8-photo essay it disappeared again. I'm having a lot of trouble with that, and it's probably because of my ancient desktop, which is more than 10 years old, and I was told when it was repaired about 4 years ago that it was probably only good for another year. I have since regrettably had to replace Windows 7 with Windows 10 (7 was much better and easier to use, updating isn't always better, but just like the forced obsolescence of cars after a few years, it's all because of the money money money) and now even 10 is going to be ancient history because Windows 11 is coming out soon, and I'll bet it's just going to be more complicated and difficult to use than 10.
Anyway, here we go again....
Because A.Mac posted a Taoist symbol, I'm going to follow up by posting some of the photos from a photo-essay I posted a few years ago recording my visit to a Taoist temple in the mountains of Sichuan province.
Try, try again and it worked.
Great photos.
Beautiful essay, Buzz.
Heading to Saturday, but, still time for more tonight.
Thank you all for a great beginning to the three day feature.
Dianthus Flowers
© A. Mac/A.G.
The flowers look almost like doilies. Lovely colors as well.
The golf course, Stone Creek, Ocala, FL.
Your photo is quite reflective.
Today I will dedicate my artwork in honor of the Native American and First People innocent children who were made to leave this world too soon.
May the Creator hold them in his loving hands, as well as those children who are yet to be found.
Thank you shona.
A collection that deserves a gold medal. A purpose that deserves being honoured.
Thank you very much, Buzz. The children in my artwork are from different Tribes, as were all the children at the boarding schools.
Wonderful images.
Thank you, Pat. They are artwork I created over the past several years and posted here on NT at various times. They are children of the heart, as were the innocent children who had their lives taken from them simply because of who they were by those who felt they were unworthy to live.
One of the best and most relevant photo essays ever posted in the Group!
Thank you, RW.
You're welcome, Mac. And thank you so very much for such a great honor.
an amazing collection.
We spent a few days at Daytona Beach this week and these were a couple of sunrises that we were greeted with.
So beautiful. I remember when I visited Jacksonville a few years back. The sunrises over the Atlantic were very awesome and Spiritual. I could close me eyes while facing the ocean and feel the sun rays as the sun rose higher in the sky.
While we have beautiful sunrises here in So Cal, they aren't as 'fresh' feeling as those out over the ocean first thing in the morning.
Thank you for sharing the photos with us, they bring back very fond memories.
Morning. You can't beat the sea for healing the soul.
The sun is coming up here now through the gumtrees. The Currawongs are calling a mournful carolling they do, but very pleasant to the ear.
The dawn of a new day.
Very true, shona. Both the sea and the sun help nourish the soul, both by sight and by the food we eat that they help provide for us.
Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset....where you are you get the best of both. And now the song is flowing through my mind.
Here where I am now in So Cal, I can drive 30 minutes u pinto the mountains before dawn to watch the sunrise, then drive 45 minutes to the beach to watch the sunset.
You mean where you are the sun sets 45 minutes after sunrise?
(Just kidding)
LOL!! Leave it to you, Buzz. Hahahah!
Looking like our exceptional selves heading into Sunday. Thank you all.
This evening's only bass … literally no biggie.
© A. Mac A.G.
Another example of a slow evening; a Box Turtle.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Maybe not a biggie, but I'll bet it didn't just give up and let you reel it in. And is that the one that beat the hare?
The fish is really nice. And the turtle is really adorable.
Turtles are my favorite people.
Moving now into Sunday....
Whan I look at that picture, it makes me want to say.....
That one is very special to me for personal reasons. The image looks like the Cherokee 'Grandfather' on the Cherokee Rez who 'adopted' me and gave me my Cherokee name, Raven Wing. He would sit around the fire outside in the evening, smoking his pipe, and tell us children exciting stories. I don't know what he smoked in his pipe, but, while telling his stories he would skip parts and get a bit muddle headed. We kids just thought it was from old age, but, the stuff in his pipe smelled a bit odd.
Sorry Raven, I was being very flip - it's a very nice picture, and I'm fully aware of the skill that Native Americans have for story telling.
No apology necessary, Buzz. I was in no way offended, and I'm sorry if my comment sound that way. I just wanted to explain why it is special for me.
I know your sense of humor and was laughing when I read your comment. So no worries, all is well. (smile)
We are greeting Sunday morning, and here is one of my artwork for today:
Kind of scary eye treatment, really well colour-coordinated and a great burled frame.
Thanks Buzz. She is a female Warrior, and a part of their war paint is to scare the enemy. There are other reasons, such as personal feelings toward their enemy, traditional and family. But, don't let her beauty fool you. Some female Warriors are very vicious, even more so than male Warriors. And the male Warriors know not to fool with the female Warriors.
Last one for this weekend.......
Lots of symbolism there - great framing job.
Thanks Buzz. This is one I created a couple of years ago, and among my first attempts at different framing. I was using mostly wood burls at the time, and trying to be more creative.
A final sunset to end the evening.
A perfect "good night".
Thanks to all who make this Group beyond "exceptional".
Will lock 'er up on Monday morning.
Your new avatar is wonderful, Mac. I really like it.
Awesomely beautiful, Kavika. The reflection in the water shows the outline of the shoreline treetops.
And it's a pretty good one. I can just picture the occasional fish jumping to catch a low flying insect
Closing shop 'til this Friday.