Poster Child ~ Hey! That's Me … in 1960! ~ Creative Arts Group Three Day Weekend
I'm on a hitting streak of sorts … selling images at a pretty good clip … two PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES (Baseball) posters in 24 hours and others through Getty Images. The Phillies posters were purchased by buyers in the Philly area -- no surprise, so, in case they may be looking for more, I designed another one today.
So, what's this about a "poster child"? The pitcher in the image is me … it was taken by my father in 1960. In those days, sandlot baseball in Philly was highly competitive with teams from within, and just outside the city. No "T" ball, no "participation trophies" for everyone" who played on a "team" … you tried out, made the team or not, played a two round season, the first was the "regular season," the second was either the "championship" schedule or the "consolation" round.
After every game, the opposing coaches picked the most valuable player on the opposing team, and, the players at each position with the most votes among all teams at the end of the regular season, became a "city ALL STAR" and got to play in an all star game at Connie Mack Stadium (pictured above), A MAJOR LEAGUE BALLPARK, the then HOME OF THE PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES!
Damned lucky me … made it in 1958 and 1960. The memory of a lifetime in some ways.
© A. Mac/A.G (2 Above images -- sold as puzzles)

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Swing away and post your creative stuff.
Those are some really great baseball photos, Mac.
Fly Balls & Fly Fishing!
Love getting STRIKES in both.
It is good to see your terrific baseball posters at this time of year when baseball is so far away, for me in both time and distance.
Being the last kid picked for a scrub game team when I was a kid did not make me love baseball, but when the Blue Jays came to Toronto I became a real fan. Before they played their second of the "back-to-back" World Series victories at home in Toronto (sorry A.Mac for that reminder) The Variety Club of Ontario hosted them for a celebrity lunch, and I as Chief Barker (president) introduced them with a short speech in which I spoke of the Skydome (Toronto's magnificent baseball stadium with a sliding roof for inclement weather) as being a holy edifice in which the fans who worship them will pray for their success, which I expected would be achieved under the preaching of the catcher calling the shots. And what happened is that after that unbelievable victory forever to be earmarked by Joe Carter's bottom of the 9th line drive into the left field bleachers, the catcher was named the game's MVP. Did I cause that to happen?
My only photo here of the Blue Jays playing in the Skydome (seen by many of you previously) was taken when I was a guest in one of the Blue Jays corporate boxes (although I did have seasons' tickets behind home plate). It was taken with my beloved most favourite camera, my Canon F1 35mm SLR at 1/2000 of a second, which was fast enough to stop the ball that had just been hit in mid-motion. Unfortunately I don't have with me photos I took of my son as a catcher crouching behind his friend, our next door neighbour's son, at bat when our two families travelled together to the shrine of baseball, the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown.
Fantastic poster and story. That's very cool, Mac.
I really did not like Connie Mack, I hated those seats, lol.
Now my Uncle who lives on Robbins has two in his man cave basement.
Back in the 50's, I lived on Passmore … a few streets north of Robbins as I recall. Once I got my driver's license, I spent much of my time in South Philly, hanging on street corners, getting into "rumbles" or signing doo wop in what became known as "Battle of the Groups" by D.J. Jerry Blavat, and "Music From the Soundtrack of Your Life" by D.J. Hy Lit.
Years later, I represented a number of workers, professional and para-professional, including, a gentleman who was largely responsible for the all-time money-making R&B group, Boys II Men.
I have still have a home on Benner close to Cheltenham
Played ball at Tarken Playground, went to the Benner Movie as a kid.
I played sandlot on cottman ave
spent every saturday at the Crest theatre on Rising Sun
Did you play at Jardel?
And dated a girl on Zane Lane that got the whole team fired up and involved in drama, lol.
Did either of us say “small world” yet? I played on Burholme team at Jardel in 1958.
My grandfather was the general manager at Thorton Fuller / Burholme Moters
and employed most of his sons there until WWII when they all ended up in Europe and TF
was making Dodge WC400 mini garages on wheels with replacement parts and tools for tanks etc.
My next door neighbor worked for Ballentine...
good trivia website for Philly fanatics
1964 Philadelphia Phillies Uniform Numbers |
'64 Phillies choked, Gene Mauch pitched Bunning and Short every other day …
If we are going to brag on the Phillies you have to mention one of the greatest Philadelphia pitchers of all time. Charles Albert ''Chief'' Bender, Ojibwe from Crow Wing MN.
Bioi of Albert ''Chief'' Bender.
Albert faced a lot of racism in his career and one of his retorts was to walk up to the fence when faced with racial insults, cup his hands to his mouth and in his booming voice holler back at the racists, ''Foreigner''.
Thanks for adding the "Chief" to the discussion … we're off and running.
When we were kids we went to a big rec center for night games that my uncle had a post office fast pitch softball team
not for the feint hearted and for money raising they had the King and his Court visit a couple of times.
VERY entertaining.
Imagine my surprise probably 30 years later on Paris Island Ed Feigner walks up to my family and asks to share the
field so his guys could warm up. Says he remembered my uncle George
Gives my daughter some tips for fast pitching and signs a couple of balls for the
kiddos and gives up tickets for the evening's exhibition against a two USMC teams and a Navy team.
I coached the PI enlisted little league kids and warned their DI fathers to put their $$ on the King.
Too much pride. They were no match for King Ed.
Great evening, lots of beer and hotdogs.
He could throw to first behind his back to pick off a runner
and still get the batter to swing at nothing for a strike.
He was clocked at 100 mph in his 60's.
He passed in 2007
LOL "Foreigner!!!"
Here's another tutorial I played around with this week – a displacement effect.
I started with a stock coloring page, colored it according to the example in the tutorial, and then 'burned' it onto a stock portrait using a distortion effect with a warp setting enabled.
I was kind of blown away by this. Now I know how to give people fake tattoos, lol.
Here's the tutorial on YouTube if anyone wants to see the steps involved and maybe try something similar with their own software - Displacement Effect in PaintShop Pro
Absolutely fantastic. You're a man of many talents - gardening, photography including editing, and movie quiz ability. LOL
That is truly wonderful, Dig. You are really making great headway with your new artwork and software.
It is awesome how you and G are growing in your various artistic ventures. G started out the beginning of this year learning how to use the software he has, and he has made amazing strides in trying all the different types of artwork.
And now you are coming on great learning your own new software and are making great progress. It is truly wonderful to see you both taking the challenges and making them work.
I really applaud you both, it is such fun to see how you've each grasped your own artistic interests and enjoying every step of the way.
Thank you very much, Raven Wing.
I really like everything Dig has done.
Here is my new Friday artwork......a bit different framing
A very classic frame surrounding a lovely image - the colours blend beautifully.
Thank you, Buzz. I'm glad you like the different frame on this one. I was not sure how well the two would go together. And you are my frame aficionado.
Beautiful image, Raven Wing.
Thank you, G.
Here is my baseball story. In 1965 I had just returned to LA from my second tour in Vietnam. The MN Twins were playing the LA Dodgers in the World Series. There were no tickets to be had but a local Veterans club (Long Beach CA) had some tickets and they had a drawing for one game each for the lucky vet. My name was drawn and I got to sit on the 3rd baseline and watch some of the greats, Kofax, Wills, Killebrew. It was magnificent and I thought I was in a dream world, a few short weeks before I was in the Central Highlands as a combat Infantryman.
There is a photo of Harmon Killebrew facing off against Sandy Kofax. Good memories.
Great story, Kavika. I can imagine how exciting that must have been.
I wish I still had my old baseball cards.
I still have about 200,000 or so, mostly from the 80's, but, I do have Mike Schmidt, Steve Carlton, Griffey, Jr rookies. What team, if any, do you follow now, and, any favorite players from the 80's and 90's?
My baseball cards were from the 60's. I had all of the Dodgers from then and some other players. I don't know what happened to the cards. I don't follow baseball too closely now, but I do watch the Dodgers occasionally since they are our home team. From the 80s I liked Orel Hershiser and Kirk Gibson. I also thought Mike Piazza and Mike Scioscia were great players.
I will never forget Game 1 of the 1988 World Series when Gibson limped to home plate and made that unbelievable home run giving the Dodgers the victory. I was sitting in a crowded restaurant with the game on and I was the first one to jump out of my seat. One of the greatest moments in sports history.
My son started collecting cards in the 1980s, whole box sets of them. I don't know how long he kept it up, but he sure had a lot of them. The only other memorabilia I bought for him was a ball (supposedly) signed by Yogi Berra (my son's position was catcher in kids' ball) when we were in Cooperstown to pay homage to the greats at the Hall of Fame.
Your story about Gibson was repeated by the Blue Jays' Joe Carter when he hit the home run that took the World Series away from the Phillies in the bottom of the ninth. Had the same reaction from me, but I was there.
The restaurant I was in while watching the game had an enormous TV screen, almost the size of a movie theater screen. The restaurant was full, too. Some people were paying attention to the game and some were not. Our table was at the opposite end of the room from the screen, but I happened to have the seat facing the TV so I was able to watch Gibson's entire time at bat.
After Gibson hit his home run, the whole place erupted. Fun.
Depending on its condition, assuming there was a buyer, there were 2 Topps issues, #1, #250 … anywhere from $300 - $ 1000 +
you and me both. I had a huge collection from the early 60's.
sandy was my idol when I was a kid playing ball.
Shops in Kyoto
© G. Gam 2021
Great photo, G. Really beautiful colors and artwork.
Thanks, Raven Wing!
Good job giving it a "painting" effect. Great memories are made of such street scenes. It looks like the kind of red hanging lantern that is so common in China in, or in front of, one of the windows.
Thanks, Buzz. I am happy with the way that one turned out.
Earlier this week we spent a few days in St. Augustine to see the decorations, it's was supposed to be one of the best in the world and after spending an hour or so on the trolly viewing the old town section I would agree it is spectacular.
The photos don't do it justice, but from a moving trolly, it was the best that Red could do.
If you signed up for the trolly you were given a pair of glasses and they turned all the street lights, car headlights, and taillights into huge stars, it's was very cool
The decorations are indeed elaborate and beautiful, Kavika. The trolley ride looks like a lot of fun.
Spent lots of time in Florida and did see a fair amount of it, but never got to St. Augustine, so I only dreamed of it. (link) ->
Looks like we hit a speed bump; everyone, jump back in.
Downy Woodpecker, Young Male
© A. Mac/A.G.
That is a very different woodpecker than I have ever seen before. Beautiful and very majestic.
Here is one of my favorites...
Last time I saw that interesting creation I think I posted a link to the song "That's Amore" (When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore).
Yes, I remember you related that song to this artwork. Glad that you still like it. (smile)
I was searching for new native photographers and came across Ryan Redcorn, Osage.
This is one of his photos that I fell in love with.
Mother and child, photo by Ryan Redcorn.
"For too long the underlying strategy around the most widely published photos of Native peoples has been one of lamentation, pity, extinction, and death. I photograph power, humor, and love, and I do this by collaborating with the folks I'm shooting with by allowing them to be authors in the story about themselves.
I am now checking out her photos and will send you a PN message about this.
Oooops, I mean HIS photos. His full name is Thomas Ryan RedCorn.
A truly beautiful photo of a Mother and her young Daughter. Thank you for sharing this awesome photo, Kavika.
Wow. Amazing photo.
Another GREAT find, Kavika.
When we lived in Chengdu, in Sichuan Province, for a year before moving here in Chongqiing where we will remain forever (it's my wife's home town and most of her family and friends are here) we wandered one day in the area surrounding the high Radio and TV Tower. Here at the base of the Tower the architecture is futuristic..
But just a little away and it's back to being more traditional..
Remember the Foo Dogs from my photos posted a few weeks ago?
.Entrances to hotels and restaurants are meant to be appealing.
.Another Foo Dog being observed by a kid who wasn't scared of it.
And finally, one of my favourite photos, part of the building to the left in the first photo above, lit up at night after we finished eating a fabulous dinner in the restaurant high up in the Tower.
An awesome photo essay of the sights you saw in your wanderings.
I love the Foo Dogs.
Very nice series of photos.
As we head into's one more
Your images make me run out of superlatives.
Thanks, Buzz.
They all look very determined!
Thanks G. Not the kind of look one might want to question. (grin)
Saturday … it's December 11th & it's 70 degrees in Philly.
It should be more like this and it's troubling.
© A. Mac/A.G.
It was warm like that here yesterday. I took advantage of it and spent the day working outside wearing shorts and a t-shirt as if it was summer. It stayed warm well into the evening until a cold front hit, sparking those strong storms overnight. The tornadoes were all east of me, though. I went to bed with a warm thunderstorm raging outside, and woke today to frost and freezing temps — something like a 40 degree drop in a matter of hours.
Currently, it's 3:30 pm and it's 82 degrees in Ocala, FL.
Morning... Sunday 7.45am and it is 13oC...meant to be 25oC today and 30oC tomorrow..hope so I can finally hit the waves...
You could hit the waves here since it's 28c.
65 F here in So Cal and sunny at 1:30 pm
You can keep it. If it was that warm here I'd have the air on, and for December that's just wrong, haha.
I will be right over...🐳🐳🐳
Last night at 11PM it was still in the high 70's and we had the AC on
Woke up this morning freezing because the outside temp dropped to 40
Texas, lol.
It's around 48 degrees Fahrenheit here this morning, which is almost as cold as it's going to get this winter, otherwise all the palm trees here wouldn't survive as well as they do. I lived through frost, snow and ice through most of my life so, just like you, I can live without it now in my old age.
There's a glitch in the Matrix...
Red pill or blue?
Did you create that image?
Yeah, as a silly joke kind of thing. I keep seeing ads on TV saying "There's a glitch in the Matrix." And for lots of things, not just the new movie itself, so it's been stuck in my head.
You did a great job of it - I particularly noted that you have the shadows and light all going in the correct direction, and the whole concept is intentionally contradictory and unique. As The Accountant said in the movie about Dogs Playing Poker, "It's incongruous, I like incongruity".
I should have darkened the mouse some and put him in more of a shadow in the hole, but it was a quickie and just for kicks.
I really like that movie. if you ever made a movie quiz about head shots, I'd win.
It's one of my favourite movies as well. I must have watched it 5 times already and never tire of it. "The Accountant" has already been the answer in two or three of my quizzes. The problem with head shots is that they would be screen shots from the movies themselves and there are computer web sites that identify movies from screen shots.
That is quite unique, Dig. You did a very good job of layering the mouse hole and the little cats. The mouse does look very confused at the size and color of the two cats.
Well done!
Here is a not-so-old one for Saturday.....
Quite fascinating. Although, perhaps due to failing vision, I can't make out what is on top of the basket at the left bottom of the image, the combination of the butterflies over what appears to be a torso and the "butterfly wing" robe on the back of what appears to be a woman cements the relationship between Man and Nature, and that "We are all related", is exceptionally creative. And being your frame afficionado I consider the frame to be entirely appropriate and complimentary.
Question: Since my computer is set for American English, why does it red-underline the word 'afficionado' when it is correctly spelled with two "f"s even if less commonly used than with one "f".
Hi Buzz...Glad you like the artwork. That is a plant growing out of the top of the basket. And the butterflies are flying out of the plant, and a woman reaching out to them as they pass by and gently holding one in her raise hand.
And yes, I did choose the correct word for you. (big smile)
One to lead into Sunday...
I was going to be flip and say he looks like a pelt salesman, but that would be mean, so I just want to say it's another great image.
Thank you, Buzz. He is a Shaman, and they do tend to be a bit eccentric, to put it mildly. I'm very glad you like it.
Sunday it is.
Mt. Baker, Cascade Range, Washington State
© A. Mac/A.G.
another great weekend of art amac, thanks!
A beautiful image, but for some reason I feel that it would be even more perfect than it is if the eagle, which I assume is layered onto the image, were about half the size.
Perhaps an explanation is needed. I just felt that the size of the bird should be consistent with the size of the foreground trees, but being of greater size it detracts the viewer's eye from the beauty of the mountains in the distance. What do you think, A.Mac?
Disagree; the scale of the Eagle makes it closer to the viewer while compositionally appearing at the confluence of the upper horizontal third and left vertical third. The difference in scale functions in a similar manner as do overlapping planes, whereby, a two dimensional graphic takes on the illusion of "depth" beyond the horizontal and vertical aspect ratio of the overall image.
If the scene were reality, the viewer would likely feel an exhilaration that such a creature would come that close within such vastness.
That's a beauty, Mac. The soaring eagle adds to the majestic look of the snow covered mountain.
Sunday is here....
The frame afficionado's comment: Very appropriate framing. Now, I'm not sure that I've seen that one before. Please explain the contents of the image.
Thank you for your frame approval, Buzz. (grin)
Those are the items that a Medicine Man might use during one of their healing ceremonies for the sick and ailing. The small green item sitting on the edge of the drum head is a smudge, which is an important part of the healing process. The other items may be used as deemed to be needed and/or helpful in the ceremony.
I was a little busy this weekend...
It appears congratulations are in order; is that correct?
Yes, thank you.
The person formerly referred to as B will henceforth be known as Mrs Evil.
congrats EG!
Congratulations to EG and Mrs. Evil.
A little snow didn't stop you...Haha
We didn't get any snow up here on Saturday like they did further south. Mrs E's aunt and my brother, who live near the Twin Cities, said they got 15 inches or more.
Congratulations, EG! Best wishes to you and Mrs. Evil.
I will leave this opened for while in the event others care to wish EG their notes of congratulations.
Thanks again to all who make our GROUP the success it has become.