nice works. to my eye, the top one has a van gogh feel to it and the bottom is like a modern variation of french impressionism. admittedly I'm biased towards that color palate...
I just checked out what "digital painting" was, and it means actually painting something original, so I realize it has nothing to do with working with a photo. If you (A.Mac) created those two images from scratch without using a photo, then they are even more amazing than I first thought.
I originally thought that "digital painting" was making an existing photo look like a painting. Recently I posted one of the only ones that I had, a landscape. But then having researched what "digital painting" was, and realizing that I did not have the ability to do it, I'm going to post photos that I simply edited to make them into something different from the original photos that I had taken.
I guess I would refer to my “digital paintings“ more precisely, as “amalgamations“. They are part “ photo painting“ and part “digital painting”.
in some cases, I use parts of two photographs or more, reconfigure the elements, add digital painting portions, and end up with a composition or work, that, technically, in my opinion, can only accurately be called an amalgamation.
My favorite painter, 19th century, American Frederick Edward Church painted landscapes, that in reality did not exist as portrayed, rather, they were parts of separate actual landscapes combined to form a painted one.
Ultimately, the way a work of art is created is not the point; the point is that it satisfies the artist & hopefully its viewers.
A digital watercolor version of the updated 20g cube aquarium.
The actual photo of the 20g cube aquarium. This is called an "Island" style aquascape. Tonight I will clean it up a bit more and add the fish.
This is where I'm at with the 40g aquarium I posted last week. Everything got taken out, the fish got moved to the 75g and the tank got moved next to the 75 too. Mrs Evil wanted me to use that head planter in the scape. I think that will come forward a bit and around and behind will get some added height to create depth and dimension. Doing that will necessitate moving some of the foreground plants just a little. Hopefully I can get to that this weekend. I do have to go and help my sister clean up & paint the area at her house we are moving mom into.
I put the 2 fish that were in the 20g cube in here.
At lunch today when checking on the tanks I saw both female apistos in the 40g swimming peacefully next to each other. I think that's a first! Normally the older, bigger female chases the younger smaller one into the weeds. Hopefully now that they are in such a large tank they will have a happier coexistence. I'm looking to add a couple males now.
Birch Tree, Digital Amalgamation - Photograph Layering, Opacity Variations, Digital Sky Painting Replacement of Original Sky, Selective Color Saturations, & things I just did in the way of playing around until I decided the image was "finished".
Great pics everyone. I always end up posting something kinda boring. It will really seem that way after all that...
Anyway, North of the bay, North Biloxi, turned in to its own town call D'Iberville. The have a small memorial for the armed services. It is not a lot, just a couple of stones and benches. This is the main stone.
That's actually an excellent dedication to their heroes, quite beautiful, and something I never would have seen had you not posted it. Hey, I even enjoyed seeing those wild trees last weekend.
When most people think of Florida white sand beaches, swaying palms and blue ocean come to mind but there is another Florida, the unseen Florida of dense forests with pine and oak meandering creeks and rivers, black bear, coyote, bobcats a wide variety of birds and some of the most beautiful waterfowl you'll ever see. Also, we are in the heart of ''The Horse Capital of the World''...
Here are some photos from unseen Florida around Crystal Springs
Memories are made from this. When I saw that photo, a photo from my very distant path floated before my eyes. It was a photo of me, maybe about 10 years old, feeding something in my hand to a fawn in Algonquin Park, Ontario. I wonder if I still have that photo back in my Toronto storage unit.
We have a lot of black bears. A few months ago driving through the Ocala National Forest, which is just on the other side of Ocala from our house, I almost hit a black bear that ran across the road.
We also have the Florida panther, they were close to extinction a decade ago with less than 30 left in the wild. We now have over 300 in the wild.
They are beautiful and are a subspecies of the mainland white-tail deer. They are the smallest deer in the US and are endangered. They only live in the Florida Keys.
Arvo... err ummm does it do anything? Bite, sting, eat you or it just walks around being cute..don't think I could cope with that..not use to cute and fluffy...🐨 looks like a miniature Rudolph...😁
We don't have a population of bears here in the Santa Monica Mountains where I live, although one was spotted recently in Malibu Creek State Park. That is the first time I have ever heard of one here, and it was reported as the first sighting of a bear in the Santa Monica Mountains in over a century. It had to travel a fairly long distance to get here. There has not been a bear population since the last grizzlies in the 1800s. The other mountain areas around Los Angeles, the Santa Susana and San Gabriel Mountains, have bears. Sometimes they venture into more populated areas.
We do have mountain lions that look a lot like their Florida panther cousins. They have been spotted frequently wandering around our neighborhood, often seen on people's home security videos late at night or in the early morning hours. One of my neighbors sent around a video not too long ago of a very large mountain lion on their property, which is only 300-400 feet from mine.
We have deer in the hills here, but I haven't seen one on our property for about 20 years. I saw a stag with big antlers sitting on our back hill one time. Another time, we looked out a window and saw a deer on our front porch nibbling on the roses. As soon as it spotted us looking, it ran down our front hill and down the street. When it was two houses away, another one came running from in front of that house and they took off together.
We have coyotes pretty often. We had bobcats a few times, but the last time I saw one was also about 20 years ago. They've been on some of the neighbors' video recently. I've never seen a fox, but a neighbor did have one on a video about a week ago.
Every now and then we see mallards flying overhead. A few times some of the landed in our pool, but I immediately chased them away because they make a huge mess. Also, if you leave them there, they might eventually invite the entire flock and that's a disaster. Friends of ours went out of town, and when they came back their pool was full of mallards, which was a big problem.
Yes, that is the other side of L.A. County, about 35 miles away from us in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. They have bears over there fairly often. Every now and then on the news they will show a bear in someone's jacuzzi.
We get maybe a few foxes. We are suppose two have two kinds of black bears but I have never seen one. Black bears up North and Louisiana black bears farther down.
I use to see geese overhead in formation. Could hear them too. I haven't seen them for a while.
I would hate to clean the pool after a bunch of ducks. Haha
The only wlld animal I ever saw near my parent's home, that bordered a small forest, was a deer in the winter eating the euonymus vine leaves off the side of their home. However, at our lakeside home farther north we sometimes drove with our kids to the area dump at night to watch the bears eating the garbage.
It would be cool to see a fox, but not too close. I wouldn't think it was cool if I encountered a mountain lion, though. Our neighbors across the street were out hiking up in the hills and saw a mountain lion sitting off the trail watching them. They slowly walked away and the mountain lion left them alone. They don't go hiking there anymore. Our neighbors are both tall, fairly large folks and the mountain lions are looking for smaller prey. Mountains lions generally don't mess with people, unless you run and then their predator instinct takes over. So, if you encounter a mountain lion, don't run! The recommendation we've received from the local wildlife experts is to slowly walk or back away, keep a watch on them without staring into their eyes, which they make take as a threat, and if one happens to attack, you do have to fight back.
I would hate to clean the pool after a bunch of ducks.
As I recall, our friends had to have the whole pool replastered. Their pool equipment may have been damaged and needed to be replaced, also. If I ever see mallards in our pool, I run outside and chase them away immediately. The times they did land in our pool they were always in a group of three. I remember one time noticing something out of the corner of my eye falling out the sky and landing in the pool. Sure enough, it was three ducks. We had mallards a few times.
I posted an article about Drag Queens and it made me think of Mardi Gras. Not they they are necessarily the same yet people dress up in all kinds of costumes. There is usually a theme. Here is a couple more from our little museum.
Evening.. amazing how things look so different there..we have the four seasons but nothing dramatic looking as that...the paddocks are the main change from green to straw brown in Summer.
Our trees stay the same gums don't drop their leaves so even in winter everything still looks green and alive here...
It's not like that all the time. Winters are usually pretty mild here on average, at least compared to places farther north. We'll get a little snow, then it'll warm up and melt off, then we'll get some more snow, and it'll warm up and melt off. It's periodic. It won't stay on the ground all winter like in other places. It's kind of nice that way.
That storm was worse down by where you used to live, too. I think they got three or four more inches down there. But it was barely freezing that day, so it wasn't so bad. It's in the teens here right now and snowing lightly again, and on top of a thin glaze of ice from overnight this time, so that sucks a little. There won't be much accumulation today, but the roads could end up being a bit treacherous. I hate ice under snow.
Woop! And I was sure the Bengals were going to make it to midfield and hit a field goal for the win in that last minute, but it ended up going the other way! Awesome!
First-things-first; check the article at the link below.
Oh Mac, I really love these. Just beautiful!
Two wonderful digital "paintings", A. Mac.
nice works. to my eye, the top one has a van gogh feel to it and the bottom is like a modern variation of french impressionism. admittedly I'm biased towards that color palate...
Thank you, and you posted two nice images. Did you start with a photo and then do some adjustments to them?
I just checked out what "digital painting" was, and it means actually painting something original, so I realize it has nothing to do with working with a photo. If you (A.Mac) created those two images from scratch without using a photo, then they are even more amazing than I first thought.
The painting with the boats is amazing !
Two very beautiful paintings, Mac. Very well done!
Natures paintbrush. Morning sunrise Stone Creek, Ocala, FL.
Beautiful sunrise photo, Kavika.
Wish I was there.
That's a great photo.
Hanalei Sunset
© G. Gam
Lovely photo!
Beautiful, G.
Thanks for the memory, from a half a century ago when I was there.
That's a real beauty, G.
Brushin' Up On Digital "Painting"
Where did you get the digital "brush" ?
I know you didn't use Microsoft Paint.
Okay, I admit that I'm a perv, butt what does the pink part of the tiger's nose look like to you?
The human female reproductive system.
Could there be a connection?
White tigers are beautiful and they have those big blue eyes.
Butt, don't be fooled, they love to eat women.
It's early-on & we are lookin' good!
That panting on top reminds me of Asian "silk paintings".
I bet it "crawls" if you get high on mushrooms.
Arvo...just came back from a swim down the a 2.5 metre great white (just a little tacker) sloshing around down there at the moment...
He did chomp on a boat engine so he is probably teething..😁
Didn't see fin or jaws so he is off looking for tucker else where at the moment..🦈🦈
Since Australia is the home of Crocodile Dundee, I think we should name you Shark Shona.
I originally thought that "digital painting" was making an existing photo look like a painting. Recently I posted one of the only ones that I had, a landscape. But then having researched what "digital painting" was, and realizing that I did not have the ability to do it, I'm going to post photos that I simply edited to make them into something different from the original photos that I had taken.
Really awesome, Buzz.
Thank you Raven.
I guess I would refer to my “digital paintings“ more precisely, as “amalgamations“. They are part “ photo painting“ and part “digital painting”.
in some cases, I use parts of two photographs or more, reconfigure the elements, add digital painting portions, and end up with a composition or work, that, technically, in my opinion, can only accurately be called an amalgamation.
My favorite painter, 19th century, American Frederick Edward Church painted landscapes, that in reality did not exist as portrayed, rather, they were parts of separate actual landscapes combined to form a painted one.
Ultimately, the way a work of art is created is not the point; the point is that it satisfies the artist & hopefully its viewers.
Thank you for the explanation.
A digital watercolor version of the updated 20g cube aquarium.
The actual photo of the 20g cube aquarium. This is called an "Island" style aquascape. Tonight I will clean it up a bit more and add the fish.
This is where I'm at with the 40g aquarium I posted last week. Everything got taken out, the fish got moved to the 75g and the tank got moved next to the 75 too. Mrs Evil wanted me to use that head planter in the scape. I think that will come forward a bit and around and behind will get some added height to create depth and dimension. Doing that will necessitate moving some of the foreground plants just a little. Hopefully I can get to that this weekend. I do have to go and help my sister clean up & paint the area at her house we are moving mom into.
I put the 2 fish that were in the 20g cube in here.
At lunch today when checking on the tanks I saw both female apistos in the 40g swimming peacefully next to each other. I think that's a first! Normally the older, bigger female chases the younger smaller one into the weeds. Hopefully now that they are in such a large tank they will have a happier coexistence. I'm looking to add a couple males now.
Lucky fish.
Both are beauties, EG. You have become a real Tank Master!
Birch Tree, Digital Amalgamation - Photograph Layering, Opacity Variations, Digital Sky Painting Replacement of Original Sky, Selective Color Saturations, & things I just did in the way of playing around until I decided the image was "finished".
© A. MacA.G.
Definitely finished. Needs no more - it's a standout as is.,
The Mac is back.
Great pics everyone. I always end up posting something kinda boring. It will really seem that way after all that...
Anyway, North of the bay, North Biloxi, turned in to its own town call D'Iberville. The have a small memorial for the armed services. It is not a lot, just a couple of stones and benches. This is the main stone.
Not borning at all, it is the glue that holds America together.
That's actually an excellent dedication to their heroes, quite beautiful, and something I never would have seen had you not posted it. Hey, I even enjoyed seeing those wild trees last weekend.
When most people think of Florida white sand beaches, swaying palms and blue ocean come to mind but there is another Florida, the unseen Florida of dense forests with pine and oak meandering creeks and rivers, black bear, coyote, bobcats a wide variety of birds and some of the most beautiful waterfowl you'll ever see. Also, we are in the heart of ''The Horse Capital of the World''...
Here are some photos from unseen Florida around Crystal Springs
about 45 minutes from our house.
Photos by Rosie Photography
This is the FL I'm interested in visiting.
You would love it, this is only a small glimpse of what is in ''unseen Florida''.
Morning..had no idea you have Black bear in Florida.. learn something everyday...
They have tiny deer, too.
A full grown Key Deer.
Memories are made from this. When I saw that photo, a photo from my very distant path floated before my eyes. It was a photo of me, maybe about 10 years old, feeding something in my hand to a fawn in Algonquin Park, Ontario. I wonder if I still have that photo back in my Toronto storage unit.
We have a lot of black bears. A few months ago driving through the Ocala National Forest, which is just on the other side of Ocala from our house, I almost hit a black bear that ran across the road.
We also have the Florida panther, they were close to extinction a decade ago with less than 30 left in the wild. We now have over 300 in the wild.
They are beautiful and are a subspecies of the mainland white-tail deer. They are the smallest deer in the US and are endangered. They only live in the Florida Keys.
Arvo... err ummm does it do anything? Bite, sting, eat you or it just walks around being cute..don't think I could cope with that..not use to cute and fluffy...🐨 looks like a miniature Rudolph...😁
They call those gator size... although perhaps python size is more appropriate nowadays.
We don't have a population of bears here in the Santa Monica Mountains where I live, although one was spotted recently in Malibu Creek State Park. That is the first time I have ever heard of one here, and it was reported as the first sighting of a bear in the Santa Monica Mountains in over a century. It had to travel a fairly long distance to get here. There has not been a bear population since the last grizzlies in the 1800s. The other mountain areas around Los Angeles, the Santa Susana and San Gabriel Mountains, have bears. Sometimes they venture into more populated areas.
We do have mountain lions that look a lot like their Florida panther cousins. They have been spotted frequently wandering around our neighborhood, often seen on people's home security videos late at night or in the early morning hours. One of my neighbors sent around a video not too long ago of a very large mountain lion on their property, which is only 300-400 feet from mine.
I think we have more deer than anything.
Roaming the streets of Monrovia across LA from you, G.
Morning... nice looking bear..looks like he has standards roaming in a nice neighbourhood...
My neighbor in the Poconos.
© A. Mac/A.G.
It's an upscale bear.
We have deer in the hills here, but I haven't seen one on our property for about 20 years. I saw a stag with big antlers sitting on our back hill one time. Another time, we looked out a window and saw a deer on our front porch nibbling on the roses. As soon as it spotted us looking, it ran down our front hill and down the street. When it was two houses away, another one came running from in front of that house and they took off together.
We have coyotes pretty often. We had bobcats a few times, but the last time I saw one was also about 20 years ago. They've been on some of the neighbors' video recently. I've never seen a fox, but a neighbor did have one on a video about a week ago.
Every now and then we see mallards flying overhead. A few times some of the landed in our pool, but I immediately chased them away because they make a huge mess. Also, if you leave them there, they might eventually invite the entire flock and that's a disaster. Friends of ours went out of town, and when they came back their pool was full of mallards, which was a big problem.
Yes, that is the other side of L.A. County, about 35 miles away from us in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. They have bears over there fairly often. Every now and then on the news they will show a bear in someone's jacuzzi.
We get maybe a few foxes. We are suppose two have two kinds of black bears but I have never seen one. Black bears up North and Louisiana black bears farther down.
I use to see geese overhead in formation. Could hear them too. I haven't seen them for a while.
I would hate to clean the pool after a bunch of ducks. Haha
The only wlld animal I ever saw near my parent's home, that bordered a small forest, was a deer in the winter eating the euonymus vine leaves off the side of their home. However, at our lakeside home farther north we sometimes drove with our kids to the area dump at night to watch the bears eating the garbage.
Friendly, I hope.
It would be cool to see a fox, but not too close. I wouldn't think it was cool if I encountered a mountain lion, though. Our neighbors across the street were out hiking up in the hills and saw a mountain lion sitting off the trail watching them. They slowly walked away and the mountain lion left them alone. They don't go hiking there anymore. Our neighbors are both tall, fairly large folks and the mountain lions are looking for smaller prey. Mountains lions generally don't mess with people, unless you run and then their predator instinct takes over. So, if you encounter a mountain lion, don't run! The recommendation we've received from the local wildlife experts is to slowly walk or back away, keep a watch on them without staring into their eyes, which they make take as a threat, and if one happens to attack, you do have to fight back.
As I recall, our friends had to have the whole pool replastered. Their pool equipment may have been damaged and needed to be replaced, also. If I ever see mallards in our pool, I run outside and chase them away immediately. The times they did land in our pool they were always in a group of three. I remember one time noticing something out of the corner of my eye falling out the sky and landing in the pool. Sure enough, it was three ducks. We had mallards a few times.
If you run, you are prey and you don't have a prayer with a mountain lion (or a bear).
I posted an article about Drag Queens and it made me think of Mardi Gras. Not they they are necessarily the same yet people dress up in all kinds of costumes. There is usually a theme. Here is a couple more from our little museum.
When I saw the bottom photo it made me think of Lox (smoked salmon) and bagels. Just had breakfast an hour or so ago and now I'm hungry again. LOL
Queen Ixolib doesn't serve...
That is suppose to be shrimp on the bottom and a fleur de lis, instead it looks like a weird fleur de lis.
That actually marked 300 years of Biloxi.
Actually TWO Shrimp. I didn't notice them at first - jsut noted the fleur de lis. My eyesight is waning which is why I bump up my font.
What is that you said? Wait a minute. Where the hell are my glasses...
I posted this one before but it was my favorite one.
George Santos wore that gown in Brazil, butt he's not a transvestite nor is he a drag queen, he was "just having fun."
A Saturday rainbow at Stone Creek.
Quick! You can see the end of it! Run to the pot of gold!
A pot of fools gold, Ender.
You mean to tell me that leprechaun lied to me?
Come to think of it, it did look more like fairy boots.
Good thing I don't do acid anymore.
If I had kids I would have told them that and let them go off running.
Probably a good thing I don't have them...
Your kaleidoscope sky.
The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
L ucy in the S ky with D iamonds
Watch and Listen (LINK) ->
L ucy in the S ky with D iamonds
Never mind all the bullshit about it NOT being about an acid trip - those of us who had been there all knew better.
Been there... saw colors... fucked Lucy.
Can't open the YouTube - what is it? Maybe I have it on another source.
It's a fractal that is a colorful kaleidoscopic video.
Had to look up the word "fractal". Is there a title to the video?
Don't know how this article got locked down but it's open now.
Strange that that particular glitch hits this group so much. Last time I think I reversed it back to open, but this time I was asleep.
Evening... As we say here ..flaming Russians at it again..🤣
Fun to be in Philly now. A World Series and a Super Bowl coming up. Yeah I am gloating.
Well, hope the Phillies take this one, they aren't playing the Blue Jays....
See you in Arizona! Go Chiefs!
Can't open that, but I imagine it is similar to what Toronto's Yonge Street looked like when the Blue Jays won their back to back World Series.
Snow from a few days ago.
Front yard view.
The garden fence, with a new peach tree sapling to the left of the door.
Oak tree.
More oaks.
A white-throated sparrow and a cardinal sheltering in a cedar tree.
Red-bellied woodpecker on the platform feeder.
Male and female cardinals in a sumac tree.
A great series of photos, as usual.
Thanks, Buzz.
Evening.. amazing how things look so different there..we have the four seasons but nothing dramatic looking as that...the paddocks are the main change from green to straw brown in Summer.
Our trees stay the same gums don't drop their leaves so even in winter everything still looks green and alive here...
It's not like that all the time. Winters are usually pretty mild here on average, at least compared to places farther north. We'll get a little snow, then it'll warm up and melt off, then we'll get some more snow, and it'll warm up and melt off. It's periodic. It won't stay on the ground all winter like in other places. It's kind of nice that way.
Great photos, Dig sure happy that I live in Florida after seeing all that snow.
That storm was worse down by where you used to live, too. I think they got three or four more inches down there. But it was barely freezing that day, so it wasn't so bad. It's in the teens here right now and snowing lightly again, and on top of a thin glaze of ice from overnight this time, so that sucks a little. There won't be much accumulation today, but the roads could end up being a bit treacherous. I hate ice under snow.
Woop! And I was sure the Bengals were going to make it to midfield and hit a field goal for the win in that last minute, but it ended up going the other way! Awesome!
Closing up soon; thanks to all. But first …
After yesterday's Eagles' win, a few Philly fans got together on the street …