The Power of Suggestion … for what it's Worth; it's Friggin' Hot on Creative Arts Three Day Weekend!
© A. Mac/A.G.
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Thanks, A. MAC

It's too hot!
But, the creative juices must still continue to flow.
It is very strange, but where I live, Chongqing, which is known to be one of the "Three Furnaces of China", in other words it is known to get hot as hell and its famous dish "hot-pot" could be considered a cooling solution. However, notwithstanding the north of China is really hot these days, the south-east is suffering from humungous rain and floods, Chongoing has been very warm, but all we have needed so far are fans, we have not had to turn on our air conditioning as yet.
I don't know about anyone else, but I had a marvelously cool and mild spring that lasted all the way up until last week. I was spoiled by it. I'm talking jackets-in-the-evening-cool well into June. Now that it's finally warmed up, the heat seems worse than it otherwise might because I'm not yet acclimated to it, lol.
Nanjing (© G. Gam)
Well done, GG.
Thank you.
A couple of weeks ago I took my wife to the Cirque Italia Water Circus. It was difficult to take photos, but here's a few.
Since both my shallow office riparium and 40g waterfall tanks have done so well, I've started a new project - A UNS Foresta 60E Paludarium. The back of the tank will spill water and mist down from the top. The sponges there are to attach plants. I have an aquatic plant order in, but it's back ordered and I'm doing some research on mini orchids and other plants for that back wall.
When this is done and growing in it should look like a rain forest with a pool of water in front.
Have you thought about charging people to view your efforts?
No, I like to share. I wish I had more ambition to vlog these projects, but that takes up a lot more time than I'm really willing to give.
Morning can always do a dangerous fish tank..
I have many ringed octopus are always good for starters..dead within a few minutes..
None of these are my photos, I value my life..
Stone fish not to might survive them..
But for maximum impact can't go past the irukandji jellyfish..your cactus full stop..
Well, if evilone wanted to go evilfish, he could have a tank of piranha.
That's going to look awesome!
My nephew said the same thing to me once. Piranha are kind of boring fish. They normally sit in one place and don't move much.
Hi shona! I think someday I'll do a bog tank with carnivorous plants.
I was playing around over the weekend and it does look pretty cool. I got the moss in on the back wall late Friday evening, but unfortunately my plant orders won't come until next week.
I guess I was misled by the movies....
The movies are fun though!
Those photos are outstanding.
Rose to the Occasion.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Really beautiful.
Morning of my favourite flowers and love the perfume though many modern roses are breed for looks not smell...we have a huge rose farm about 10ks from me and love going there...
Hope Mrs Mac is going well and things are settling down..all is well here and just keep chugging along.. can't believe we are half way through the year already...take care..🦘🦘
My rose is a rose is a rose.
Thank GOD I saved so many of my photos on flash drives before my computer totally died. I'm back in business, folks.
Morning...I am feeling quite privileged at the moment as the last few weeks I have been getting the Gang Gang cockatoos coming to my bird baths..they have a very distinctive call, they sound like a squeaky old door...
We are well down on our rain fall and I have been getting all sorts of birds coming into the birdbaths...
Not my photos and I love the red tufty feathers on top of the males two photos are the males bottom two the females..
I've often wondered why humans are so different from birds when it comes to decorative beauty to attract the opposite sex.
Iris Variations, Part 1 (© G. Gam)
A couple of those look a little scary.
Boo!!! Watch out...
Nice set of derivatives!
Thanks! I have several more. Sometime I will post them as Part 2.
I agree...
Thank you.
Since I haven't taken any photos for a while this is a photo of part of my very mixed family. I have four grandkids, twelve great grandkids, and three great great grandkids. This is a photo of eight of them taken this past summer in Orange, NSW Australia, and all are blood-related except for the little girl on the far left, number 20 who is a friend and that is Jory giving her a nuzzle. There is Ojibwe, Samoan, Maori, French, English, and Dutch mix and three generations ago there is Chinese as well. I wish the world could look, act and love like this. Isn't DNA interesting?
Alofa, amour, liefde, zaagi, love, ahora, ai.
There are twelve more that are not in this photo....My own tribe.
LOL. You made me laugh out loud when I read "My own tribe".
Evening...and damn fine Aussie they like Vegemite and not wussy peanut butter...🐨🐨
They look a great bunch of kids Kavika and they will do you proud..
Yes, they do like vegemite, bad habit but I still luv'm
Morning...some bad habits should always be encouraged and you can't go wrong with that one..🤣
Yesterday, for a snack, I had peanut butter on crackers, and today for breakfast with my two sunny-sides-up and fried cherry tomatoes I had margarined toast with raspberry jam and marmalade - I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to try vegemite, but of course I do enjoy fresh-picked veggies from my wife's minifarm every day - been enjoying fresh picked corn lately. Corn should be eaten on the day it is picked because the sugar in the kernals turns to starch very quickly.
Toasted open-faced peanut butter and jelly sandwich...Yum this is even a badder habit..Is badder a word? LOL
Morning... why would you put jam with peanut butter??
Ruin good jam..
Try putting thin slices of either apple or banana in that sandwich. A better word for badder is "worse" but the word "better" should be the one to apply to my suggestion.
Au contraire, shona1. The combination is classic, and even better with what I just suggested.
Because it is delicious.
Nahhh that's the trouble with you mob...
Take something plain and basic and then you stuff it all up adding everything you can think of.. surprised chocolate syrup isn't included well..
Veggie sangas... flaming ripper..🐨
What flavour jam do you use?
Usually blackberry or grape.
Try strawberry or raspberry.
We grew up eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. That was one of the things my mom regularly made for our lunch when we were kids.
I went to the ''way back machine'' looking for photos of G when he was a kid and found this one of him eating a kosher peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And he is eating healthy it's wheat bread, not that old nasty white bread.
His mom said he was the cutest kid in the whole world. (all mothers say that)
We didn't ever have anything kosher at our house except kosher dill pickles. When I was a kid we had white bread. I don't remember having wheat bread until I was a bit older.
My mom didn't just say I was the cutest kid in the world, the word I remember is "perfect".
One day we would have PBJ. It was always grape jelly. One day it would be a tuna fish sandwich. One day it would be a baloney (I know, bologna) sandwich. And then, it would be a cream cheese and chopped olive sandwich. YUCK! The WORST! My wife couldn't understand why I cringed and told her NO WAY! one day when she suggested a cream cheese and chopped olive sandwich.
I used to trade sandwiches with a close friend in junior high. His mom was a great cook and I discovered that I loved tongue on rye, corn beef, lox and cream cheese on a homemade bagel, pastrami and fried salami.
My grandparents used to get tongue, corned beef, and pastrami combo deli platters with rye when we visited and we made our own sandwiches. Sometimes we had lox, bagels and cream cheese at home.
Mighty fine sandwiches. She made her own horseradish as well,
Have you tried olive salad on a muffuletta? Of course the best are in New Orleans but the DC Metro has some good ones as well.
''perfect'' without a doubt, G.
Morning... sitting here thinking what to have for brekkie..heater on 6C outside.
,Magpies fed, currawongs fed, wattle birds fed, cat it's my turn...
Think an egg and bacon sanga with tomato sauce will be the go...
The best pastrami sandwich in the world is from Langer's Deli near downtown L.A.
A New Yorker tries a Langer's pastrami sandwich for the first time:
I haven't. I like olives, but feeding an elementary school kid cream cheese and chopped olive just didn't make it. Sorry, mom.
I think my father used to mention that his grandfather made his own horseradish.
It was good as a cold cut on a sandwich combo with corned beef and pastrami. I can't remember having tongue in a sandwich any time since I was a kid at my grandparents.
Who doesn't love liver?
I'm thankful for that.
But to be Kosher the sandwich should have used chalah (egg bread).
Looks like a damn nice sandwich.
hopefully the closed captioning still works to help comprehend this version of english..
My mouth is watering...I know what I am having for brekkie now...
What... she spoke proper English the whole time...I understood every word..
Absolutely wonderful!
''When Light Desends on the Earth it will be Delivered by Music''
The Andre Rieu orchestra and the Bahrain Police Pipe and Drums playing Scotland the Great and Amazing Grace.
In a Muslim Country with the King looking on and a Muslim audience cheering a Scottish Song and Christian Hymn.
Yes, the world at times can come together.
One of the flower beds in the front yard.
The same flower bed, along with the newest member of the family.
Buddy disappeared 10 days before Christmas, leaving a sad void that needed to be filled, so... meet Bella, a female orange mackerel tabby. She's almost 10 weeks old now, and has been here for a little over 3.
She's at the age where absolutely everything must be explored and/or played with...
... and just won't leave Polly alone (lol). Poor old Polly. She's a good girl though, and has been super patient with Bella so far.
According to the internet, orange females are somewhat rare. The way cat genetics work, it's harder to get the right gene combination and only about 20% of orange cats turn out to be female, with the other 80% being male.
I still miss Buddy, but she's been a joy.
Very sorry about Buddy. It's a sad thing when a pet you love is gone. Bella is the cutest thing ever. It's nice that Polly is tolerant.
Thanks, G.
Morning glad you have new patter of paws in your home again.. animals bring so much joy and fun and break your heart when they go...
You always miss all your animals but with a new addition to the family spirits rise once again and let the fun begin..
Mishka sends purrs and licks from across the Pacific..
Thanks, Shona. Bella is so playful that she'd probably just send bites and scratches back. Friendly ones, though. You know what I mean, haha.
If you could meet her she might jump into your arms. I don't think I've ever known a cat to do that before, but Bella does. If she's climbed up on something and you go over to get her, about half the time she meows in her squeaky little kitten voice and then jumps out to you, right into your arms. It's cute as hell.
My SIL found a tiny tabby kitty out in the bush this time last year..she weighed 300 grams...they already had 2 cats..took her in now 5.4 kilo later Cheetah creates havoc..
As my missus says, tabbies rule, the rest drool....
I had to look up 5.4 kilos, lol. Almost 12 pounds. That's a good sized kitty, for a female.
Bella is growing a lot slower than Buddy did. Only about a quarter to a half a pound per week (113 to 126 grams). I think she was the runt of the litter and may end up being rather small. Fine with me, though.
I had a cat named Oliver who used to do that. When we first rescued him, entirely against his will, he would crawl under the covers with us at night, then hiss at us when we all woke up in the morning.
But he warmed up to us eventually, and would jump into my arms for a cuddle every day when I got home from work.
Morning..I think it is the ferals genes coming out..she is now bigger than the other two cats and had extremely strong back legs..
She is into everything, gets away with everything and shoots up gumtrees no probs...
At the moment she is trying to work out the two brush tailed possums that roll up at my house and my brother's at night..very inquisitive of them, not quite sure about them and stays back...I think she thinks they are strange looking cats..
or giant mice...
I can fully understand your feelings about Buddy and send you my sympathy for your loss. My Fidget was MY "buddy" for 17 years, and now about 40 years after he went to cat-heaven I still miss him. However, it's good that you now have a new bright light to focus your attention on.
And boy does she demand attention. She hates to be alone.
the gardens look fantastic and bella is such a cutie! I wish my wife wasn't so allergic to cats....
That is so cool.
The kids will always remember that for the rest of their lives...
I won't mention what I was searching for on youtube, but this is what I ended up with...
It's like Woodstock for hummingbirds.
Wow that is amazing...I like hummingbirds find them fascinating..
The mind boggles what you were searching for...
We have hummingbird cake, one of my favourites... guarantee not to contain hummingbirds..
Not my photo unfortunately..
This has been one of our ALL-TIME BEST articles! Many thanks to all and be ack Thursday night!