CREATIVE ARTS GROUP THURSDAY/FRIDAY … Play Ball! … Post Creative Items of any Type!
At a time when diversions are most welcomed in my personal life … BASEBALL SEASON opened today in America … and other than fly fishing and photography, baseball has been prominent in my life … as a player and a fan.
So, for this week's feature, I created a "BASEBALL" poster-type image.
© A. Mac/A.G.
That's me on the left … an All-Philadelphia All Star selected to pitch in Connie Mack Stadium … the Phillies home field.
© A. Mac's Dad
Update on my wife's medical situation
My wife has been diagnosed with a cancer known as Multiple Myeloma for which there is no cure; yesterday we were informed, that with treatment, "permanent remission" is a possibility.
Let's hope.
This, of course, is the reason I have been active only minimally in recent weeks.
Hi Mac,
I am truly sorry that your wife is faced with such a vicious form of cancer. While there is no cure, I hope they will be able to find a treatment that will put it in remission.
I will keep both you and your wife in my prayers. I can empathize with what you are both going through, and keeping a healthy and positive frame of mind is important.
Glad to see you back and ready to roll again. (smile)
My sister-in-law survived cancer "in remission" for about 35 years. There is hope.
My cousin by marriage has multiple myeloma. There is a therapy called CAR-T in clinical trials that is showing very promising results. He didn't make it into this round of the study, but our fingers are crossed for another opportunity.
I wish you and your wife well.
positive vibes out to the mrs. and you.
hope the permeant remission happens
Hi Mac,
She is strong and positive, and those are two things you need to beat cancer. I think she can make it to remission.
And I am always here if you need to talk.
On a different note, you were a very cute little boy. Baseball has been a huge part of my life, too. When the new season began, I felt renewed.
You're a good husband and friend to your lady.
I have gone through both a learning curve and Spiritual inspiration in creating the various images. Learning the various techniques of blending and using various enhancements to achieve the results I want has been a long process. Here is one of my earlier creations.
Earlier creation? - If that was done as part of a "learning curve", that "learning curve" had to have started at a very high level.
Thank you Buzz. It was the second image I created, and it took a long time and lots of failures before I was able to get the results I wanted. I learned a lot during the process and it was the first real stepping stone in my education.
The image RADIATES.
What inspired me on this one image is that the Wolf is my Spirit Guide, so I wanted to get the right effect to show its Spiritual presence. That is where the blending really comes into play.
I have only one baseball photo that I brought with me, taken at a Blue Jays game in the Toronto Skydome more than a quarter-century ago. Although I possessed seasons tickets every year, about 15-20 rows up behind home plate, this photo was taken from one of the Blue Jays' corporate boxes, having been a guest that day of the Blue Jays. I was using my 35mm Canon F1 SLR film camera, and the 1/2000th sec shutter was good enough to stop the ball in mid-air.
But on the subject of sports, I was somewhat amused to see that in China croquet is a sport that many elderly people play. This is a backdrop for a croquet court in a Zhengzhou riverside park close to where we used to live.
Here is a photo of an R.C. Gorman that I have. It's in the Jennette series.
This one is poster art. Mine is a stone lithograph signed by R.C. Gorman, limited edition.
This is R.C. Gorman. He walked on a few years back. The vast majority of his art is of native women.
Both are truly beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.
Really beautiful. We never really walk on when we have something this lovely that we leave behind.
Thank you Perrie. And that is so true.
Great photos Buzz. I love playing croquet. It is one of my favorite 'sports'. There was a female Canadian Goose that roamed around the course where I played years ago, and she would chase the balls around and attack them, giving them a piece of her mind very loudly while doing so. Made the game more interesting to say the least. (grin)
Maybe she thought they were goose eggs, and she was upset about people attacking them with mallets
That could be Buzz. I always thought she just wanted to join the fun when she heard us laughing and having a good time.
Glad to see you back. Sorry to hear about your wife's diagnosis.
Here's a new sunrise over an icy Lake Superior from last Saturday.
Good shots, top one is excellent, but both have more than just ice and sky which provides more interest.
Great shots EG. Love all the reds.
Beautiful photos EG. Are those ducks or geese in the top photo? Love the sunrise, lots of color interaction in them both.
Thanks RW. Those are geese. These are the ducks I saw in another location on Saturday.
Thanks for the clarification, EG. Love the blue, blue water and the colorful ducks swimming.
Ducks are Mallards.
Oh and I finally have fish in the new aquarium - Needs a bunch more plants though.
Some minor changes to the older smaller tank.
Black sand reminds me of the black sand beach on Hawaii's big island. In the big aquarium the fish have a lot of room to cavort. In the smaller one they have lots to hide in.
I do plan on putting more plants in there as I can afford it. Also once it's been running for a few months I'll get z big group of cory cats. I'm not sure exactly what kind yet though. I wanted false julii but I'm not sure if those would show well with the all the black. Maybe green or gold lasers?
I'm keeping my eye on you EG.
You talkin' to me … You talkin' to me ?!
© A. Mac/A.G.
How cute is that! Looks like an animated movie. (grin)
Great photo, Mac. Looks like it mean business too. (grin)
There's my boy, pitching from the stretch:
In high school sandy?
He looks good, Sandy! Is he going to continue?
He is now. He was in 7th grade in this pic.
He is, so far, anyway.
That's a very good stretch, sandy. Looks like he has lots of power behind it too.
He does. He's corrected that lazy glove hand, but now he's working on a good follow-through. He's lazy with it, and it makes him miss high and inside. To be fair, though, he's only pitched this season in cold weather, when he's had trouble getting loose.
So this might be a turkey of a photo, but I had to act quickly. I didn't expect them at a ski lodge.
Great catch Perrie. Looks good to me. Where was the ski lodge?
Hi Raven,
Vermont! I'm not allowed to ski because I have knee damage, but on my way out to the lodge I saw these guys and got them on my iphone.
They appear to be wild turkeys. Are there a lot of them in that area?
Always good to have your camera handy - you never know when something like that shows up from nowhere. It's much easier to have "these moments to remember" when you can look at them again.
I tend to use my iphone, but then I have to go looking through my bag. Luckily they were not that freaked out by me.
Sincere thanks for the good wishes and for the excellent posts!
I hope in time to return to my former level of participation.
We'll keep the home fires burning for you, Mac. Your need to be elsewhere is totally understandable. (smile)
My Favorite Baseball team, and what my Grandfather gave me back when I was a kid !
Ted Williams! Wow!
I have some Fenway images I did years ago when my daughter attended Berkeley College of Music in Boston.
If interested, I will look through my database and post what I have.
Very cool IIM. I bet you treasure it.
I have this thing about "Little Treasures". I'm not a hoarder, but I do keep those "Little treasures" received from family. I'm one of those that "NEVER WANTS TO FORGET" !
"Good Times" need to be prolonged for as long as possible !
Doing my best to give that "Treasure" to my children, and now grandchildren.
Those are TREASURES!!!
You'll understand A.Mac.
Interesting you should choose that of all songs; I gave this (as a framed print) to a friend two years ago.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Love it !
Beautiful print, Mac. And one of my favorite songs.
Where was that taken, Mac?
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania … just a few miles from Northeast Philly.
Fantastic photo - perfectly sepia.
Great photo, Mac. Love the choice of sepia tones.
What did you post, please? Home Country Roads?
Bought this pirate sitting on a chest at an antique store last weekend. It’s only six inches long, but cast in solid iron with a working lid, and weighs almost six pounds. I wondered who the hell would make such a weird thing or sell it in the first place. I had to have it, and I love how strange it is.
You have a fantastic collection!!!
Strangely cool.
Amac - I hope your bride considers all forms of treating the effects of what she is going through. I’ve heard mj can do wonders for appetite and positivity. Just combine it with things you love, and enjoy the benefits.
Any and all suggestions/recommendations are appreciated and will be looked into and run by my wife’s physician.
I've heard from more than one person who had contracted cancer that they believed their lengthy remissions were due to positive thinking. My sister-in-law was one.
If you have HBO or Netflix, check out a movie called Heal. It’s not so much about positive thinking, but more about bending your illness towards your will. Case studies of stage four patients who holistically went into full remission.
My wife has a Doctorate degree in nursing; she has taught courses in Holistic nursing. We will check the link.
Thank you.
Sunset on Lake of the Woods. One of the most pristine and remote/wild places left in the lower 48...
The lake is 70 miles long and 70 miles wide with 14,000 islands.
Beautiful picture, Kavika. What a striking array of colors and intensity. But, it also looks very peaceful.
Please check in whenever you can. The NT membership are thinking about you and pulling for the best.