In Case You MIST it ~ Don't FOG-get About It!
My "Artistic" Interpretation.
© A. Mac/A.G.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Fog, mist and many atmospheric phenomena offer photographic and other artistic opportunities to creativity.
Post whatever creative images, subject matter, thoughts or comments you wish to share.
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Fog, mist and other atmospheric phenomena present interesting opportunities for creative imagery, poetry, etc. .
Post whatever creative images, thoughts or comments you wish to share … sunny days, rainy nights … or, whichever subject you like.
Beautiful pictures all, Mac. It reminds me of an early morning walk in the woods in the fall along Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah Mtns.
I truly enjoyed those walks, and reuniting with the Spirits of my Cherokee ancestors who once called that area their homeland. The peaceful quiet, the fresh feeling of the gentle mist on my face, and the crunch of the new fallen leaves with each step, and the haunting sound of a lone bird in the distance. Very Spiritual and soothing to the soul.
Thank you for the reminder. (smile)
Your photos only need you to superimpose the ghost on them.
You never know what you might find in the mist........
Beautiful shot, Mac.
Here is my offering (rare as they may be). This is Churchill's house in Kent, England. Beautiful grounds.
Very interesting. And the mist along with the lone light makes it also a bit spooky.
You're right about the one window light - could the home be occupied by the Winston's ghost?
Could be.
From my home town !
We'd go fishing in this soup too. Never let a Good Fog stop you from having fun !
I really, really want to go kayaking sometime when the air temp is cooler than the river, and the river is all fogged in. My problem is getting up early enough to do that.
Fog is like a day with snow on the ground.
It's so quiet when one is alone. I love "Quiet" !
I got a great shot of a tree in front of my mom's former house in CO after "freezing fog" - it was beautiful. The fog froze what it touched, I've never seen that where live.
We've visited my mother-in-law quite a few times in Buffalo, NY.. One time, we got stuck in one of their Ice Storms. One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.....until the Tree branches started snapping off next to her house. I still thought it was "Cool". I only got to see Hurricanes "Snapping" branches, until then. The cracking and crunching sound can be a bit ….. "mesmerizing" !
You've completed the picture by adding the element of sound to what was always considered by me a to be a "crystal paradise" when the sun shines on those ice-covered branches. I grew up only about an hour's drive west of Buffalo near the westerly tip of Lake Ontario, so our weather was similar.
Never let fishing get in the way of a good foggy head, that alcohol lays to bed, yet , you again wake up with a foggy headed the wrong way till righted by the hair that did bit and split the ends
Back to the blue.
Your top photo resembles the vintage photos of a famous turn-of-the-century French photographer, Eugene Atget:
I've seen many a misty morning along the beach when I lived in Pacific Beach near San Diego. I lived only two blocks from the beach, and the fog used to come actually rolling in like giant cotton balls at times. It was really nice to walk along the beach with the mist and fog before everyone and their Mother's Uncle with their dogs got there. Then it was time to leave. But, the walk home in the mist was very relaxing.
Thanks for the memory. (smile)
Snovember - Buffalo New York 2014
Wall of snow - Seen from the City of Buffalo to the Southtowns of Buffalo
Snowvember: Five Years Later
I live in the Northtowns so I did not get all this snow.
I love walls !
looks like my town....but mine is "WETTER" !
To Cool !
Wise guy
Weather Walls do look cool
though !
Amazing weather photo.
One reason for some monster snows of recent years is likely due to global warming! Some lakes that generally freeze over in winter, no longer do so allowing their liquid surfaces to be picked up by winter winds and transformed to "lake effect snow". On days when local air temperatures are cold enough to generate snow, unfrozen lake surfaces add to snow volumes.
More of my two cents.
Did someone say "snow"?
© A. Mac/A.G.
That is a really great picture, Mac. Bright eyes and a snowy face. And it looks like it's grinning as well.
an old bridge and a new bridge.
A view from up high
The clarity of the foreground against the mist of the background provides a 3 dimensional image of depth.
Interesting that the new bridge leads into mist while the old one does not.
Maybe because the old bridge is not as tall as the new one and was below the level of the mist.
Since fog can be considered a type of low-lying cloud, usually resembling stratus, and is heavily influenced by nearby bodies of water, topography, and wind conditions, the disparity in EG's photo may well be a kind of gap or discontinuity existing at the moment the photo was taken.
My two cents.
The old wooden bridge ends right there and is now used as a fishing pier.
Room with a view. Marathon, The Florida Keys. The photo was taken this morning. Temp 72 at the time.
Move aside I'm off to rescue a turtle. It's Turtle Island ya know.
Is that a "shell" company?
That ambulance may not be fast, but it's probably steady enough to win.
My backyard ~month ago.
Is that a sunset or a forest fire?
Sunset.. If it was a fire, living in a forest, I would have been long gone.. LOL
De 'mist' ifying Mist - Making the Most of Mist
1. Making your primary subject stand out by isolating it.
2. Providing contrast.
3. Creating the feeling of depth.
4. Providing a feeling of height.
5. Using it as a backdrop.
8. To cause lights to flare.
7 - 9. Or just to make ordinary photos more interesting.
When it comes to mist, one of the nicknames of the city I live in is The Misty City. But I am lucky in that China has an endless supply of photographic scenes and subjects.
Great pics Buzz!
A very lovely group of pictures, Buzz. A wide variety of beautiful scenery to see. Well done!