Love the Ford picture over the map background, Mac. Very well done! Here are a few pics of some of the antique vehicle collection on display at the Edison Estate in Ft Myers FL.
There are many others, but, they are on display in other areas.
Totally love the second shot Raven. I take it that it's not factory. Ford made them well but not that fancy.
In the transportation theme, here are a few.shots that I got at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, back in January of 2011.
First, some really old transportation; and Eastern model stage coach from the 1880's. You can tell that it's the Eastern model from the seats on top and the luggage boot that is not covered with leather. In the area of the US east of the Mississippi, particularly in areas not yet served by railroads, this was the 19th Century equivalent of a Greyhound Bus.
Next, an 1896 model Benz (3hp). This is the model before the one named after Mr. Benz's daughter Mercedes.
Great photos TTGA. I have seen a picture of the first one at the top before. A bit more fancy than the ones that ran in the West. Not so sure I would like to ride on the top of that Eastern coach.
Your vintage street photo looks so much like what York Street in Hamilton, Ontario, looked like when I was a kid. Those 3-story storefronts are exactly like my grandfather's dry goods cap and work clothes store, with living quarters above where I lived for the first year of my life, after which my father bought our first home for $3000. My father's first factory was also located on the same block as my grandfather's store. Memories.
Was 85 degrees here in the Inland Empire of So Calif. And tomorrow will be 84 degrees. Then back down into the chilly 70's starting on Saturday and Sunday, and the upper 60's most all next week.
The warm sunny weather will set record high temps for this time of the year here in So Calif. The warm sunny weather felt so good for a change. Had to dig out my shorts and tank tops, then back to the long pants and sweaters for the weekend.
As I have lost access to my photos I am posting a couple taken by my friend and fellow NT member Sichuan who is like me married to a Chongqing woman. Although he has returned to the USA he had taken these photos in the Chongqing area:
Really beautiful landscape. It must have taken many, many years of hard work terrace all those hills and plant all the vegetation. And very worthwhile.
We have some areas here in So Calif that are terraced for growing fruit trees. They have been there for many years, and more are added every so often for new planting, while some of the older areas are allowed to rest and rejuvenate the soil.
Totally agree. As long as the landscaping is done is a way to preserve the environment and ecosystem that will keep the land fertile it is a very sensible and productive way to farm.
It looks like it could be a sunrise as you suggest, or seeing a sunset. The soft blending of the colors of the sky against the medium of the sea, and falling into the starkness of the rocks and the waves crashing on them and the subtle reflection of the run against the white waves, and the lone person in the red coat, gives the picture an almost 3-D appearance.
"A snake came to my water-trough On a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat, To drink there. In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great dark carob tree I came down the steps with my pitcher And must wait, must stand and wait, for there he was at the trough before me. He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall in the gloom..."
Hard to tell from the video ... if the first segment at head is red (then yellow) it’s the venomous coral snake; if it’s black then yellow it’s not a venomous snake; to be safe, ether way, stay away
Can't blame you for that, JaneDoe. I do not hate them, as some of them are really helpful to our environment, even the poisonous ones. But, snakes are not my favorite encounter. Anytime, anywhere.
The one in your photo really looks line a nasty one. Living for most of my youth in many Southern states I got to know about a lot of different snakes. Most I met we agreed to respect each others space.
I use use different techniques to blend together various images into what my mind sees. I use Microsoft PowerPoint's many functions and features and CorelDraw to create the images I want to use, or to edit, and then put them all together. Then add them to a background that will enhance or contract with the images. For the last, I add the framing. I try to express various types of Native American traditions and artwork.
Take a look at these ice-covered houses viewers have spotted at Hoover Beach, Hamburg, NY! The strong winds felt across western New York on Thursday resulted in the waters of Lake Erie blowing ashore, encasing parts of the land in ice.
These houses are some of the more noticeable examples of these feats of nature.
Ah yes, both google and Facebook are blocked here. I could have seen them if you had copied them to your computer's picture library and then posted them here from it.
Yes,you now posted that one so I could see it. I copied the ones I posted from Bing - just searched "Hoover Beach in winter", and clicked to see images.
I have not been on NT for quite a while and just thought I would check things out a bit
I recently visited NYC and found that you can view art without going to museums, simply by wandering around the subway system and checking out the different stations.
I apologize for photo quality as there was changing and uncertain lighting and a lot of crowd jostling going on but I love these and definitely will continue my art course the next time I am in NYC
What a great street mural. I have seen a good many really great and inspirational street murals just driving around LA. Some like to refer to it as graffiti, but, that is really an insult to the fine artistry of the artwork by those who are either bigots, or have no eye for artwork compared to graffiti.
Hello my good Friend! Good to see you here with us again. There are a lot of things to see and hear around the subway stations in NYC. Thank you for sharing these subway artwork photos with us.
Nice to chat with you again as well -- as you might imagine life goes on, the good and the bad come to everyone and the quality and happiness of our lives is how we deal with both - all things considered life is good and I hope the same is true for you and yours.
There is something like these to see in nearly every station - we also saw some fantastic art in different boroughs that technically was graffiti I guess but it was done as part of neighborhood projects and restorations and was actually beloved by all who lived there and the tourists as well.
When I was in Mexico there was a lot of 'graffiti'. It was on the sides of buildings, walls, etc. A lot of it was quite good and I didn't see any attempts at painting over any of it.
Many thanks to you, Mac, for providing this group so that we can share our various photos and artwork with the NT Members who appreciate a peaceful place to come and sit back and just enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Wheel-com to this week's CREATIVE ARTS posting. Post whatever you've got!
Love the Ford picture over the map background, Mac. Very well done! Here are a few pics of some of the antique vehicle collection on display at the Edison Estate in Ft Myers FL.
There are many others, but, they are on display in other areas.
My dream car,since I was 22 years old. 1959 Jaguar Mark IX
I had always wanted one of these....
But I had to settle for a 1955 Buick Special instead...
Loved it, had such a smooth ride. Like riding on air.
Totally love the second shot Raven. I take it that it's not factory. Ford made them well but not that fancy.
In the transportation theme, here are a few.shots that I got at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, back in January of 2011.
First, some really old transportation; and Eastern model stage coach from the 1880's. You can tell that it's the Eastern model from the seats on top and the luggage boot that is not covered with leather. In the area of the US east of the Mississippi, particularly in areas not yet served by railroads, this was the 19th Century equivalent of a Greyhound Bus.
Next, an 1896 model Benz (3hp). This is the model before the one named after Mr. Benz's daughter Mercedes.
Last, a 1914 Model T Ford.
Great photos TTGA. I have seen a picture of the first one at the top before. A bit more fancy than the ones that ran in the West. Not so sure I would like to ride on the top of that Eastern coach.
Your vintage street photo looks so much like what York Street in Hamilton, Ontario, looked like when I was a kid. Those 3-story storefronts are exactly like my grandfather's dry goods cap and work clothes store, with living quarters above where I lived for the first year of my life, after which my father bought our first home for $3000. My father's first factory was also located on the same block as my grandfather's store. Memories.
It's been an unusually warm winter up here.
Feb 2019 - Last Year
Feb 2020 - This Year

Ha, great photos EG....a mild winter in MN/WI is only 25 days below -25.
February 2020 in Chongqing is a dystopian sight, but I suppose I could take and post a photo of a face mask.
It must be quite surreal there.
Surreal - a good word to describe what it's like here these days.
February in Lampe, MO. where we used to live.
February in Ocala, Fl. where we currently live.
I like where you live much better! LOL!
It's a bit chilly here today, 62 and sunny.
Time for the heavy winter clothes. LOL
Will you please stop making everybody jealous?
Was 85 degrees here in the Inland Empire of So Calif. And tomorrow will be 84 degrees. Then back down into the chilly 70's starting on Saturday and Sunday, and the upper 60's most all next week.
The warm sunny weather will set record high temps for this time of the year here in So Calif. The warm sunny weather felt so good for a change. Had to dig out my shorts and tank tops, then back to the long pants and sweaters for the weekend.
Here is one of my creations to share this week.....
Terrific, but I still want to know about the face in the bottom right corner.
The face is part of a battle image. I'm not sure which one.
As I have lost access to my photos I am posting a couple taken by my friend and fellow NT member Sichuan who is like me married to a Chongqing woman. Although he has returned to the USA he had taken these photos in the Chongqing area:
What is the location where the beautiful pictures were taken? They are indeed a great deal of artistry.
I've not been there yet because it's at least a couple hours away but still in Chongqing. Here is info about it.
Thank you for the link, Buzz. Well worth reading about.
Here's another one of Sichuan's photos of the Chongqing area. The terraced farmland is more elaborate than the ones I've seen.
Really beautiful landscape. It must have taken many, many years of hard work terrace all those hills and plant all the vegetation. And very worthwhile.
We have some areas here in So Calif that are terraced for growing fruit trees. They have been there for many years, and more are added every so often for new planting, while some of the older areas are allowed to rest and rejuvenate the soil.
Thank you for sharing such a awesome photo.
As more and more crops are needed to feed the world, there is no reason not to use the space to grow them.
Totally agree. As long as the landscaping is done is a way to preserve the environment and ecosystem that will keep the land fertile it is a very sensible and productive way to farm.
Here's one from not far from my house, just outside of Philly. My wife and I took a walk several days ago and the weather was very nice.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Lovely scenery Mac. I bet it is really beautiful in the Spring and Summer.
Love the light and natural look.
Is that a bridge in the distance?
It’s a bridge of an abandoned railroad which is now a hiking trail.
A perfect shot. Just so peaceful.
Greeting the sun
Gorgeous colors and great composition.
You took the words out of my mouth. A perfect sunrise shot.
It looks like it could be a sunrise as you suggest, or seeing a sunset. The soft blending of the colors of the sky against the medium of the sea, and falling into the starkness of the rocks and the waves crashing on them and the subtle reflection of the run against the white waves, and the lone person in the red coat, gives the picture an almost 3-D appearance.
At least that is how I see it. Very beautiful.
That should be ......reflection of the sun against........
Guess I am going to have to keep an eye on ya'll
Haha Was going through pics again. I always come across pics I somehow snap by accident and have no idea what it is. My latest one...
LOL. I've taken shots like that...
I didn't take this photo, but my daughter did and I think it is outstanding. It's of her kitty Albus.
I love it! I'd try to large poster print that one and hang it! Or wall paper for an accent wall somewhere.
I was thinking of doing that or using that photo to do a painting of him. Not sure which.
looks like it could be a character from the play CATS.
Well... he is the real thing, LOL!
Makes me think of waking up in the morning and opening your eyes to that.
He indeed is in your face in the morn!
How cute! What a sweet little face and even a goatee!
He is such a sweetie. His sister, not so much.
We were out on the boat last summer and I snapped these. First time I saw anything like it. Apparently they give tours here in Florida.
The gators in FL are big enough to swamp that car....LOL, yummy lunch.
Don't ever point at a gator in Florida.
I like this one.
Since I do a fair amount of bass fishing here in Florida that isn't that unique...LOLOLOL
Got my own fish-stealin' critters …
© A. Mac/A.G.
Hey...HEY....HEY!! No fair hiss face! You 'spose to throw 'em back!!
I think I know that guy. It's old Lefty from down in the Everglades.
Sorry about the late reply. Haven’t been stopping by much lately.
I think I would rather deal with the gator. Absolutely hate snakes! Yuck
I saw this fellow slithering around one day. Turns out he is poisonous. I didn’t go out in the yard for days afterward.
Better any time than not at all!
We are suppose to have those around here. I have never seen one though.
There is a poisonous one and a look a like that is non poisonous. I can never remember the difference, so I would run either way. Haha
Hard to tell from the video ... if the first segment at head is red (then yellow) it’s the venomous coral snake; if it’s black then yellow it’s not a venomous snake; to be safe, ether way, stay away
Can't blame you for that, JaneDoe. I do not hate them, as some of them are really helpful to our environment, even the poisonous ones. But, snakes are not my favorite encounter. Anytime, anywhere.
The one in your photo really looks line a nasty one. Living for most of my youth in many Southern states I got to know about a lot of different snakes. Most I met we agreed to respect each others space.
Red touches yellow, you're a dead fellow. Red touches black, you're okay Jack." [
He was poisonous. Red touching yellow is not good!
I did my research after I saw it. The only positive info I found was their heads are so small it is hard for them to latch on to release the venom.
Here is another of my creations.....
How do you do your creations? This is beautiful!
Thank you Perrie.
I use use different techniques to blend together various images into what my mind sees. I use Microsoft PowerPoint's many functions and features and CorelDraw to create the images I want to use, or to edit, and then put them all together. Then add them to a background that will enhance or contract with the images. For the last, I add the framing. I try to express various types of Native American traditions and artwork.
It is a labor of love and fun.
A knockout punch.
Thank you Buzz. This is a variation of Hopi artwork with a Kachina Doll.
We are looking good both in terms of shared creativity and good commentary.
Many thanks and keep it going.
Take a look at these ice-covered houses viewers have spotted at Hoover Beach, Hamburg, NY! The strong winds felt across western New York on Thursday resulted in the waters of Lake Erie blowing ashore, encasing parts of the land in ice.
These houses are some of the more noticeable examples of these feats of nature.
Looks almost like they are from a fantasy movie. Nature sure can play tricks on us.
That is absolutely amazing. A message from Mother Nature stating, ''I'm in charge human''....
Have to add one more.....looks like a woolly mammoth:
Wow! That really does look like a Woolly Mammoth walking toward the building. Great photos!
That's amazing. It really does look like a Wooley Mammoth.
You can feel that wind.
Holy crap. And to think I shiver if it hits 60 here.
I don't know why I can't open your photos, unless you sourced them from google.
I copied them from a Facebook post.
Look up Hoover Beach and you may find articles with pictures of the houses.
Ah yes, both google and Facebook are blocked here. I could have seen them if you had copied them to your computer's picture library and then posted them here from it.
Did you post these?
Yes, and one more that I only found on FB that shows what looks like a woolly mammoth.
Yes,you now posted that one so I could see it. I copied the ones I posted from Bing - just searched "Hoover Beach in winter", and clicked to see images.
Very cool pics. Mother nature is amazing!
Hello to old friends
I have not been on NT for quite a while and just thought I would check things out a bit
I recently visited NYC and found that you can view art without going to museums, simply by wandering around the subway system and checking out the different stations.
I apologize for photo quality as there was changing and uncertain lighting and a lot of crowd jostling going on but I love these and definitely will continue my art course the next time I am in NYC
Hi Robert, good to see you again.
Street mural of Chief Plenty Coups by Votan. Located in Indian Alley, Los Angeles CA.
What a great street mural. I have seen a good many really great and inspirational street murals just driving around LA. Some like to refer to it as graffiti, but, that is really an insult to the fine artistry of the artwork by those who are either bigots, or have no eye for artwork compared to graffiti.
Thank you for sharing the fine artwork with us.
Beautiful - thanks for sharing this
Wow! Now that is an amazing piece of street art!
Hello my good Friend! Good to see you here with us again. There are a lot of things to see and hear around the subway stations in NYC. Thank you for sharing these subway artwork photos with us.
Hello old friend - you are most welcome
Long time no see ... happy you’re here!
Nice to see that at least this group can be enjoyed without arguing politics
Hi Robert,
So nice to see you again. I hope that life has been good!
Nice to chat with you again as well -- as you might imagine life goes on, the good and the bad come to everyone and the quality and happiness of our lives is how we deal with both - all things considered life is good and I hope the same is true for you and yours.
To show my appreciation for the group - why does it bother you?
I thought that only Russia posted art in their subway stations - this is good to see, because it certainly is a lot classier than graffiti.
There is something like these to see in nearly every station - we also saw some fantastic art in different boroughs that technically was graffiti I guess but it was done as part of neighborhood projects and restorations and was actually beloved by all who lived there and the tourists as well.
When I was in Mexico there was a lot of 'graffiti'. It was on the sides of buildings, walls, etc. A lot of it was quite good and I didn't see any attempts at painting over any of it.
A while ago I posted a photo-article of graffiti created by the students of the Sichuan Institute of Fine Art that was quite fantastic.
I wish I knew you were in NY. I would have tried to meet up with you!
My most sincere expression of gratitude for all the comments & shared creativity!
Many thanks to you, Mac, for providing this group so that we can share our various photos and artwork with the NT Members who appreciate a peaceful place to come and sit back and just enjoy the beautiful scenery.