Post whatever creative stuff you've got to share … and don't get hooked on the "fish" subject matter … anything creative will work.
NOTE: Last Week, I posted this "selfie of my wife & me … out for a walk in Donald Trump's America … and there seemed to be some curiosity as to what was under the masks …
… so … here's a picture of my wife with Gracie (our Havanese), taken before the Trump horror … when America was still great … before he fucked it up!
Mrs Mac is beautiful! What a sweet and genuine smile. She and Gracie look like they are enjoying each others' company. Please send Mrs Mac my best wishes and many Blessings.
Love the fish photos. That Fly Fisherman's work table looks like it gets a lot of workouts. I was never able to learn how to fly fish. Heck, I was never able to learn to fish that well. The only time I was able to catch a fish I wound up winning a prize for the largest catfish in a fishing contest I had not even intended to enter. A once in a lifetime event for me.
But, I was a very good hook baiter for my Father and Grandfather. No matter what bait I gave them, they always caught something good, so they left the hook baiting to me.
I haven't been out much this week. A pigeon has been raiding our lawn for bits to build a nest in a neighbor's porch. I couldn't get a good shot of it and it was way too cold and windy to sit there for too long.
A gull on the brakewall taken a couple of weeks ago.
EG, the gull reminded me of an incident that happened back in 1998 in Bay City, Michigan that still makes me laugh. My partner's son, Jordan, was having his 4th birthday party at a place called Carroll Park in Bay City. Since the park is only about a mile from Saginaw Bay, a large bay off from Lake Huron, there were large numbers of gulls always around the park picking up scraps left by picnickers. About 50-75 of them were gathered in an open space near the pavilion that we were using. Jordan decided that, since he was now a 4 year old, he would be the king of those birds. He ran out into the open space waving his arms and shouting. Naturally, all the gulls took off. As he was standing there, hands on hips and acting every bit like a king, the whole flock came right back down and landed directly behind him. He jumped off the ground almost to the level of his own height, almost took off flying himself. They must have been coming in to worship their new king. Couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the hot dog that I threw, which landed about a foot behind him.
Summer before last, my grandson, who was learning to ride a bike without training wheels, came in from the parking lot where he was practicing with a scrape on his hand. When I asked him what had happened, he said, "Grandpa, the wheels on that bike are so rusty that they made me fall down. You need to get me a new bike." I asked him whether it could possibly have been the high speed tight turns that he had been making on wet pavement, and he replied, "Oh no grandpa, it was the wheels all right. I need a new bike". Since he has since grown a bit, this year he has a new bike, new to him at least. It's one that his sister grew out of and it doesn't have any rust on the wheels. I wonder what excuse he'll use this year when he dumps the new one. Actually, I have a pretty fair idea. "Greyson made me fall. He rode too close to me and made me fall!!" Right back to those high speed tight turns again.
You can probably tell that the fish and camera are situated to make the fish look bigger than it actually was. It about 3 inches and I think it's a white bass. That's the fishing trip where I said I wanted to catch a bass and if I did I would be happy. Well.....
These were taken last year. We were having a few drinks and fishing in the canal. Sadly the young man, who was like a son to me is no longer with us. 😢Good memories!!
Got 'em. Last to be installed, along with the soft faux gray/white teak look flooring. Want to make sure everything is clean first.
Is that the wrong trailer for it? It doesn't look like it fits quite right,
It Does seem that way doesn't it ? It's only a 15 ft. boat. Actually has the "StarCraft" logo on the trailer, same as the boat. There's a small crank winch with a strap on it just in front of the tire you see. Hooks to the other side of the trailer to tighten it down to the trailer. It was a bitch getting it unfrozen though. Works now, but needs a new strap.
It's been both a blast and a pain to get it this far.
It is just the ones I have seen the front of the boat usually rests on the rubber/plastic roller on the front.
I don't have a pic of it, my BIL put pvc poles on the sides of the trailer in the back that rise up about 5ft and put lights on the top. He said it helps him backing it up and makes it easier for him to line up the boat when pulling it back on the trailer, when the trailer can be submerged.
I like the idea of regular flooring. The carpet in most of them can be a pain. Sounds like it would be a lot easier to clean.
It is just the ones I have seen the front of the boat usually rests on the rubber/plastic roller on the front.
It's got a little 5 inch wide roller up front (it's there, promise ), and a little 4 incher in the back. Everything is "Small" on this thing. Apparently, they didn't think big back in the 70's, except about guys in porn movies.
I was thinking about putting those side trailer guides on this, but they seem to really be proud of them. A bit pricey for now. Maybe I'll custom make some out of PVC pipe.
That's what I did on the boat trailer I used to have. And I recognize that trailer type. Didn't need much support on the older boats. Small roller in the rear, boards for support and the roller on the front to support it.
Small roller in the rear, boards for support and the roller on the front to support it.
Exactly what I have. Two of us can pick the front of the boat up and slide it backwards. Had to move it around when I was doing my "Art Work" on the hull bottom. Doesn't weigh much at all.
Another thing he did was change out the top. It came with, I don't know if I am saying it right, a bimini top, or something. It snapped down on the front window. He is a big guy and couldn't fit with the top up. Haha He put on one of those taller ones. I think I may have a pic of the boat somewhere.
Another thing he did was change out the top. It came with, I don't know if I am saying it right, a bimini top, or something.
"Bimini's" right.
I added one, but it folds down to the back on mine. The windshield has a flip window, so you can go stand, sit, or lay on the bow deck, and it would have gotten in the way of flipping the window open.
The interior is a light Grey with white accents.
Flooring is going to be what you see on the flip down foot rests I had to rebuild.
As you can see, I have some cleaning to do before I finalize the interior. That friggin oak in my backyard can really mess things up. It's like it has a mind of it's own. It sneaks little bits and pieces right past that top I have over it.
There's a small crank winch with a strap on it just in front of the tire you see. Hooks to the other side of the trailer to tighten it down to the trailer.
Me, DO NOT depend on the strap or the winch to hold the boat in place. Either the strap can break or the gears in the winch can strip. If you're driving down the road at the time, your boat can end up moving down the road without you. Get a short piece of chain (about the same size as the safety chains you have hooking the trailer to the car). Attach a snap hook onto one end and either weld or bolt the other end to the trailer. Hook the end with the snap hook onto the same eye bolt that the winch strap is attached to. Then, if anything gives out, the boat can only move back the length of that safety chain.
It's been both a blast and a pain to get it this far.
They really can be a lot of fun, but I always remember a definition I heard some time back, "A boat is a hole in the water, into which you throw money".
I was thinking about putting those side trailer guides on this, but they seem to really be proud of them. A bit pricey for now. Maybe I'll custom make some out of PVC pipe.
Not too expensive nor too difficult, although welding is necessary.
Here's how mine looks. Boat and trailer are old and need more maintenance than I've given them, but the guides are very solid.
Here is how the bottom part is attached to the frame. Weld a piece of 1" or 1 1/2" galvanized steel electrical conduit or plumbing pipe on to the frame at an angle that allows you to put PVC pipe over the galvanized pipe while still holding the boat securely in place.
Next, slide a piece of 2" PVC conduit over the galvanized pipe. If it's too loose, use a wrapping of Duct Tape as a shim.
The side supports hold the boat in place and, in order to put it on the trailer, just put the bow between the two supports, attach the front strap and crank the winch. It will put the boat into the same spot every time.
You can get both galvanized and PVC electrical conduit at any electrical supply store. It comes in 10' lengths so all you need to do is cut each pipe in half and use one half on each side of the trailer.
Me, DO NOT depend on the strap or the winch to hold the boat in place. Either the strap can break or the gears in the winch can strip. If you're driving down the road at the time, your boat can end up moving down the road without you. Get a short piece of chain (about the same size as the safety chains you have hooking the trailer to the car). Attach a snap hook onto one end and either weld or bolt the other end to the trailer. Hook the end with the snap hook onto the same eye bolt that the winch strap is attached to. Then, if anything gives out, the boat can only move back the length of that safety chain.
Hadn't thought of that. Good Idea !
On the guide rail install, I've got to figure out a different way to do it than what you did. The Trailer framing is a lot narrower than the boat by over two total feet (a bit over 14" each side). The outside of the tires are actually right in line with the outside of the hull, and the Trailer framing is approx. 8" back from the inside of the tire. I guess I could attach an "L" shaped tube to the trailer frame, so it would come out past the hull with the upturn, to slide PVC over that ?
And don't ask me to weld anything. I would really, really, really, REALLY suck at it.
I guess I could attach an "L" shaped tube to the trailer frame, so it would come out past the hull with the upturn,
If you have a scrap metal dealer in the area, you can usually get a couple of pieces of steel that are over 14" long fairly cheap. When I repaired the handle attachment on my lawn mower, I went to the scrap yard in the next town and found an old set of bed springs that had been thrown out. The outer frame of those are fairly strong and all you would need is to cut a couple of pieces to the right length. Attach them to the frame of the trailer like a pair of wings to extend out past the boat and hook the conduit to the end of them extending up on each side. Then, just slide the PVC onto the vertical conduit.
And don't ask me to weld anything. I would really, really, really, REALLY suck at it.
Same here. I don't even have a welder. One thing I've found, though, is that most auto repair garages do have one and the guy who owns it doesn't usually charge much to weld it for you. The guy three blocks away only charged me ten bucks to do the work on my mower and welding is much stronger than bolting. Here's an example of the setup needed.
Haven't fished in a long time. probably decades. Ever since I tried to take a hook out of a fish that I think swallowed it. I ended up pulling out some of his insides. Kinda really turned me off.
I can show our waters. This shows why they call MS muddy waters.
I thought Muddy Waters was a singer. LOL. If you think THOSE waters are muddy, you should see some of the ones here. What worries me is that it isn't mud....
Another fish tail. Clear Lake CA. 11 lbs 8 oz. Returned unharmed to fight another day, same as the one in my last post was returned to the water to fight another day.
a power color. when I was in sales I always wore something that was red. it didn't go unnoticed by my peers or mgmt. once after a sales meeting the GM pulled me aside and asked me about my lack of red clothing. I revealed the waistband of my red silk boxers. at one time I owned more pink shirts than any other color too. previous to that job, while doing construction, I used to spray paint the handles of my hand tools pink. they were never stolen.
This creation was a surprise for me. I had been experimenting with various types of framing and nothing seemed to work for me. Then I was just trying this and that and suddenly the unique frame just came about and seemed to fit with the image very well. So I kept it.
Funny how some things that you are not looking for just seem to crop up out of nowhere and put it all together. I likely could not have made it turn out that way if I had actually tried to do it that way. And I am not one to turn my back on a gift that works. (grin)
If you have any interest in seeing a photo-essay I posted on desaturating colour photos to black and white and the reasons for doing so it is one of the "Group Pages" articles (on the front page of the Creatve Arts group, under the member list), called Colour to Black & White.
LOL!!! I've seen some real hysterical ways people try to unload and load their boats at the bakes and rivers. It is hard to believe that there are such totally mindless people in the world.
In my teens at Turkey Point, Ontario, at the north shore of Lake Erie. I caught all those Bass - there was a six per day limit.
On the dock of my lakeside home on Gull Lake in the Haliburton Lakes district of Ontario, many decades later.
Even though I fish in the shallowest waters, I will catch some fish, for thou art with me, my rod and my Heinekins, they comfort me.
Teaching my son how to fish about 100 ft out in front of my lakeside home, where the shallowness drops down along a weedy slope where the Bass love to hide. I loved my boat - a 14 1\2 ft. bowrider with a 70 hp Evinrude (Johnson brand) outboard - a very fast combination. The lake was very deep, where Lake Trout lurked, but I only caught bass and perch.
You want "Little Buzz"? This is "Little Buzz" The expression on my face makes me think that I was thinking of the next mischief I could get myself into.
That is very possible. It is amazing to see what they come up with in their pouches after they make a scooping run. No matter what it is it all goes down the hatch!
How do you catch those monsters? Casting lures or spoons, trolling, still fishing with live bait? Still fishing with live bait has always been my preference, although I sometimes have success with casting, but trolling really bores me, which is why I never went after the Lake Trout in my lake. In the photo of me fishing off my dock above, you'll see a small container of worms near my feet. I tried to fly fish a couple of times without much success, even though I consider the fly fishermen to be the royalty of fishing, especially when they tie their own flies.
Early in the morning, I use jerk baits along the shoreline. A jerk bait is a lure that runs just below the top of the water and you jerk it along to get the motion. Later in the morning I move to deeper water looking for rock piles or weed beds and try a lure that runs anywhere from a couple of feet between the top and 6 ft or so down. When it gets to later I love to plastic worms and work the bottom and usually skip the early and mid after and come back out a around 5 pm or so and start working the shallow water again, the bass are up feeding close to the shoreline at that time.
even though I consider the fly fishermen to be the royalty of fishing, especially when they tie their own flies.
One of my colleagues at a middle school north of here used to tie flies and would teach his students how to do it. All of the kids were crazy about learning it. The trick was that, in order to be taught how to tie flies, your behavior in class had to be perfect. One of the best disciplinary tools I've ever seen.
Kav, I remember the guys you used to describe living in the Ozarks. They probably didn't use catch and release much. It's hard to do catch and release when your lure is a concussion grenade. I think that the emoticon is a pretty accurate description of their posture after they make a cast.
Kav, I remember the guys you used to describe living in the Ozarks. They probably didn't use catch and release much. It's hard to do catch and release when your lure is a concussion grenade. I think that the emoticon is a pretty accurate description of their posture after they make a cast.
I have a big problem with editing photos now. I used Photoscape, a very good free editing program but my operating Windows 7 operating system crashed, and the repair guy installed a Windows 10 system in my computer. Unfortunately, the Photoscape program I liked could not be installed in a Windows 10, but a new version was required for Windows 10. I installed it, and it is so complicated it's exceptionally difficult to use, especially compared with the previous one. Is there another free editing program (I won't pay for one) that anyone uses that I can try out?
Thanks, E.G. I'll start trying them out today. I aleady have "Paint" on my computer, but it doesn't have many of the facilities I want and had been using with Photoscape when I had it on Windows 7. I normally have used paint up to now for converting photos I copy off the net to jpeg, resize, sometimes to crop and rarely to draw something on a photo. But I'm looking forward to what I can do with your other suggestions.
Post whatever creative stuff you've got to share … and don't get hooked on the "fish" subject matter … anything creative will work.
NOTE: Last Week, I posted this "selfie of my wife & me … out for a walk in Donald Trump's America … and there seemed to be some curiosity as to what was under the masks …
… so … here's a picture of my wife with Gracie (our Havanese), taken before the Trump horror … when America was still great … before he fucked it up!
© A. Mac/A.G.
Beautiful pup! Your wife is gorgeous, too
I have a fishing photo
Looking forward to seeing it!
Your wife is beautiful.
Great pics as always.
Mrs Mac is beautiful! What a sweet and genuine smile. She and Gracie look like they are enjoying each others' company. Please send Mrs Mac my best wishes and many Blessings.
Love the fish photos. That Fly Fisherman's work table looks like it gets a lot of workouts. I was never able to learn how to fly fish. Heck, I was never able to learn to fish that well. The only time I was able to catch a fish I wound up winning a prize for the largest catfish in a fishing contest I had not even intended to enter. A once in a lifetime event for me.
But, I was a very good hook baiter for my Father and Grandfather. No matter what bait I gave them, they always caught something good, so they left the hook baiting to me.
Gracie is very gorgeous - how you got her???? Wow, that must be a tale and a half
Gracie is a rescued dog who was abused and almost put to death by a previous owner who also had her on tranquilizers,
She was the smallest dog in a house with four other dogs. It’s hard to believe because she is as sweet as she looks.
Both are lovely, and I'm sure, loving. You're a lucky guy.
I haven't been out much this week. A pigeon has been raiding our lawn for bits to build a nest in a neighbor's porch. I couldn't get a good shot of it and it was way too cold and windy to sit there for too long.
A gull on the brakewall taken a couple of weeks ago.
EG, the gull reminded me of an incident that happened back in 1998 in Bay City, Michigan that still makes me laugh. My partner's son, Jordan, was having his 4th birthday party at a place called Carroll Park in Bay City. Since the park is only about a mile from Saginaw Bay, a large bay off from Lake Huron, there were large numbers of gulls always around the park picking up scraps left by picnickers. About 50-75 of them were gathered in an open space near the pavilion that we were using. Jordan decided that, since he was now a 4 year old, he would be the king of those birds. He ran out into the open space waving his arms and shouting. Naturally, all the gulls took off. As he was standing there, hands on hips and acting every bit like a king, the whole flock came right back down and landed directly behind him. He jumped off the ground almost to the level of his own height, almost took off flying himself. They must have been coming in to worship their new king. Couldn't possibly have had anything to do with the hot dog that I threw, which landed about a foot behind him.
Ah, messing with kids. One of the joys in life.
Yeah, but the kids do it to us too.
Summer before last, my grandson, who was learning to ride a bike without training wheels, came in from the parking lot where he was practicing with a scrape on his hand. When I asked him what had happened, he said, "Grandpa, the wheels on that bike are so rusty that they made me fall down. You need to get me a new bike." I asked him whether it could possibly have been the high speed tight turns that he had been making on wet pavement, and he replied, "Oh no grandpa, it was the wheels all right. I need a new bike". Since he has since grown a bit, this year he has a new bike, new to him at least. It's one that his sister grew out of and it doesn't have any rust on the wheels. I wonder what excuse he'll use this year when he dumps the new one. Actually, I have a pretty fair idea. "Greyson made me fall. He rode too close to me and made me fall!!" Right back to those high speed tight turns again.
HAHAHAHA! That's funny!
Nice photos EG. That gull looks like it owns the territory. (grin)
It's okay, after all, we rarely get to see photos of the BACKS of birds. LOL.
You can probably tell that the fish and camera are situated to make the fish look bigger than it actually was. It about 3 inches and I think it's a white bass. That's the fishing trip where I said I wanted to catch a bass and if I did I would be happy. Well.....
I believe that to be a Channel Catfish! But it's a nice fish and a good photo!
I think you're right. That is the one catfish I caught. I did catch a white bass that was way smaller than this one.
10lb 5oz, Clear Lake, California.
That's a fish and one of these days I'm gonna catch something like that!
I'm sure that you will, Trout.
That's a very good looking fish. I always wished I could catch a fish like that.
I've caught many a Bass in my life, but never one as big as that. My max was about 6 lb.
That fish is huge. Bet it put up a fight. can't imagine! He almost pulled me into the lake he fought that much!
Ya know all fishermen are liars 'sep you and me Trout and I'm not so sure about you anymore.
I don't lie about my fish...I might exaggerate but I certainly do not lie!
I think I'm gonna examine that photo of you and your fish, Kavika...see if I can't detect a little photo-shopping
LOL, go for it Trout. Both are legit.
The code words for misplacing the truth...LOL
Actually Trout the last big bass that I caught was so big that the photo of it weighted 5 lbs. And that's the truth. Kinda
Fishermen tell big fish
These were taken last year. We were having a few drinks and fishing in the canal. Sadly the young man, who was like a son to me is no longer with us. 😢Good memories!!
What is the fish on the top?
An alligator garfish.
We pulled a few of those out of the lake where I caught that fish above. Problem was we were trying to catch catfish for our dinner that night.
Those gars are nasty. Every time somebody caught one we just clipped the line.
Ugly too!
"There are Fish, There is Fishing, There are Fishermen, &, There is Fishing Paraphernalia"
All of the above !
Looks good. Need some seats man. Haha
Don't mean to sound negative but I have to ask/or say, Is that the wrong trailer for it? It doesn't look like it fits quite right,
Is that the wrong trailer for it? It doesn't look like it fits quite right,
It Does seem that way doesn't it ? It's only a 15 ft. boat. Actually has the "StarCraft" logo on the trailer, same as the boat. There's a small crank winch with a strap on it just in front of the tire you see. Hooks to the other side of the trailer to tighten it down to the trailer. It was a bitch getting it unfrozen though. Works now, but needs a new strap.
It's been both a blast and a pain to get it this far.
As long as it fits. : )
It is just the ones I have seen the front of the boat usually rests on the rubber/plastic roller on the front.
I don't have a pic of it, my BIL put pvc poles on the sides of the trailer in the back that rise up about 5ft and put lights on the top. He said it helps him backing it up and makes it easier for him to line up the boat when pulling it back on the trailer, when the trailer can be submerged.
I like the idea of regular flooring. The carpet in most of them can be a pain. Sounds like it would be a lot easier to clean.
It's got a little 5 inch wide roller up front (it's there, promise
), and a little 4 incher in the back. Everything is "Small" on this thing. Apparently, they didn't think big back in the 70's, except about guys in porn movies.
I was thinking about putting those side trailer guides on this, but they seem to really be proud of them. A bit pricey for now. Maybe I'll custom make some out of PVC pipe.
That's what I did on the boat trailer I used to have. And I recognize that trailer type. Didn't need much support on the older boats. Small roller in the rear, boards for support and the roller on the front to support it.
Looks good.
Exactly what I have. Two of us can pick the front of the boat up and slide it backwards. Had to move it around when I was doing my "Art Work" on the hull bottom. Doesn't weigh much at all.
I love the colours with the blue on the bottom.
Yeah, my BIL made the guides himself.
Another thing he did was change out the top. It came with, I don't know if I am saying it right, a bimini top, or something. It snapped down on the front window. He is a big guy and couldn't fit with the top up. Haha He put on one of those taller ones. I think I may have a pic of the boat somewhere.
Looks no where near as nice and clean as yours.
"Bimini's" right.
I added one, but it folds down to the back on mine. The windshield has a flip window, so you can go stand, sit, or lay on the bow deck, and it would have gotten in the way of flipping the window open.
The interior is a light Grey with white accents.
Flooring is going to be what you see on the flip down foot rests I had to rebuild.
As you can see, I have some cleaning to do before I finalize the interior. That friggin oak in my backyard can really mess things up. It's like it has a mind of it's own. It sneaks little bits and pieces right past that top I have over it.
Me, DO NOT depend on the strap or the winch to hold the boat in place. Either the strap can break or the gears in the winch can strip. If you're driving down the road at the time, your boat can end up moving down the road without you. Get a short piece of chain (about the same size as the safety chains you have hooking the trailer to the car). Attach a snap hook onto one end and either weld or bolt the other end to the trailer. Hook the end with the snap hook onto the same eye bolt that the winch strap is attached to. Then, if anything gives out, the boat can only move back the length of that safety chain.
They really can be a lot of fun, but I always remember a definition I heard some time back, "A boat is a hole in the water, into which you throw money".
Not too expensive nor too difficult, although welding is necessary.
Here's how mine looks. Boat and trailer are old and need more maintenance than I've given them, but the guides are very solid.
Here is how the bottom part is attached to the frame. Weld a piece of 1" or 1 1/2" galvanized steel electrical conduit or plumbing pipe on to the frame at an angle that allows you to put PVC pipe over the galvanized pipe while still holding the boat securely in place.
Next, slide a piece of 2" PVC conduit over the galvanized pipe. If it's too loose, use a wrapping of Duct Tape as a shim.
The side supports hold the boat in place and, in order to put it on the trailer, just put the bow between the two supports, attach the front strap and crank the winch. It will put the boat into the same spot every time.
You can get both galvanized and PVC electrical conduit at any electrical supply store. It comes in 10' lengths so all you need to do is cut each pipe in half and use one half on each side of the trailer.
Hadn't thought of that. Good Idea !
On the guide rail install, I've got to figure out a different way to do it than what you did. The Trailer framing is a lot narrower than the boat by over two total feet (a bit over 14" each side). The outside of the tires are actually right in line with the outside of the hull, and the Trailer framing is approx. 8" back from the inside of the tire. I guess I could attach an "L" shaped tube to the trailer frame, so it would come out past the hull with the upturn, to slide PVC over that ?
And don't ask me to weld anything. I would really, really, really, REALLY suck at it.
If you have a scrap metal dealer in the area, you can usually get a couple of pieces of steel that are over 14" long fairly cheap. When I repaired the handle attachment on my lawn mower, I went to the scrap yard in the next town and found an old set of bed springs that had been thrown out. The outer frame of those are fairly strong and all you would need is to cut a couple of pieces to the right length. Attach them to the frame of the trailer like a pair of wings to extend out past the boat and hook the conduit to the end of them extending up on each side. Then, just slide the PVC onto the vertical conduit.
Same here. I don't even have a welder. One thing I've found, though, is that most auto repair garages do have one and the guy who owns it doesn't usually charge much to weld it for you. The guy three blocks away only charged me ten bucks to do the work on my mower and welding is much stronger than bolting. Here's an example of the setup needed.
Nice !
Thanks ! I'll give it a go.
Haven't fished in a long time. probably decades. Ever since I tried to take a hook out of a fish that I think swallowed it. I ended up pulling out some of his insides. Kinda really turned me off.
I can show our waters. This shows why they call MS muddy waters.
Bay St Louis and the bay bridge. Go under the bridge and it is out into the Gulf.
Not the best vid...
Very nice Ender. Looks like the folks are having as great time swimming the "Big Muddy.
Your videos play choppy for me, but at least I can open and watch them.
looks like the waters I used to swim in outside of Vancleave.
Really? Kinda close by. That pic is the Wolf River.
I don't remember the name of the rivers anymore. I was down there for two years after Katrina doing reconstruction work.
After thinking about it I kind of remember it being the Pascagoula .
I thought Muddy Waters was a singer. LOL. If you think THOSE waters are muddy, you should see some of the ones here. What worries me is that it isn't mud....
Another fish tail. Clear Lake CA. 11 lbs 8 oz. Returned unharmed to fight another day, same as the one in my last post was returned to the water to fight another day.
Never been to Clear Lake, but, looks like there are a lot of great fish that call it home and like to play with you!
Catching fish, or, fly fishing and catching the spirituality of a moment … both work.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Beautiful Photo Mac. Love the varied color contrasts and their reflections on the water surface.
Your fishng photos succeed in depicting the spirituality of fishing.
I have to admit that I never returned a bass - they were meant to be part of the circle of life, and they fulfilled their purpose well.
No fish pic to share, but, here is another to share.
Great rhythm while simultaneously a stable, strong image.
Thanks Mac. The framing was not what I was originally looking for, but, it was so unusual in how it turned out I decided to keep it.
I like how the red sets it off.
Thanks dev. Pastels are nice, but, I really like the bright colors like red the best.
a power color. when I was in sales I always wore something that was red. it didn't go unnoticed by my peers or mgmt. once after a sales meeting the GM pulled me aside and asked me about my lack of red clothing. I revealed the waistband of my red silk boxers. at one time I owned more pink shirts than any other color too. previous to that job, while doing construction, I used to spray paint the handles of my hand tools pink. they were never stolen.
Love it RW.
Thanks Kavika.
I can actually see something Daliesque in that picture.
This creation was a surprise for me. I had been experimenting with various types of framing and nothing seemed to work for me. Then I was just trying this and that and suddenly the unique frame just came about and seemed to fit with the image very well. So I kept it.
Funny how some things that you are not looking for just seem to crop up out of nowhere and put it all together. I likely could not have made it turn out that way if I had actually tried to do it that way. And I am not one to turn my back on a gift that works. (grin)
Here's a couple of fishermen from 1960. Me and my brother.
I haven't really done any fishing since my grandfather passed. I still have his cleaning knife and some deep sea lures.
Is that where all the big ones went..... (grin)
Rewording a Chinese proverb: Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a boy to fish, and he will know the joy of it for a lifetime.
Here's another to keep the ball rolling....
This one reminds of some of J.D. Challenger paintings.
Don't remember ever seeing one of his paintings. The piercing eyes from under the feathers gives it a supernatural feel to me.
That is so 3-dimensional - it looks like it's bursting out of the picture.
Thanks Buzz. I did that one in B/W as well and it has a totally different feel to it.
If you have any interest in seeing a photo-essay I posted on desaturating colour photos to black and white and the reasons for doing so it is one of the "Group Pages" articles (on the front page of the Creatve Arts group, under the member list), called Colour to Black & White.
Thanks for the info on the photo-essay article. I'll take a look at it. (smile)
Wait, what you mean back in!!!!!
LOL!!! I've seen some real hysterical ways people try to unload and load their boats at the bakes and rivers. It is hard to believe that there are such totally mindless people in the world.
Fishing photos
In my teens at Turkey Point, Ontario, at the north shore of Lake Erie. I caught all those Bass - there was a six per day limit.
On the dock of my lakeside home on Gull Lake in the Haliburton Lakes district of Ontario, many decades later.
Even though I fish in the shallowest waters, I will catch some fish, for thou art with me, my rod and my Heinekins, they comfort me.
Teaching my son how to fish about 100 ft out in front of my lakeside home, where the shallowness drops down along a weedy slope where the Bass love to hide. I loved my boat - a 14 1\2 ft. bowrider with a 70 hp Evinrude (Johnson brand) outboard - a very fast combination. The lake was very deep, where Lake Trout lurked, but I only caught bass and perch.
Great photos Buzz. You really made a haul on the Bass that day!
Aww. Little Buzz.
You want "Little Buzz"? This is "Little Buzz" The expression on my face makes me think that I was thinking of the next mischief I could get myself into.
Well it's here's another one to hopefully keep the flow going...
Her facial expression denotes a feeling of wonderment.
Some white pelicans have moved in this spring. This is the first time I've gotten a photo of these cool birds.
Funny bird the Pelican. It's beak can hold more than its belly can.
Three meals a day from one scoop. LOL
That is very possible. It is amazing to see what they come up with in their pouches after they make a scooping run. No matter what it is it all goes down the hatch!
Keeping it going - the fishing photos I posted above were not taken by me, so I thought I should post at least one that was.
Keep it going indeed!
© A.Mac/A.G.
One more, 8 lb 8 oz. Lake Lopez Ca.
How do you catch those monsters? Casting lures or spoons, trolling, still fishing with live bait? Still fishing with live bait has always been my preference, although I sometimes have success with casting, but trolling really bores me, which is why I never went after the Lake Trout in my lake. In the photo of me fishing off my dock above, you'll see a small container of worms near my feet. I tried to fly fish a couple of times without much success, even though I consider the fly fishermen to be the royalty of fishing, especially when they tie their own flies.
Early in the morning, I use jerk baits along the shoreline. A jerk bait is a lure that runs just below the top of the water and you jerk it along to get the motion. Later in the morning I move to deeper water looking for rock piles or weed beds and try a lure that runs anywhere from a couple of feet between the top and 6 ft or so down. When it gets to later I love to plastic worms and work the bottom and usually skip the early and mid after and come back out a around 5 pm or so and start working the shallow water again, the bass are up feeding close to the shoreline at that time.
I never use live bait.
Obviously your technique works to catch the big ones.
One of my colleagues at a middle school north of here used to tie flies and would teach his students how to do it. All of the kids were crazy about learning it. The trick was that, in order to be taught how to tie flies, your behavior in class had to be perfect. One of the best disciplinary tools I've ever seen.
Kav, I remember the guys you used to describe living in the Ozarks. They probably didn't use catch and release much. It's hard to do catch and release when your lure is a concussion grenade.
I think that the emoticon is a pretty accurate description of their posture after they make a cast.
© A. Mac/A.G.
Very nice Mac. I like the irregular shaping of the image itself. Well done.
I have a big problem with editing photos now. I used Photoscape, a very good free editing program but my operating Windows 7 operating system crashed, and the repair guy installed a Windows 10 system in my computer. Unfortunately, the Photoscape program I liked could not be installed in a Windows 10, but a new version was required for Windows 10. I installed it, and it is so complicated it's exceptionally difficult to use, especially compared with the previous one. Is there another free editing program (I won't pay for one) that anyone uses that I can try out?
Here's a list you can look through to see what you might like. -
Thanks, E.G. I'll start trying them out today. I aleady have "Paint" on my computer, but it doesn't have many of the facilities I want and had been using with Photoscape when I had it on Windows 7. I normally have used paint up to now for converting photos I copy off the net to jpeg, resize, sometimes to crop and rarely to draw something on a photo. But I'm looking forward to what I can do with your other suggestions.
A lot of people I know use Gimp.
I can't understand why I'm having so much trouble downloading it.
Buzz, I have downloaded the gimp for windows installer to my O365 OneDrive and set a share here .
Okay, thanks, I've got it loaded. It's 10:30 pm here so I'll start learning to use it tomorrow.