HATRED - Ain't it grand?
HATRED - Ain't it grand?
Hatred seems to be really important these days, and I guess there are reasons why it's so important. Maybe it serves to deflect from one's personal feelings of guilt, or to justify biases, prejudices and evil beliefs, enables finding comfort with fellow haters, and is a release of tension. And there is SO MUCH to hate. It's everywhere, even here on NT. One can choose from so many different governments and people to hate (and they do), such as the Chinese Communist Party, Netanyahu and/or Israel, Russia, Palestine/Hamas, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuala, Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Asians generally, Native Americans, Catholics....and so many more who have experienced hatred there probably wouldn't be room on this page to list them. Hating people and governments is so much more satisfying than, say, hating spinach.
Here are some quotations about hate, and how destructive it is, to think about:
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Confucious was a very wise man indeed!
Some time ago I had several sessions with an Accupuncturist who told me some of the things Confucious taught. Good stuff-- simple yet profound!
(Actually she was Korean not Chinese, but she was a very knowledgeable person...)
Here's an interesting article:
More than two-thirds of American Jews, and slightly more than half of all Americans, believe the Republican Party holds a lot or some anti-Semitic views.
That’s one takeaway from two surveys published Monday by the American Jewish Committee, just over a week before the US elections. The surveys asked Jews and the general American public about anti-Semitism in the United States.
The Jewish survey found that an overwhelming majority of Jews — 88% — consider anti-Semitism a problem, and that most see it as a problem on the right and in the Republican Party. Those findings were in line with what the AJC, a nonpartisan advocacy organization, found when it surveyed American Jews last year. A majority of Americans overall also believe that the Republican Party holds anti-Semitic views.
Your link is to a google site, which cannot be opened here. I've posted my opinion about antisemitism on this site previously. IMO it's a latent sickness in a lot more people who would ever admit it, often expressed as hatred of Israel in order to not be labelled as antisemitism. The media goes overboard with anti-Israel bias in that regard.
Yeah, well they may not be quite as vociferous as those in the Democrat party, like The Squad, or if you can believe it, Bernie Sanders. I thought Noam Chomsky was the ultimate self-loathing Jew but Bernie could outdo him.
There can only be one reason why you would post that - the obvious fact that the American left has become so anti-Semitic and bar none it is the leading anti-Semitic group in America.
You see, I use facts and links to make my case. An easy case to be made on this subject.
Facts? LOL!
I'm sure none of your sources claim what you say they 'claim'.
That's false. The 'right' is the leading hate group EVERYWHERE
Just curious-- how did you develop your mind reading skills?
That's amazing!
Perhaps we could all learn much from you!
You are so correct Krishna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Anti-Semitism on the left" gets headlines because it's a new phenomenon. "Anti-Semitism on the right" doesn't get headlines because it's a constant and always has been.
Israel, refuge from the Holocaust, once held the moral high ground. Then came Sabra and Shatila.
The left's anti-Semitism is mostly rebound from the Gaza conflct. The media allow (or even repeat) ridiculous terms like "apartheid" or "genocide", provoking a Pavlovian reflex in many on the left.
Israel makes no media effort to justify its position. This silence is often perceived as arrogance.
A plague on both their houses...
No, anti Semitism on the left gets headlines because they are the ones attacking Jews right now. Not the alt right. Unless you want to make the same false claim about alt right agitators that is used every time BLM and Antifa riot?
Which media would that be? You mean the main stream and leftist talking heads; funny how you won't say it. Oh, poor woke leftists to stupid to be able to control themselves when their puppeteers try and rile them up. That argument isn't working for the Dec 6 rioters; and it damn well shouldn't work for these "woke" leftist assholes. But nice try at deflection.
Israel doesn't? Seems that you, like the left aren't listening.
Israel is very vocal about their right to defend themselves. One only need to look a little.
The only statement you made that I can agree with. If you mean the Israeli leadership, the Palestinian leadership, and all of their supporters on both sides that have carried this to US soil with assaults and riots that is.
"Anti-Semitism on the left" gets headlines because it's a new phenomenon. "Anti-Semitism on the right" doesn't get headlines because it's a constant and always has been.
Israel, refuge from the Holocaust, once held the moral high ground. Then came Sabra and Shatila.
The left's anti-Semitism is mostly rebound from the Gaza conflct. The media allow (or even repeat) ridiculous terms like "apartheid" or "genocide", provoking a Pavlovian reflex in many on the left.
Israel makes no media effort to justify its position. This silence is often perceived as arrogance.
A plague on both their houses...
The first time I read that comment, I passed over it rather quickly.
But then I came back and read it more slowly...
BTW one of my particular (peculiar?) quirks is that I usually actually don't like to receive compliments, and often don't like to give them either (even if deserved).
That being said, that comment made me realize that you may be one of the few people on this site that actually understands what is going on in The Middle East.
(And by extension...all political online discourse).
P.S: That was not meant as a compliment but merely an observation!
(A very astute observation...but merely an observation never-the-less).
Now I've pissed everyone off!
I've known for years that Bob is one of the few on this site who have correct knowledge of the actual history of and validity of the Jewish claims to Israel. Many other opinions I've noted here have either been ignorant or prejudiced.
How can there be so much hatred in America? Isn't America supposed to be a Christian country? Aren't Christians commanded to love?
Could you please define "woke"?
Projection, deflection, and denial. All you have. You forgot to say 'leftist brown shirts'
He can't. [deleted]
Not sleeping?
(Just a guess-- that's my definition, I have no idea what his is)
Interesting question.
Perhaps only Christians understand the term?
No-- that's not it!
But it raises another interesting question-- can a person who still asleep (figuratively speaking of course)...can a person who's still "asleep"...actually know the meaning of what it means to be awakened?
I'm actually not sure what it means--but perhaps it has something to do with this?
(if you could find some way to get it into the body... then perhaps...???
A verb, the past tense of the verb "wake", as in "He woke up" or "She woke him up."
But could it be, possibly...that all Christians are not following what they are commanded to do?
Strange. The message I normally post when I lock comments seems to have disappeared. Well, no problem, this article is now unlocked for my day.
Are you sure that you are sufficiently "woke"?
You know the wise olde saying:
Never unlock an article on a Social Media site before a hearty Breakfast!
As I find it somewhat difficult to type while I'm sleeping, I guess I must have been awake. I have no idea if I'm "woke", a term created that I have no idea the meaning of other than its correct dictionary definition as I posted above. Seems to me to be part of the bastardized language invented by children to use for texting on their cellphones. Since I majored in English in university, I tend to try to be conservatively literate and don't invent new words to slander or humiliate.
Well, I didn't major in English, but at one point I was actually in one of the more hated professions-- I was actually an English teacher!
Don't be too impressed, it wasn't university level, in fact it was in Elementary school.
While I'm not perfect, my usage is usually really good.In fact, better than it seems (I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I often deliberately make mistakes on line to see how people react. (HEH)
One example: I used to constantly split infinitives just to see how people would react. But then I stopped. Why? Because recently I had read that to split infinitves was now mostly considered acceptable!
Splitting infinitives used to be something up with which most educated people would not put.
(Peace be Upon Him...a truly great man!)
In that case you must at times find it annoying to have to communicate with people on social media sites.
In fact, as an early adopter, I've come to believe that the majority of people using them do so mainly to fight,put people down, and be generally nasty.
(Except for NT of course
Most users are pretty stupid . . . but they're nasty!
(Again, that's by no means true of NT of course).
Well if that's the case-- why do you invent new words?
(My apologies-- just couldn't resist that one )
Something we have in common - I was an English teacher as well. I taught English to high school students when I came to China.
LOL. Yoda in Star Wars caused a revolution in the use of English grammar.
I never wandered long from NV and now NT.
No apology required - in your case I'm overly tolerant.
That would've been my first thought as well-- Yoday said it as it was obviously his own fairly unique pattern of speech.
But strangely-- it wasn't Yoda. It was someone who( to the best of my knowledge) never spoke that way-- it was a one time thing. Someone who preceded Yoda and was a master of the English language.
(No-- it wasn't Bogart (PBUH) in Casa Blanca-- and the guy who said it, tnever has a gin joint that Ingrid Bergman (PBUH)walked into!)
Ever walk into a Gin Joint with Ingrid Bergman?
I was just playing around with words as I am wont to do.
Actually it was a variation of a joke of a Ventriloquist I once new. (Often thos acts have the Dummy keep insulting the Ventriloquist).
Here the exchange i liked:
After the Dummy insults the ventriloquist:
Ventriloquist: I didn't come here to be insulted!
Dummy: Oh no-- then where do you usually go to get insulted?
Well, no, but I've walked into a restaurant with my late mother, who some have said RESEMBLED Ingrid Bergman.
Hate is, in and of itself, not necessarily bad. For instance, it is entirely moral to hate injustice. It is never right to hate an actual person. I mean literally hate someone rather than metaphorically. Of those listed, I would struggle with hating Hamas. I absolutely hate, to the bottom of my heart, what they stand for. It's difficult not to let that bleed over into the people themselves. There are other groups I struggle not to hate that are not listed. People in gangs, for instance. I suppose some who think they know me might think I would also struggle not to hate LGBTQ, but they do not understand me.
One reason why I believe Christianity is true is that it says all of humanity is the same. We see ourselves as where we fall on a linear scale of our own making. We think in terms of "Well, I'm not perfect but at least I'm not as bad as that guy!" But, to paraphrase Jesus, if we pride ourselves on not having committed adultery but lust after another, we've committed adultery in our hearts. The guy who killed someone else in a fit of road rage differs from those of us who haven't only in that they actualized what was in our hearts. And, as Jesus said, actions come from the heart.
And, that's what Christianity, in one sense, is about. Recognizing that our hearts aren't right. That I might want to do something in my heart but don't do it, doesn't really make me different, really, than the one who does do it. Saying, no, I'm not the same as that guy because I didn't do it is self deception. You are the same, in heart. The only difference is that he acted and you didn't.
That is why I work not to hate individuals. Because I know I have the same sort of things in my heart. That I don't act on them doesn't change the fact of my heart. And, the heart is what it's all about.
Lastly, the use of the word "you" in what I have said here isn't intended for any specific individual. It is meant for us all.
I have no problem with the thought, my problem is in the need to MAKE all of humanity the same - by proselytizing.
As I see it, the main difference between the person who has the bad thought in their heart but doesn't act on it and the person who DOES act on it is the result of it experienced by the victim, and that's a pretty considerable difference.
Since what you've posted comes pretty close in my mind to being a sermon, I'm going to balance it with a joke about Christianity.
Trying to parse this sentence. As far as I can tell, there are two issues you see. One is "the need to make all of humanity the same", and, proselytizing.
Concerning humanity, do you not think we're all the same?
Concerning comments you apparently consider "proselytizing", what do you expect a believer to do if they wish to respond to a post? Pretend they don't believe what they do?
I have no intention of continuing a discussion about your "beliefs" or attempting to counter the twisting of my comment. Any more of it will be considered off topic and I will delete it as is my privilege. You are not censored, because you can always try to post your own article about your "beliefs", provided it does not contravene the CoC.
You have to be kidding! Or evading? Is not everything you, or anyone, posts, their beliefs? And how did I twist your comment?
So, for example, you would advise people not to hate Hitler. Or Jack the Ripper. Or Ghengis Khan? Vlad The Impaler? Feel only love for those who crucified Jesus?
Yes, I would advise that. Of course, that doesn't mean one shouldn't hate what they have done. Nor does it mean one has to have warm and fuzzy feelings toward them. Nor does it mean that such people should not face consequences for what they have done.
Of course several other religions do as well.
In fact many Hindu denominations take it even further-- they claim that this world is an illusion,and in fact we are all all one-- that the belief that people are separate from one another is an illusion!
(I am not judging any of this-- just stating some information)
Of course. A think is either true or not true. The Golden Rule, for instance, isn't true because it's in the Bible. It was always true and it's not surprising other religions recognize it as well.
They take it in an entirely different direction, in my opinion.
I didn't get the sense that you were. And, it's interesting info. I'm not an expert on all religions by any means, but I've looked into the major one's. Interesting to see what other people believe.
This article is now locked for the (my) night and I will unlock it in the (my) morning.
Now unlocked for civil commentary - no proselytizing please.
Allow me to educate those on NT who feel that I am afraid of consequences if I were to post anything negative about China or its government and therefore will only post that which is positive or complimentary, or that I'm only a shill for the CCP. I post what I personally feel and believe whether it is critical of the Chinese government and lesser officials or whether from my own experience and from what I have seen with my own eyes and what I have been told by those whom I trust I believe the Chinese government or lesser officials have done right. I live here, and you do not. I have lived here for almost 15 years and you have not. Even if you are one who has visited China or spent some time here, I have spent much more time and been in relationships with so many more citizens in different places that my experience, and therefore my opinions are so much more accurate than yours that perhaps you should pay respect where it is due rather than LABEL me or criticize my intelligence.
Back during NewsVine days I posted my anger at the Chinese government for detaining not only the citizens who complained about the obvious corruption between official inspectors and contractors allowing for cheap shoddy non-compliance to proper standards of the schools that collapsed on the students during the massive 2008 Sichuan earthquake, killing so many children, but the fact that they detained their lawyers as well.
I posted on NT my dismay that the [whistle blowing] doctor in Wuhan was detained and made to shut up.
I posted on NT that I was concerned that a journalist was arrested not long ago for daring to tell the truth.
I posted on NT that I thought the government made a terrible mistake by censoring Chloe Zhao (Director of Nomadland) who was not wrong in her much earlier statement about lies but was so proud of being Chinese and was a really important symbol of success for all Chinese women, and had caused much celebration among netizens here, whose posts were also censored.
I'm not going to waste my time trying to locate those comments, and what does it matter, I've now repeated them posted openly in this comment on this site and I'm not one bit concerned that the thought police will be knocking on my door because of it. So those of you think I'm just a mouthpiece for the CCP and Xi Jinping, you can all go [deleted] yourselves. You've proven you only have a one-sided brain anyway. And I know who you are, whether you openly criticize me, or just thumb-up someone else who does. Where I'm better than you is that I can think for myself, and don't have to follow some political party line or ALWAYS agree with some politician, because I've already proven that I can agree with some things they say and do and disagree with other things they say and do - I'm not a robot, but among you are those who need to look in a mirror.
Hi Raven Wing, nice to see you again
Hi Krishna! I am always glad to see my good Friends here on NT.
My experience on Social Media sites is that most people tend to be extremely judgemental. Especially towards anyone who has different opinions.-- they must obviously be wrong! (/sarc)
And,another thing is that many love to pontificate endlessly about things they know little or nothing about!
There's an old saying:
Its a wise men who knows how much he doesn't know. (Using that criteris, there arevery, very few "wise men"on social media.
Many "Know it alls"...
Very true. It is truly unfortunate that there are those who think they know all there is to know about a fellow poster on social media as to feel they have a right to sit in judgment of them when they have never walked a foot in their shoes, much less a mile.
If everyone on earth thought, believed and lived the same as everyone else, it would be the most boring planet in the universe. For me, it is the diversity of others that makes the world so interesting, and gives me the opportunity to learn from others about things I might not have the chance to experience, see or learn otherwise, and can pass it down to those who come after me.
And for me, that is what real life is all about.
It's 10 p.m. here and I'm turning off my computer for the night so since I will be unable to moderate this article I am locking it but will unlock it again in the (my) morning.
Now unlocked for CIVIL comments.
Locked again. Don't know if I'll bother unlocking it.