Moonfall (2022 Movie) First 5 Minutes Opening Scene
In Moonfall, a mysterious force knocks the Moon from its orbit around Earth and sends it hurtling on a collision course with life as we know it. With mere weeks before impact and the world on the brink of annihilation, NASA executive and former astronaut Jo Fowler is convinced she has the key to saving us all - but only one astronaut from her past, Brian Harper and a conspiracy theorist K.C. Houseman believe her. These unlikely heroes will mount an impossible last-ditch mission into space, leaving behind everyone they love, only to find out that our Moon is not what we think it is.
Director: Roland Emmerich
Writers: Spenser Cohen, Roland Emmerich, Harald Kloser
Stars: Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson, John Bradley
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Another epic disaster movie from Roland Emmerich... This movie looks so bad it might be fun!
Well, Roland Emmerich is a master of disaster. He manages to decimate Earth in each of his movies. After an alien invasion, climate change, and global upheaval, what's left to decimate Earth other than crashing the moon into it? I'm waiting for him to outright blow the planet up.
I'm sure that's next. He was for awhile trying to get a new Stargate off the ground with a rebooted movie and a new streaming series. The movie is dead, but I think the series is still in development.
It still seems a little soon for a new Stargate series. Maybe a new Farscape series?
I never watched Farscape, but heard people liked it. We are getting a new Firefly series from Disney+ without Whedon or the original cast. I'm sure that can't be good, but maybe...
I didn't get into Farscape enough at the time to regularly watch it. I probably would now. A Firefly without Whedon is not Firefly. I want to see a new Buck Rogers series, like how Battlestar Galactica & Lost in Space was remade and improved upon.
Legendary Pictures purchased the rights to Buck Rogers at the beginning of the year and brought in George Clooney as executive producer for a new series. I haven't heard anything more since February on that though.
Whedon is a prick. I'm not missing him. I will miss the original cast (with the exception of Adam Baldwin) though.
I doubt a remake will capture the spirit of the original, to say nothing of a different cast.
At least that's a start. Let's hope something comes of it. Maybe Twiki can be a total badass killer robot in the reboot?
They can just loose the comic relief gags for sure.
It would be a mistake to try.
Maybe make BR into a more science fiction drama. Of course, plenty of action is a must too.
Maybe Flash Gordon can get the Netflix treatment?
Indeed. There are some shows which should not be touched.
From an article in August of this year...
Worth seeing just to see Halle Berry.
Anything is worth seeing just to see Halle Berry. Even Catwoman. Maybe.
Something we can agree on
Time out!
If the moon is knocked out of its orbit...isn't everyone going to know? I mean...we have astronomers looking up into the night sky constantly, you don't think they're going to notice the Moon is a bit akilter?
And the tides...Hello!
Ok...I know it's just a movie. But I hate scientific inaccuracies
It's a conspiracy... LOL!
That wasn't Einstein!
LMAO... it was actually from the same people doing the Moonfall movie.
You got me!
Hey, Storm Troopers always miss and Rebel Scum most always hit the mark
Pew, pew, pew ....
You expect scientific accuracy in movies? Lol
I saw the glaring inaccuracies in the Moonfall trailer alone. Best to suspend all disbelief when watching this one TG.
Hit a bong and line up the shots... You're going for a trippy ride.
What WAS I thinking?
I should have stopped expecting accuracy in movies after I watched the first Total Recall. Mr G kept telling me to shut up and watch the gd movie
If it's that bad I'm gonna need the bong and shots
Seems like a great movie. I watched the trailers on IMBd. Unfortunately, since I have not gone to a theatre since 7 or 8 years ago (it was to watch a 4D version of the final Hobbit movie - but getting punched in the back, jiggled in my seat and sprayed with mist in my face didn't tempt me to go to a theatre again) so I don't see new movies until they are 3 years old due to copyright rules - we have about 6 TV channels here that show foreign (not Chinese) movies, and many are English language. In fact the other day they showed a couple of classics - Goodbye Mr. Chips and Angels With Dirty Faces, much to my delight. The concept of a heavenly body striking the Earth makes me think of the recent launching of a rocket in an attempt to alter the course of an asteroid that was going to miss the Earth, and I just hope it doesn't cause a screw-up and alter its course TO our planet.