



This group is intended for NT members who have a love of "THE MOVIES" and/or TV entertainment.  It will include articles about the movies or TV movies and series, the actors, the directors, movie theatres (even confections), movie magazines, soundtracks. movie posters, and anything else concerning or involved with "THE MOVIES" or TV.movies and series.  

To help members stay involved, it is suggested to adjust your settings on your personal page to accept group messages, as I may use them to communicate new and/or interesting postings. As well, watch for the group avatar to rise to the top of the list of group avatars on the Front Page as that will indicate that something has recently been posted on the group, i.e. a seed, an article, or a comment on them, or a comment posted on the group comment wall.

Members who wish to post an article and have it promoted to the Front (Home) Page may post it as an article below and send a PN about it to Buzz of the Orient to review and promote in the member's name.

Red Box Rules

Discussion of politics and/or religion will be limited to the plots and themes of the movies or TV movies and series themselves and any religious comments or proselytizing or commentary concerning current politics not in reference to the movies or TV movies and series themselves will be deleted along with all CoC and ToS violations.  As well, anything posted that the administer of this group deems to be offensive,  off topic or of no value will be deleted.  Videos and images that the administrator cannot open must be described in text or they will be deleted. Instagrams are not permitted. 


Discussion Forum

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15 Best Sean Connery Movies (According To IMDb)

15 Best Sean Connery Movies (According To IMDb)

Via: Buzz of the Orient  •  39 Comments  •  yesterday
Buzz of the Orient last wrote: I've not seen all his movies, but I certainly enjoyed watching him in the ones that I have.
30 Saddest Movies of All Time

30 Saddest Movies of All Time

Via: Buzz of the Orient  •  21 Comments  •  one week ago
Buzz of the Orient last wrote: That is very understandable.
12 Best Bullying Movies of All Time

12 Best Bullying Movies of All Time

Via: Buzz of the Orient  •  8 Comments  •  2 weeks ago
Buzz of the Orient last wrote: I've seen The Karate Kid, Carrie and Lord of the Flies - all three have pretty good examples of bullying. 
Sinners - Official Movie Trailer

Sinners - Official Movie Trailer

By: evilone  •  8 Comments  •  3 weeks ago
Buzz of the Orient last wrote: Got a laugh out of this quote: "..."


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@Buzz of the Orient @sandy-2021492 @Jasper2529 @Ronin2 @GaJenn78 @charger 383 @Silent_Hysteria @The Magic 8 Ball @TTGA @Raven Wing @Motherlessgoat @pat wilson @Krishna @Snuffy @JaneDoe @1stwarrior @zuksam @Ed-NavDoc @It Is ME @Dean Moriarty @Tex Stankley @dave-2693993 @Spikegary @Kavika @Thomas Craig @DocPhil @Gordy327 @Veronica @Viewer01 @bccrane @Tacos! @TᵢG @Perrie Halpern @Cerenkov @lasterus @John Russell @MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) @CB @Freefaller @Ender @Save Me Jebus @Just Jim NC TttH @Old Hermit @Dragon @Hal A. Lujah @GregTx @JBB @NV-Robin6 @SteevieGee @Split Personality @Dig @r.t..b... @MrFrost @Gsquared @Greg Jones @igknorantzrulz @Thrawn 31 @Hallux @Freewill @Jeremy in NC @evilone @al Jizzerror @Ozzwald @shona1 @Transyferous Rex @Dismayed Patriot @Drakkonis @Jack_TX @Drinker of the Wry @Physicist-retired @afrayedknot @Sunshine @Waykwabu @Wheel @squiggy @mocowgirl @George @Nerm_L @Igknorantzruls @bugsy @Right Down the Center @arkpdx @Vic Eldred @Wishful_thinkin @Thomas @Robert in Ohio @Bob Nelson

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