DMZ | Official Trailer | HBO Max
Based on the DC comic book series written by Brian Wood and illustrated by Riccardo Burchielli, DMZ is a post-apocalyptic 4 part series at HBO Max dropping on March 17th. Rosario Dawson plays a mother, Alma Ortega, who goes into the demilitarized zone once known as New York City to find the son she lost getting out during the Second Civil War.
In addition to Dawson, it stars Benjamin Bratt, Hoon Lee, Freddy Miyares, Jordan Preston Carter, Venus Ariel. It's created by and show run by Roberto Patino (Westworld and Sons of Anarchy) and produced by Oscar nominee Ava DuVernay.
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I'll definitely have this queued up over the following weekend.
If you liked this and haven't seen it check out the movies Escape From New York and Doomsday.
I like Benjamin Pratt so it could be interesting.
I was never into comic books. Wasn't Walking Dead a comic?
It was. The upcoming Sandman series on Netflix was a DC comic as well. Lucifer from the Fox to Netflix show was based on the character from that series as well.
Others surprising entries include:
Stumptown was initially approved for a 2nd season in 2019 but when COVID hit ABC canceled all the shows that some bean counter thought cost too much. Loved that show... The Atomic Blonde movie is something all action movie lovers should watch. Netflix picked up the rights for a sequel. Tank Girl is just stupid fun. Lori Petty makes that movie. A History of Violence is another action movie with some heart to it. Road to Perdition stars Tom Hanks and Red has an all star cast headed by Bruce Willis. I have 11 of the movies in this list, but have not read any of the Graphic Novels or Comics.
I didn't know about a lot of those. Kick ass I can see being a comic.
I've never heard of any of the actors. But then I always did prefer the classics. So many movies these days seem be shot in the dark, and I can't see what's going on, and the actors mumble so I can't follow the dialogue. Oh, woe is me.
While there are many classics I do enjoy, I've often find the pacing very slow. Don't take that to mean I support the hyper cut bullshit we sometime see in more modern movies. Hollywood has largely (not completely) moved away from that. Oh and I really, really HATE "shaky cam".
I hate the shaky, constantly moving cam. Sorry but you don't need to circle the person talking then circle the person responding then a trip around the landscape....
I left the theater during the Blair Witch Project and puked in the parking lot from getting motion sick.
I can still recall watching the beginning of it but when they were running through the woods with that shaky camera I turned it off, never watched it again.
Then the closeups with snot running down her thanks.