Marvel Studios’ Ms. Marvel | Official Trailer | Disney+

The first trailer for Ms Marvel has dropped. The character's target audience was meant for a younger audience and that seems mostly true with the trailer. Kamala Khan has that young don't fit in anywhere vibe going until she finds super powers. The powers in the trailer are more Green Lantern. In the comics I understand they were more Mr Fantastic. Also in the beginning she would often look like her hero Captain Marvel. Her whole thing being tall white and blonde is the stereotypical American Hero image - everything she is not. I wonder if we'll see that during the series. Later
We WILL see her again next year in the movie titled The Marvels along with Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) and Monica Rambeau (from WandaVision).
Creator: Bisha K. Ali
Stars: Iman Vellani, Matt Lintz, Anjali Bhimani
The series starts on Disney + June 8th.
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Disney/Marvel continue with new content for new audiences. I understand that most of us here aren't the target audience, but perhaps some of you have age appropriate family members.
I'm a little tired of superheroes. When can we bring westerns back?
Didn't they try that with True Grit and the Denzel Washington Magnificent Seven?
I just watched that True Grit remake a couple of weeks ago on one of the streaming services. I also have that Magnificent Seven on bluray and have been meaning to watch it again soon. They are great movies.
As you know, remakes are rarely better than the originals. I'm not sure if the True Grit remake was better than the original, but as much as I like Denzel Washington, I felt the Magnificent Seven remake was more concerned with inclusiveness than with authenticity, the original was much better.
Hailee Steinfeld was phenomenal in the movie.
Yeah, but it's been so long since I saw the original I can't remember in order to compare.
Glen Campbell was a total casting mistake in the original TG.
The Mandalorian is a space western. Have you checked that out?
Otherwise there are a lot of western series out there. Check this article out -
I cut my SF teeth on the novels of Edward E. ("Doc") Smith, and since many novels by other SF authors have been adapted to film, I'm surprised Doc Smith's Skylark series and Lens series have not been - they had the reputation of being space cowboy movies.
The first book was written in 1913 and first published in Amazing Stories in 1928. It does have elements of western and spy genre over the 4 books. I wonder how much Smith's work influenced others or what influenced Smith? I mean Buck Rogers first showed up in 1929. Flash Gordon in 1934.
It's very interesting... I may have to do some research.
The stories had their heroes. I recall that in the Lens series, the hero was the Gray Lensman. My brother had gone to a SF convention in Chicago where he met Doc Smith and bought the novel Galactic Patrol, and Doc Smith signed it for him. My brother left it to me and eventually I sold it over eBay for $100.
Very nice!
Many movie critics have expressed the opinion that the new West Side Story is a great movie. It was also a box office bomb.
Today only superhero movies or "franchises" succeed at movie theaters. I think it is a loss for movie fans.
It bombed because it was a musical during a pandemic. It's done well on streaming.
So horror movies or superheroes vs aliens is better during a pandemic? I dont get it.
You wouldn't get it since you aren't a fan of those genre. At the best of times musicals don't do especially well in theaters compared to big action spectacles. Especially if people only need to wait 45 days (or less) to see it at home. Most of the box box office draws were pushed back as far as possible to maximize audience attendance like Spider-Man No Way Home.
Most of these huge box office draws do poorly with critics - like Venom Let There Be Carnage - and still make a lot of money with audiences because it's fun to see on a big screen with a lot of people. Some (not me) like the whole experience. It's immersive.
I've still not seen The Batman because, while it would be fun to see on the big screen, I don't want to risk being in a crowd. I have immunocompromised family members. I'll either wait until I find a showing with only a few people attending OR wait until it hits HBOMax streaming in several weeks.
Look, I understand totally that the superhero genre dominates in the 21st century.
I happen to believe it is not necessarily that great of a thing.
Particularly when other projects cant get funded because they are not big budget spectacles with fantasy characters. I like fantasy, I loved The Lord Of The Rings, and others, but i dont like the fact that in theater movies lose money if they are not fantasy or sci-fi.
My opinion.
I do understand your point. There are a lot of great movies that don't get seen because they are small budget things, with a lesser known cast. But actually a lot of projects do get funded that wouldn't BECAUSE of big budget spectacles. Its sometimes written into writer/director/actor contracts.
There are also a lot of great things going on in streaming that aren't getting notices because of dilution. Wolf Like Me on Peacock was fantastic! It was funny, witty and charming. I can't wait for season 2. How many things am I missing because there are so many things to see... I kind of lose track sometimes of some of it.
A new crime mystery on Paramount+ - End Game is pretty damned good thru the first 4 episodes so far.
You should check out the prequel to Yellowstone - 1883 (with Sam Elliot) on Paramount +. I hear really good things about that. It's just not my genre with all the other things going on.
I heard good things about Yellowstone.
I said when West Side Story came out it wouldn't do that well but will become like a cult classic people find later.
Yellowstone is good. It’s like a western Sopranos. 1883 is also good, but more depressing.
It is getting to the point so many places are creating so many different things.
Between Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, Apple, etc. With all the streaming services there is no way any person could keep or watch everything.
It seems all diluted down and I think they take any metrics of viewership in a diluted down fashion as well.
Almost like they settle for finding part of a niche audience.
This seems like another teen saves the world kind of series that I will skip over.
Yes. The market asked for ala cart viewing. Now that we have it...?
They pretty much have to throw as much pasta at the wall to see what sticks where or lose subscribers.
Guess Disney is taking the Spider Man route with Ms Marvel. They can never have enough.
I don't think Ms Marvel has the same type (size) of fan base as Spider Man.
The comic has been out for years and this is really close to her origin story. They changed her powerset to better suit a series, but otherwise she's been a young high school girl.
Spider-Man is the top superhero earner of all time. Not even close when you consider all media. Ms Marvel will never, ever, come close. It doesn't need to.
Haven't followed comics in years. Barely tolerate the Disney version of Marvel. The only movie I really liked was Logan; and that is not Disney. I always thought Ms Marvel was Carol Danvers? Took this one for a reboot; which Disney loves. Seems that are two more Ms Marvels.
There is good there, but it's trying to provide something for different audiences so not everything is going to appeal to everyone. Overall it can be Disney bland, though I think things may change a little this month as we get a darker Moon Knight and the Netflix Defenders' shows hit Disney+.
That is a great movie. I have it on bluray. I was hoping we'd get a follow-up with the girl, but then Disney bought Fox and that all went to hell.
Across the comics there were several Captain Marvels including Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau. Ms Marvel was always Kamala Khan, a Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel fan girl. We will see all three of these in the MCU movie next year in a movie called The Marvels.