This is a quiz for persons who ordinarily refuse to answer quizzes about movies whereas this one gives them a chance to receive a score that will not be an embarrassment to them.
1. Fill in the blanks: Gone With the _ _ _ _.
2. True or False: Roman Holiday takes place in Beijing.
3. Which actor was the lawyer in To Kill a Mockingbird?
4. The Magnificent (a) Nine, (b) Seven, (c) Three (d) Ten. Choose one.
5. Fill in the blanks: Gary Cooper is the star in High _ _ _ _.
6. True or False: The Titanic hit an iceberg.
7. In what city in Morocco did Rick Blain (Humphrey Bogart) run a cafe?
8. Singing In the (a) Snow, (b) Fog, (c) Rain, (d) Moonlight. Choose one.
9. Fill in the blanks: Orson Welles acts in The _ _ _ _ _ Man.
10. True or False: There are no camels in Lawrence of Arabia.
11. On what island off the coast of Italy did Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) hide after shooting Sollozzo and a police captain in a restaurant.
12. Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper acted together in Easy (a) Does It, (b) Peasy, (c) Living, (d) Rider. Coose one.
13. The name of the ship that took Jewish refugees from Cyprus to Israel after WW2 was called _ _ _ _ _ _ . Fill in the blanks.
14. True or False: Citizen Kane (Orson Welles) lived in a castle called Xanadu in the State of Florida.
15. What animal was Walt Disney’s movie Bambi about?
16. In A Christmas Carol, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley. How many other ghosts visited him? (a) one, (b) two, (c) three, (d) four Choose one.
17. Fill in the blanks: Inherit the _ _ _ _.
18. True or False: In the movie Pearl Harbor, Hawaii is attacked by Japan.
19. What colour were the road bricks in the movie The Wizard of Oz?
20. In The Adventures of Robin Hood what was the prize arrow given to Robin for winning the archery contest made of? (a) gold, (b) silver, (c) wood, (d) titanium Choose one.
Please number your answers the same as the questions.
Save that two members besides the Group Administrator have blanket approval to post and promote seeds and articles, all members of this group are welcome to post to the Group seeds, articles and comments provided that: 1) Seeds and articles must first be approved by the Group Administrator, and 2) Discussion of politics and/or religion will be limited to the plots and themes of the movies or TV movies and series themselves and any religious comments or proselytizing or commentary concerning current political circumstances not in reference to the movies or TV movies and series themselves will be deleted along with all CoC and ToS violations. As well, anything posted that the administer of this group deems to be offensive or off topic will be deleted. Videos and images that the administrator cannot open must be described in text or they will be deleted.
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This is a movie quiz for those who have never had the fun of trying to solve one of my movie quizzes, but prefer to argue politics. As the Delicatessen waitress said: Try it, you'll like it.
But remember that I am on the other side of the world so be patient and I will get to you eventually.
This quiz will be closed and the winners announced at about 10 p.m. New York time on September 22nd. Good luck (and good night, LOL)
Thanks very much for a new quiz, even though it has a different "flavor" than the others. As I've said to you privately, I do understand your frustration at such low participation; however, you typically have around 7-9 participants, which means you're close to a 50% daily site member participation rate. In my opinion, that's pretty good for a niche group! As a new site member, I joined groups that now have zero participation and am considering deleting them from my list.
PS ... I like your clever sign-off!
Thank you Jasper.
I have prepared my answers, but cannot for the life of me work out how to send PN. Can you help? ( You are dealing with a dummy here !!!!)
With your mouse, place the cursor over your name at the top right of the page. That will open a menu below it, so move the cursor down to "Private Notes" and click on it. That opens a page called "Your Private Notes". On the far right you will see the words "New Note" - click on it. That will open a page called "New Note" that will have three boxes for you to type something in. The top one is "Recipient" and in that one type Buzz of the Orient, and just under that box those words will show up and you should then click on that. In the second box just type "Quiz", and the same thing might happen. The main box is called "Text" and that is where you post your answers, and I would appreciate it if you would increase the font using the options at the top of that box to at least 14 because my eyesight is waning, then down below there will be a box that says "send" and you click on it. That way I will get your answers.
When I see instructions like the ones above, I either copy then to a word document, or print them out or copy them in writing because there is no way I can remember the whole thing, and then I could process the instructions. Good luck.
thnaks, I searched around, think I found what you mentioned, but not sure if it was successful !
After I sent you that long instruction I realized that all I had to do was send you a PN and then all you had to do was reply to it. LOL.
Because you consider me to be like a scam artist, and won't participate, and you unfriended me??? No loss to me on either account - Any loss is yours, not mine. However it was nice of you to post a comment that helped to keep this quiz on the Front (Home) Page - guess you didn't realize you were actually doing me a favour. LOL
Tragic loss? LOL It's a benefit.
This repartee is going to keep this quiz on the Front (Home) Page for a week, which I think is the opposite of the intent of his commenting here.
You're on a wind up, surely.
I know I'M sane.
At least he hasn’t called you a fascist yet. But on a side note, how dare you offer a change of pace and a place of escape from the political fighting.
I will do this quiz, but I prefer the other ones more. I do realize that the quizzes are a chore to do and take time. I do enjoy them though. I will be submitting answers over the weekend.
I much prefer preparing the usual 2-image clue quizzes. This one is a special case.
Ditto. Even the last 1-image clue quiz was more challenging. But, at least I have something to work on this week!
I'll be going back to the regular 2 image clues, if I'm still here.
[deleted] ok over there CJ??
You just sound off like a bucket of prawns in the sun...
You're right to be concerned. cj's comments here are completely unfounded and insane.
How dare he say you are affiliated with the Chinese..
You told me you were a Russian in disguise..🤣🤣🤣
Arvo Texan..nahhh don't worry about it.
He probably thinks us Aussies live upside down as well...oh wait.. oppss my bad..
And you got mad at me over a seed?...
One of the reasons I have never taken sides in the war in Ukraine is that I have both Russian and Ukrainian blood running through my veins, because my father was born in White Russia and my mother was born in Kiev (as it was then spelled) although they met in Canada where I was born.
I barrack and support Ukraine as I have a Ukrainian sister in law...and a soon to be Chinese cuz in law sort of...and maybe an American cuz in a Danish cuz in law..
We are very multi cultural here..
No purpose in bringing that up here - I'll send you a PN.
Why Buzz... you old scammer you.....
Scammity scammity scammity.
In what way? Please be technically specific. If there is danger to members of this site, I would like to know about it.
So would everyone else around here who hasn't lost their mind.
If you are joking, I do not see the joke.
If not, you have deflected from my question. Either way, your comment is entirely inappropriate for this forum.
What, specifically, is the technical danger to members of this site?
There is no technical danger to members, especially from Buzz’s quizzes. Do you not find CJ responses here out of character? If he isn’t joking, he is having a break from reality to accuse Buzz of those things, and he speaks of being armed often, if he is having a mental break and someone knows him and doesn’t do anything they are responsible for whoever he harms if they could of prevented it.
Okay, so you were not speaking of Buzz. Your reference to 'he' seemed to me to be Buzz.
I thought the same thing as I noted in my THANK YOU to all of you below.
Actually, TiG, it was clear to me that George meant cj.
You are a good man Buzz, who is simply offering an escape with your quizzes, there is no way anybody could take those accusations seriously.
will get started on this one
Ready. Get set. GO!!!
Will work on this between visiting a friend in the hospital. But I'm with you, I like the 2 image quiz's the best.
Good man. Like the 2 image ones best as well.
A BUMP is definitely needed.
For sure!
You got it!
Crikey CJ... calm down before you blow a foofy valve...
Deep breaths and think pleasant thoughts...there has to be a pill for this over there..hell there is one for everything else these days...
Agreed. The last quiz was off the Front (Home) Page much too much.
Submitted thanks Buzz
Received and scored. Happy you participated.
Submitted, thanks Buzz
Received and scored, thanks.
Sent, but not sure if you get them. On my screen appears though it is received
from you !
Check your PNs again.
Got them, and scored them. Thanks for playing.
Saturday morning bump to stay on the Front Page
A bump in time saves nine.
And it's already off the Front page. Another bump to place it back on.
Thanks. In these days of political madness it obviously needs more help than it's getting. Unfortunately my comments have no effect for that purpose.
Answers submitted....
Received and scored, thank you.
Monday mid-morning bump!
Thanks for keeping the quiz sun shining.
Received with thanks, and scored.
sent them in
Yes you did, thanks. Now scored.
Check your movie knowledge here
Best place on the net to do so.
Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day. In a tribute to the ultimate cinema pirate here's a photo of (DELETED) with an arrrrrrrrgh and a bummmmp!
I should have been more specific about the basic rule this time, but let's not tempt fate. Thanks for the bummmmmmmp!
On posting this quiz I did not want the rules to appear so foreboding that it would prevent new members from participating, and now realize that it was a mistake on my part. I have now reinstalled the basic rule about not using words, titles or names that could be either realized or mistaken to be a hint, whether or not they are relevant to the quiz.
Bumping back to the front page
Thanks - needs all the help it can get.
Get them answers in!
Got 8 submissions so far, hoping for at least a couple more.
Evening..hmm will give it a fling.. using my mobile so will have to figure out how to send it to you when I am finished..😁
Well I sent the answers through but not sure where it went or if you got them..
It's okay, it worked.
Got them and scored them. Thanks.
Just submitted.
It's getting that time of year when the work just piles up and I need to start adjusting to the cooler temps, 55 F this morning but a couple mornings ago it was 39 F so I rode the 4 wheeler in to work with T-shirt, got to start somewhere.
Received and scored, thank you. The 40 C and above just ended here yesterday and thankfully we're now back to the 20s C. They're not kidding when they say that Chongqing is one of the three furnaces of China.
Morning...roll on summer here I say... busting to hit the waves..⛱️🏝️🌊
Watch out for the sharks, not just the fish. Reminds me of a joke about lawyers:
Q: What do you call 600 lawyers at the bottom of the sea?
A: A good start.
Q: Why don't the sharks touch them?
A: Professional courtesy.
What do you call the stuff caught in a great whites teeth??
Slow swimmers...🤣🤣
Received and scored, thanks.
Bump to keep on the front page
Dang, wonder what we have to do to keep this on the front page.....
Too much competition these days. Everyone should keep bumping and voting up the quiz if not done yet.
Arvo Snuffy...ask CJ he is doing a wonderful job..
Thanks again.
This quiz will be closed and the winners announced in approximately 24 hours from now, so anyone who still intends to participate should not wait until the last minute.
My thanks to all who supported me and defended me from a person whose comments have concerned me because they reek of a sudden bout of insanity or just a seriously drunken rant. Now, all of you who have not already done so should play this exceptionally easy movie quiz. Give it a try - everyone who does says its fun - and it can possibly be even more contagious than a virus. worries us colonials always stick together..for Queen (never will it be King) and country and all that crud..😁😁🦘🦘
If anyone is still thinking of sending me their answers, please do so soon. I will be going to sleep soon but I will be waking up in time to score your answers before closing.
I just wanted to let you know that I in no way believed what was said. I am sorry that you were demeaned in such a way. Your quizzes are always a good break for me from the crap that is thrown around and my life. Thank you again.
Couldn't agree more with your statement. I may not agree with Buzz on all topics, there are a couple that I think he's completely wrong headed on. But the quiz? I love em...
Oh, and one final bump before the end in about 10 1/2 hours.
(fyi, these are still the best seeds on this entire site).
Thanks Snuffy, you're a faithful quizplayer.
On issues where we don't agree, I will admit that in some cases you may be right if you admit that in some cases you may be wrong and I'm right. But if you think you're never wrong, then IMO I consider myself to always be right.
You said "these" are the best seeds on this site - what seeds? My quizzes are not seeds because I create them so they're articles. Seeds are quoted articles written by someone other than the person who posts them.
Thank you Veronica.
This quiz is now closed. And the winners are - everyone who played. Everyone is included in the Win-Place-Show Winner's Circle. We even got some new participants. Sharing first place with perfect scores of 20 are Split Personality, Just Jim NC TttH, Jasper, charger 383, Dig and Vic Eldred. WOW!!! Tied for second place with scores of 19 are Snuffy, Kathleen, Veronica, and bccrane, while being tied with scores of 18 for third place are Waykwabu and Shona1, our Australian members. Way to go everyone, 12 participants is a record for my quizzes.
Since I saw that we were again wiped off the Front (Home) Page I will be sending all on my notifications list a link to these results. For those who just look and don't jump, here are the answers to this quiz....
I have also posted a NEW MOVIE QUIZ - films of director Alfred Hitchcock and director Martin Scorsese. It may be on the Front (Home) Page for as long as an hour if we're lucky.
Congratulations to all!
Looking forward to doing your new quiz, Buzz!
Looking forward to your answers.