Remembering Gene Wilder

Netflix has dropped the movie, Remembering Gene Wilder
A special tribute documentary honoring Gene Wilder 's life and career.
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I've been a Gene Wilder fan since I saw Willy Wonka in the movie theater as a very young boy. It was one of the few things my late step-father and I agreed on. His kindness, his smile and his art are missed.
Gene was a funny man. I liked him in The Producers and Blazing Saddles.
Would also add Stir Crazy, Silver Streak and my favorite, Young Frankenstein to the list.
They talked in depth on both these movies in the documentary. I found it fascinating.
Gene always seemed a little sad after losing Gilda...
I really liked Gene and his movies. He always seemed so sincere and likable.
Of course he was, he lost his wife and best friend to cancer. She was only 41 years old.
Gilda was his 3rd wife and they nearly didn't make it. She was addicted and bulimic when they started dating. According to the movie it was just as things were going great she got the diagnosis. He was in denial as she was losing that battle. Two years after Gilda's death he married Karen and they were together for 15 years until his death in 2016. She said his last words were, "I trust you. I love you."
“…he lost his wife and best friend to cancer.”
Me, too.
Some things can either destroy you or make you stronger, but the emptiness never goes away. Peace to all who are dealing with the loss of a best good friend.
‘And that’s all I’m going to say about that.’
Indeed, my father lost both of his wives to cancer, my birth mother when she was 23 and my stepmother 14 years ago. He is now 94 but mom and he never got to enjoy their retirement years.
Life is short and precious, don’t waste what you have.
I'm sorry.
"He was a man, take him for all in all,
I shall not look upon his like again."
Silver Streak was a childhood favorite of mine. Gene was so unique.
He was so great in so many movies. My dad really loved the Wilder/Pryor movies, but I think our favorite was Stir Crazy.
I think my all time favorite is "Young Frankenstein"
Great cast
I liked his movies