11 Best Movies Based on John Grisham Novels, Ranked
By: Aayush Pandey (The Cinemaholic)

11 Best Movies Based on John Grisham Novels, Ranked
John Grisham's influence on the entertainment industry is exceptional, with his works ranging from films to TV series. The author has also helmed the sports genre apart from crime thrillers. With numerous awards and accolades to his name, Grisham is considered the most significant author of his time. With that said, here is the list of top John Grisham movies ever, ranked.
11. Christmas with the Kranks (2004)
John Grisham's 'Skipping Christmas,' a New York Times Best-seller adapted into Joe Roth's 'Christmas with the Kranks,' is a Christmas comedy film written and produced by Chris Columbus. The film follows a couple who decide not to celebrate Christmas without their daughter. Due to this, the couple is considered an outcast and is oppressed by the neighborhood. Though the film received generally unfavorable reviews, it was a moderate box-office success.
10. The Chamber (1996)
The story of 'The Chamber' involves Adam Hall (Chris O'Donnell) returning to his hometown to appeal against his grandfather's death sentence. Sam Cayhall (Gene Hackman) is convicted of the murder of two Jewish children 30 years ago. Adam faces a dilemma as his grandfather was the reason for his father's suicide.
Gene Hackman steals the show with his crude performance. The Chamber was a 'box-office bomb' and failed from the critical perspective, unlike the novel, which gained popularity when it was published in 1994. Critics believed that director James Foley could not successfully transform the novel's artistic writing into the movie.
9. Mickey (2004)
'Mickey' is the only film on the list not based on John Grisham's novel but on a script he conceived. It is a sports drama involving a widowed father who wrongfully files a suit for being bankrupt during his wife's illness. The IRS department discloses the truth, forcing him to flee the town with his son.
In a new place, his son shines in baseball and becomes popular. This puts them under the IRS radar, leading to the disqualification of his team and his father's arrest. Mickey is a rather less-known movie compared to others on the list. It was unsuccessful at the box office, but critics praised the different take by Grisham.
8. A Painted House (2003)
Based on Grisham's 2001 eponymous novel that is inspired by his childhood in Arkansas, 'A Painted House' was made for the Hallmark Hall of Fame. It is a coming-of-age drama set in the 1950s and centers on 10-year-old Luke Chandler (Logan Lerman), whose perfect summer at the Chandler's Arkansas cotton farm garners dark clouds after the arrival of some mysterious men. Soon, a murder takes place, sending the whole town into a gossiping spree.
Meanwhile, Chandler, already overwhelmed by all this, finds himself attracted to a beautiful young lady. As time passes, the kid unravels more secrets that threaten to change his life forever. A must-watch drama that carries an authentic rustic vibe and manages to blend it with the gripping narrative, 'A Painted House' is directed by Alfonso Arau.
7. The Pelican Brief (1993)
Alan J. Pakula's final film as a producer and writer, 'The Pelican Brief' stars Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington in the leading roles. Based on John Grisham's third novel, the film is a political thriller and centers on the assassination of two Supreme Court justices. Darby Shaw (Julia Roberts), a law student, accurately debriefs the murder mystery of the judges but later faces life threats.
Gray Grantham (Denzel Washington), a journalist, contacts Darby regarding the assassinations to solve the mystery. The film was a box-office success, making John Grisham one of the most popular writers in the film industry.
6. A Time to Kill (1996)
Grisham's first novel adaptation was made with an ensemble cast that includes Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, and Kevin Spacey. 'A Time to Kill' follows a girl named Tonya who is brutally raped by two racists, and his father fights the criminals in court. When justice is not served, he takes matters into his own hands.
Roger Ebert praised the film for its convincing plot and performances. However, a controversy regarding the movie spilled out due to its apology for the death penalty and the right to self-defense. In France, it was released under the title 'A Right to Kill?' Nevertheless, the film became a commercial and critical success.
5. Runaway Jury (2003)
Based on the seventh novel by Grisham, director Gary Fleder consolidated two cinema giants, Dustin Hoffman and Gene Hackman, for the film. However, there are differences between the novel and the movie despite both proclaiming similar cat-and-mouse chases. A mass murder-suicide case is revoked when a woman files a suit against the gun manufacturers.
Rankin Fitch (Hackman), a ruthless and brilliant jury consultant, is pitted against lawyer Wendall Rohr (Hoffman). Suddenly, this seemingly cat-and-mouse chase seems manipulated, and the scenario changes. The jury is set for sale, agitating the minds of both characters. No less than a twisted game of morality,
4. The Gingerbread Man (1998)
'The Gingerbread Man' proves the significance of Grisham as a writer. Directed by Robert Altman, the film focuses on corrupt lawyer Rick Magruder (Kenneth Branagh), who files a suit against an unhinged man named Dixon Doss (Robert Duvall). He does it under the influence of Dixon's daughter, Mallory (Embeth Davidtz), and sends him to a mental asylum. Eventually, Doss breaks free and threatens Rick and his family.
As the story picks up, truths are unraveled. Robert Altman received critical appraisal for his Direction and his modifications to the script. Kenneth Barnagh's performance was highly appreciated, alongside Robert Duvall's. Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel gave their famous "two thumbs-up" after they reviewed the movie.
3. The Firm (1993)
Sydney Pollack adapted the eponymous legal thriller into a feature film starring Tom Cruise and Gene Hackman. 'The Firm' follows Mitch McDeere, an ambitious law student lured by money and perks offered by a law firm. Eventually, he finds himself in a hostile environment after dark truths about the firm are revealed.
'The Firm' turned out to be a lucrative venture when it was released. Critics like Roger Ebert gave the film 3 out of 4 stars, praising the performances of Cruise and Hackman.
2. The Client (1994)
Director Joel Schumacher adapted the legal thriller from Grisham's fourth novel of the same name. With the cast of Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones and a thrilling storyline, the film was an overall success. The story follows two brothers who witness the suicide of a mob lawyer, and because of it, one of them faces a serious mental condition. The mob and the FBI are concerned about whether the lawyer has revealed their secrets to those kids.
The kids face grave danger as well because an assassin is following them. They later seek the help of an alcoholic advocate, Regina "Reggie" Love, who helps them. Critics and audiences equally praised the pace and the thrilling and chilling atmosphere that the film creates. Sarandon won a BAFTA for her performance and an Oscar nomination for Best Actress.
1. The Rainmaker (1997)
'The Rainmaker,' directed by Francis Ford Coppola, stars Matt Damon, Claire Danes, Jon Voight and Danny DeVito. The film can easily be considered one of the 'Best Directed Movie' based on Grisham's novel. It focuses on a young man, Rudy Baylor (Matt Damon), from an impoverished background.
He makes his way through law studies but languishes in an unsuccessful career. Eventually, he teams up with paralegal Deck Shifflet (Danny DeVito). They take on attorney Leo F. Drummond (Jon Voight), who is defending the insurance company that has refused coverage for a woman's dying son. Despite being a moderate commercial hit, 'The Rainmaker' garnered critical accolades. 'The Rainmaker' can be watched on Prime.
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Movies about lawyers, court trials and the like are particularly enjoyed by me, most likely because of my first profession. I've been a John Grisham fan since I saw A Time to Kill in 1996. Grisham, a lawyer and novelist exceptionally details legal situations. I've read most of his novels and watched 7 of the movies listed above, almost all more than once, and the reason I posted this article is because I just watched Runaway Jury last night and The Pelican Brief last week.
The author of the seed made one mistake. In The Pelican Brief movie, Gray Grantham (Denzell Washington) didn't contact Darby Shaw (Julia Roberts), she contacted him. All of the movies that I watched starred A-list actors, and IMO they were great choices.
I’ve kept my record intact, I have not seen any of the films.
I bet I've watched a lot of the movies YOU'VE watched.
Lol I came close to tying you, but unfortunately I saw The Pelican Brief years ago
The Rainmaker was pretty good. I dont have much of a feeling about the rest of them ,good or bad.
Have you read any of his novels? I think that someone who has a background involved with law/lawyers/court trials would be more aware of the legal intricacies in most of his stories and therefore appreciate them more.
Kinda surprised. I‘ve only seen a couple of them.
What surprises you, and which movies did you watch?
I like courtroom dramas, so I would have expected to have seen more.
Just The Firm, and maybe Pelican Brief.
Runaway Jury is the best courtroom drama of the bunch.
I'll try to "find" a copy.
A great scene from A Time to Kill:
“America is a war and you are on the other side. How's a black man ever going to get a fair trial with the enemy on the bench and in the jury box?. My life in white hands? You Jake, that's how. You are my secret weapon because you are one of the bad guys. You don't mean to be but you are. It's how you was raised. Nigger, negro, black, African-american, no matter how you see me, you see me different, you see me like that jury sees me, you are them. Now throw out your points of law Jake. If you was on that jury, what would it take to convince you to set me free? That's how you save my ass. That's how you save us both.”
~ Samuel L. Jackson as Carl Lee Hailey
You're right. That scene is one that everyone should learn from.