Five members tried the last one, so since this one is easier, maybe more will get "infected" by the movie bug.
Please remember that I am on the other side of the world (of most of you) so I could be asleep when you send your answers, so be patient - I will get to your PN as soon as I can.
Now that we've made that clear, here are the questions. Either actual names of actors, or their screen names in the movies are acceptable. There are a few hard questions (there has to be SOME challenge) and some easy ones, and most of the questions are drawn from movies released during the last 30 years, and as well most are from fairly popular movies. These are supposed to be a test of your memory of the movies, and using an internet site to find your answers is cheating, and no test of your movie knowledge. I've posted questions that are not easily answered by searching the internet anyway. Please number your answers with the same numbers as the questions. Now, give it a try......
1. Name the song and performers who woke up Phil (Bill Murray) at 6 a.m. every morning in Groundhog Day.
2. In Pretty Woman, what did Edward Lewis (Richard Gere) ask the hotel manager (Hector Elizondo) to return?
3. What musical instrument did Stobrod Thewes (Brendon Gleeson), the father of Ruby Thewes (Renee Zellweger) play in the movie Cold Mountain.
4. In the movie A Beautiful Mind, what did the Princeton staff place on the table in front of John Nash (Russell Crowe) to show their respect?
5. What was the McGuffin in the James Cameron directed movie Titanic?
6. What two things did Oscar Schindler (Liam Neeson) say near the end of the movie Schindler's List he could have sold to buy the life of more Jews.
7. In The King's Speech, what did Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush) tell King George VI (Colin Firth) that he had "flubbed" during his war speech?
8. How much did Dana (Anna Kendrick) say she won on a nickel slot machine in the movie The Accountant?
9. What kind of car did lawyer Mick Halley (Matthew McConaughey) drive in the movie The Lincoln Lawyer?
10. In the movie Wild Hogs, what did Damien Blade (Peter Fonda) tell the 4 "wild hogs" to lose?
11. What airline did Raymond Babbit (Dustin Hoffman) say in the movie Rain Man had never had a crash?
12. In the movie Sully, what did the hotel manager tell Sully (Tom Hanks) she would give him if she could?
13. In The Godfather, Part III, how was the Pope killed?
14. What actor was the sleezy lawyer for Max Cady (Robert DiNiro) in the 1991 remake of Cape Fear?
15. In the movie Cast Away, what was the picture on the parcel Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) finally delivered? The same picture was on the sign for the ranch and on the back of the truck that stopped to give him directions.
16. What did Tilly Dunnage (Kate Winslet) do to the town when she left it at the end of the movie The Dressmaker?
17. What did Maggie Fitzgerald (Hillary Swank) give to her mother in the movie Million Dollar Baby?
18. In the remade movie The Great Gatsby, when Nick Carraway (Toby McGuire) first met Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio) what did Gatsby invite Carraway to ride on with him the next morning?
19. What school did Sara (Julia Stiles) want to go to in the movie Save the Last Dance?
20. In the movie The Mask of Zorro, the symbol of what country was embossed on the gold bars?
Surely more of you have been watching movies during lockdown - let's see how much attention you pay to the movie while watching it.
Err no...I could answer about 3 questions.....All the Australian ones....Sorry....
Sorry, Buzz, I haven't seen a movie in years. Of those you list, I have seen maybe four or five and I just don't remember the details which you highlight. So, I guess I am your first flunkee. lol.
what's does mcguffin mean in canadian?
Urban Dictionary: MacGuffin
in film, a plot device that has no specific meaning or purpose other than to advance the story; any situation that motivates the action of a film either artificially or substantively. Originally coined by Alfred Hitchcock, based on a story where this device was used in a story set on a Scottish train. (sometimes called a McGuffin)
Examples from classic Humphrey Bogart movies: The letters of transit in Casablanca, the model of a falcon in The Maltese Falcon.
There's a theme right there...McGuffins
Just noticed this. A good idea, but I don't think I can find enough McGuffins for a whole quiz. However, I never thought about basing a movie quiz on a particular theme, such as Western movies, or war movies.
I had another idea but forgot.
However, I just thought of sports movies. Lots of those
Okay, thanks for the idea. I'll try to do a themed quiz next time.
I finally got more than one right!
since I havent even seen 7 of the 20 movies, i'll be lucky to get three or four right
But you TRIED. Thank you. And you got more than that right.
The answers will be posted the beginning of next week, so.....
Aren't these more fun than wailing about politics and covid-19?
Will you be posting a new quiz next week?
Not sure about that - I can run out of ideas.
You're up early...or late
I had an idea....and then I forgot it. It may or may not come back to me. I was thinking about themes and asking questions about movies that are related to something like music, food, something. I'll be spending time pondering this weekend so maybe I can come up with something
Yeah, I'm having trouble sleeping lately. I'm working on an easier quiz - regular questions mixed with multiple choice and true/false ones.
Obviously I'm still half asleep. I thought you wrote "each week". Yes, I'm posting a new one next week.
Sorry to hear that. I can commiserate
Well, I know you're super, Buzz, but I never thought you were Super Man! LOL!
That's how Lois Lane in the Chris Reeves Superman movie got to call him Superman. After he took her flying, she said "he's a super man. Superman".
Going back to bed to try to get back to sleep now. The conversation's been nice.
Have a nice rest!
Well, you know me Buzz. I have only seen about three of these.
I finally did watch a movie last night called The House Of Tomorrow.
Strange movie about a kid that lived in a geodesic dome.
Back in my "weekend hippie" days I had friends who lived in one on a commune in central Ontario.
I have just finished preparing the new Movie Quiz, which will be made up of multiple choice, true/false and regular questions, and I will post it Monday, when I post the answers to this present quiz. There is still time to try your movie knowledge on this one.
I answered this one too since I just joined.
I sent it in private inbox.