Meanderings in China through my camera lens
Meanderings in China through my camera lens
1 A diorama of the Emperor in Kaifeng, one of the Dynasty Capitals
2 A Blue Jays fan who turned to stone waiting for his team to win another World Series (I guess it would have been more effective if he were a Cubs fan)
3 Re-creating an ancient dance in Kaifeng
4 Court Diorama
5 The Founders of China If you look closely you can see people on the right hand side of the hill climbing towards the top
6 I was thinking of buying a house. Should it be a country house like this?
7 ...or a city house like this?
8 I love the wording on this sign
9 This is the copper statue it speaks of
10 Girls from the Zhuang minority group
11 Longmen Grottos - Many statues of Buddha in the coves
12 I always felt that Chinese girls were beautiful
13 Chongqing at night
14 The lake in King Park, Luoyang
Hope you enjoyed the trip.