Jack of all trades....
There is an expression that a person can be Jack of all trades but master of none. This might be true. During tax season, I forget that I was ever a teacher. When I was a teacher I forgot that I was ever an accountant. And when I am on NT, I am Chief Cook and bottle washer.
But the one thing that has always been a love and a passion of mine has been art, which I do in the form of painting and baking. You might not think that there is anything in common with these two, but there is. When I put brush to paper I take tools of the trade and make something more than each of their individual parts to create a painting. The same is true with baking, but you get an added enjoyment with baking. You make people happy. If you have created a good piece, not only will they enjoy looking at it, hopefully they will enjoy it more when they eat it.
I recently did a job for a 50th birthday for a pediatrician. He must be a fun guy, because he created a cartoon character of himself, as his logo. I loved it and it inspired me. So here are the cakes I designed for this occasion.
Magnificent art and I bet they are quite tasty as well.
They were yummy. I always make a few extra for Matt and me to test. You wouldn't want to send out something that wasn't good!
It's almost as if eating them would destroy a great work of art. Great job Perrie!
Thanks Mik! Yeah, I kind of feel that way sometimes.
To bad I live so far off, I'd have you making cakes for all my occasions. Great work Perrie.
I could just dive into that cake. *chomp chomp chomp*
Thanks Larry! I wished I could make you cakes. I have the most fun when I bake for friends.
I know the feeling Grump! When I set up the stand, it's hard for me not to lick my fingers!
That looks wonderful Perrie, great job!
Gallery and Galley
Works for me.
Sugar is really bad for me, but I wouldn't mind taking a chance on one of those cupcakes. Don't you use the word "cupcake" in one of your identities?
Thanks Larry!
I figured if anyone would get it, it would be you, Mac!
Well Bruce calls me "Cupcake" for this reason....
But I do have a site called perriescupcakes.com
Here is my Yelp listing:
If you are up to special orders, I would love a cake in the shape of a leaf, with special herbs infused...
Oh great !! Now I'm hungry!! Beautiful work Perrie.
Are those HOLE grain?
Back in the days I had a client who owned a French Restaurant. He prepared his bread sticks to look just like that - a c... and b...... One day few nuns came in to eat, which gave him a dilemma as to whether to give them bread or not.
I notice that your wife made the black ones bigger than the white ones....
I get the feeling that Badwabbit's wife is trying to encourage fellatio and cunnilingus.
I want to thank you guys for going where you went with this. Thanks.
Ummm... sounds very creative... a challenge I might be up to!
Hey, those are really creative, Mike. I love them! Tell your wife that I wish her success with her new endeavour.
Thanks Tzia! I hope you found something yummy to eat!
OMG... LOL! Too funny BF!
I have had one of those cake size at a Bachelorette party. I guess it's one for the road...
That story is too funny!
BTW good observation about the black ones, LOL!
Bet you can't eat just one!
Mac... of course they are!
And to think...
This all started with just cupcakes.
JUST cupcakes?
You're welcome Perrie. I'm not a baker by any stretch of the imagination, and I admire anyone that can be that creative.
All of the other cupcakes . . . well . . . . are they cream filled?
I aim to please, so yes they are.
Awwww... that's so cute! I want one!
The Candy Lady here in town makes X rated candy and cakes. Some of her stuff is absolutely hilarious and her products are very popular for bachelor or bachelorette parties.
Perrie, maybe this would be a fun thing for you to do for bachelor parties in your area.
Wait..........Jack of all Trades? Nope. That would be "Jill of All Trades".
Prude. How can a bad wabbit be a prude?
You've got me Grumpy... maybe he's only pretending to be a bad wabbit? He could be friends with the Easter Bunny!!!
Well Perrie you are a Jill of all trades for sure. And it appears a very good one as well. I went to your website and looked at all the other cupcakes and cakes and must say they are really, really neat. Now I'd like to see some of that art on canvas when you feel like putting some of it on here. I'm sure it is just a beautiful. Looking forward to seeing some of them.
LOL Six, Good call on that Jill. Thanks for checking out my site.
As for my artwork, I will have to show it one day.
First let me say it is a wonderful looking cake/cupcakes. wish I had a talent like that. I do have a thing about the title,...jack of all trades and master of none. I like to think I may have mastered a few things in life cooking is not one of them. However I can bait a hook like no other can,..guess that makes me a great master baiter......
Yes, but does master-baiting work to catch more fish?
just the suckers....
What about blowfish?
Just don't master-bait too close to the pirhannas.