A Present for Trista
Category: Photography & Art
Via: broliver-thesquirrel-stagnasty • 11 years ago • 18 commentsJust got done making a box for my niece Trista's birthday.
Here is a picture of it with the lid on.....
And here is a picture of it with the lid off...
Here are some pictures of other boxes, in process.....
I was over at her house the other day and she was all excited about her birthday being not far off. I was asking when her her party was and she volunteered, "It is Sunday, but my birthday is on April Tuesday!"(April first.) Kids are sooooo cute.
Happy Birthday Trista!
All pictures Copyright TomEArtSite, Broliver Stagnasty, and Thomas Ellifritz. You can use 'em, just tell people where you found them.
While I was in the shop, the box that I had intended for her caught on a router bit and was flung across the room. Obviously it was not good for the box...
Happy Birthday, Trista! That is a lovely box you made for her, Brolly. Her little heart will surely find treasures to put in it!
You have an amazing talent there Brolly. Great job on the box. She's gonna love her uncle for it!
Nice work Brolly ... Beveled joints take some major precision to accomplish !
Thank you! When I first came back to New York, all I had to do my mitres with was a sliding compound chop saw. When first I cut some 45's on it for a picture frame I was deeply disappointed with the results. I now have a mitre trimmer.
Looks like you're all ready to build a hexagonal home ... well , at least a shed ?
That's a great skill, Bro. What is it that makes me think of that song Pete Seeger used to sing about boxes?
While I like the idea of reminding you of Pete Seeger, I would like to think that all of my boxes are not the same ....
Ha ha, I know that Bro. I was only kidding. I know your boxes are not made of ticky-tacky, nor are they all the same. I really like what you're doing. My favourite uncle was a carpenter and he was the kind of carpenter who had pride in his skill, he was a perfectionist in his work. I can see that in what you accomplish.
Framing doesn't have to be quite so accurate... as my friend has often told me while I was sub-contracting for him.
Very nice. I drool.
I drool at the trimmer, too.
Happy Birthday to the little niece from the guy with drool.
Impressive piece of functional art, sir!
Well done.
Thanks, AMac.
As was noted by another earlier, I tend towards being a perfectionist. I can only tend towards that, or nothing would ever get done. Every item I make, I see only the flaws and the things that I should have done, the things that could have been done better. So I am still somewhat amazed when people tell me that I am too modest. I am slowly getting over that hang up, and with that somewhat long explanation, will once again say, gladly and sincerely, thank you. (Little bowing emoticon goes here.)
Here is another, more simple box.
I trash many more photos than I keep. We all have to get it wrong until we get it right.
The box looks perfect to me.
I hope you gave it to Trista, Brolly! Knowing you!
I did give it to her! When I did, she looked at me and said,"you don't give toys, do you?"
I just smiled, said," No." and gave her a big hug. I can hope that she loves it or cherishes it, but if I find it missing pieces or in the middle of a sand pile, I will know that at least she is using it in the way that she sees fit.