What Does Karma Mean to You?
Category: Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
Via: robert-in-ohio • 10 years ago • 12 commentsWe hear the clichs -- Karma is a cruel bitch! -- Just walk away and let karma take care of it! ----- What goes around, comes around!
But what does Karma mean to you in real life?
Having spent parts of three decades as a HR Manager/Director, when I came across this posting it clearly illustrated what karma really means in real life.
How about any real life anecdotes that illustrate the power of karma that you would like to share?
Karma is the expression of the law of cause and effect.
Not exactly in my view, more of an expression of "you reap what you sow" IMO
Thanks for the perspective
Thanks for sharing - very nice
Karma does not have to entail something bad happening, think of it in the context of we reap what we sow and that can be a very good thing.
Thanks for the feedback
The non-dark side of the Force.
Karma is when a guy in a car cuts everyone off, weaves in and out of traffic, nearly causing who knows how many wrecks, to get that "edge" on traffic, and then, as you drive along, you pass him, pulled off to the side of the road, the policeman's lights flashing...
Karma is when LuLu, who gobbles everything rudely, "inhales" a green bean-- only tasting it after it went down...
Karma is what happens to me, any time I do something I know to be wrong.
Uppy, that is perfect!
Elaborate please!
Thanks for the feedback - fine examples
And this
is pretty much true for all of us I would say!