Norweigian Hunter Misses Moose, Shoots Man On Toilet
Gives a whole new meaning to ,''Can't shoot worth shit''.
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Gives a whole new meaning to ,''Can't shoot worth shit''.
403 visitors
What a stinking shot the guy is.
I am very happy for the moose.
Me too Grump. The guy on the toilet, got the shit shot out of him though.
LOL,shitty way to start the day Mike.
A photo of a European moose. Very different from our moose, and smaller, too. Maybe he was shooting at a very tiny moose.
LOL, he would have to be blind to miss the moose Grump.
He's lucky the moose didn't stomp him.
Buahahaha. Bad day, for sure.
If the guy on the toilet was at all constipated, the hunter gave him another way to get the crap out of him.
LOL, that he did Buzz.
If I ever go to Norway, I ain't taking a shit.
What a visual that is Gunny...LMAO
Give the man a break. A mouse is very small, runs very fast, and is hard to hit with a firearm. Oh, it's a moose........never mind.
It was a herd of meese, errrr mice...NO, it was a 1,000 poundmoose....Big as a barn door.
good one pokermik.
Mice, meese, moose..It' really hard to tell the difference Gunny.
Buahahaha. Did you make that yourself????
In Swedish, they are called Alg, from which we derive the word Elk. They do sort of look like a cross between a Moose and an Elk.
That almost happened to my dad, but the guy wasn't shooting at an animal then. He was sitting in a canvas covered latrine and bent over to pick up the toilet paper when a hole appeared right where his chest would have been. Dad told me that he came off that seat in a big hurry and sprayed all the tree tops in the vicinity with a BAR. Sure enough, while most of the trees dropped cocoanuts, one of them shed a Japanese soldier with a rifle.
''Does a moose shit in the woods?''...Yup, cuz it's a lot safer than using the toilet..
Jeesh! How far away was the dude to miss a moose?!
I'm afraid to ask Larry, cuz if we find out100 yards or so, I'd have to ask what the hell is he doing with a rifle. LOL
I'll have to share this one with friends and family; it's just too funny!
It's a classic Larry...