Lousy Light but Good Day All Around
In the fall, once the Beech trees turn golden brown, some of the other deciduous trees have changed colors and fallen to the ground; I think of their turning as the beginning of the fall finale so-to-speak.
On a sunny day with a blue sky and some high clouds, Beeches steal the show.
But today, the skies were gray and the light somewhat "dead" -- in my opinion and mind's eye -- not a lost cause, rather an opportunity for tonality and mood-evoking images.
And beyond the photo opportunity, the overcast skies enhanced the fishing so, good day all around.
This forest interior shot makes a nice poster/framing print.
An old, dead Pine tree sets off a bright backdrop.
Fallen Birch tree on the forest floor.
Nice Brown Trout; He's back in the water. (Taken with my iPhone)
All Rights Reserved/A. Mac
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Still got some leaves on the trees I see...
Nice pics!
More pics later today more fish too I hope.
How do you take a trout with an iPhone? I would have used a flyrod.
I used a party line.
Great for casting long distance -- except for the hangups.
That sounds fishy to me.
How fishy on a scale of 1-10?
BTW, when I fish dry flies, I use a land line.
That doesn't float.
Give me time, I'm just skimming the surface.
"I can't give you time, but will parsley, sage and rosemary do?"
'Tis the season.
I particularly liked the last tree photo . The contrast between the red and the green spoke to me about change ...
I'm a catch and release guy. I always put the trees back where I found them.
The fish also.
Beautiful photos Mac. Love that Brownie too.
I caught the Brown Trout on my very first cast this past weekend!
It was the only fish I caught over three consecutive days.