Promise of Things to Come
I haven't posted a SLIDESHOW for a long time now -- and I'm not sure I ever posted one on The NewsTalkers. So, here goes an attempt to do just that, the subject matter of which is "FALL COLORS".
All of the images in this group were taken with cameras and lenses I no longer use -- older stuff in other words. Hopefully the image quality will be decent.
Here goes.
I can do better these days, but hopefully the subject matter will save me. And in about a month, I'll post new fall photos all of which will be taken with my new stuff.
All Rights Reserved/A. Mac
Stunning, thanks for sharing Mr. Mac.
Golly! Those are gorgeous! You did a fine job, with the old equipment... I love each and every one of these!
Thanks for sharing them!
Nothing wrong with the old stuff, A.Mac. All of your work is fabulous - the eye behind the camera is more important than the camera. More than 40 years ago I took a lot of Kodachrome colour slides with a Leica M3, and when they were blown up on a 5 foot screen the colours were deep and magnificent and the pictures were still sharp and clear.
Beautiful Mac. Our trees are still full green. No fall colors yet, a couple of more weeks and they should be in color.
I used to shoot Kodachrome 25 and 64, Buzz. Over time they take on a magenta cast -- they can be somewhat restored or even enhanced with good scanning and good editing.
So many stunning images, but I've come to expect that from you !
The slides I took on my trip to Spain and Morocco with the Leica M3 were spread out on my large kitchen table during a party at my house, and some drunken asshole named Jerry spilled Coca Cola all over them, ruining them all. I've also taken many slides with my Canon cameras, but they're in storage back in Canada and I've not looked at them for about 20 years, so I have no idea what condition they're in.
I tried for about 30 years to buy the borrowed M3 I had used for my trip from a client of mine who was in the business of importing and selling sophisticated German medical microscopes, but he would never sell it. It was the finest camera I had ever used.
Well, in the unlikely event we ever get together, bring the slides, a camera and I'll provide the fishing gear, the water, the jon boat, the fishing, the PA non-resident fishing license, the cabin, the food and drinks and we'll have one fine time!
Ours are green, too, dear Kavika, and we're still mowing the lawn regularly. ARGHH!
So tempting. At the moment it's a dream, but then up until 3 months before I moved to China, exploring the Orient wasn't even within my wildest dreams.