Prostate Cancer needs a new look and possibly a new treatment in many cases. Not Surgery and Chemotherapy ?????
Category: Health, Science & Technology
Via: retired-military-ex-republican • 12 years ago • 4 commentsA recent study done in three Different countries finds that Prostate Cancer is way more prevelant than previously believed. When 400 Males in the united States were Given Autopsies for deaths from other than Prostatte cancer 50 percent were found to have Prostate Tumors not previously diagnosed. Reconsider Surgery maybe do nothing men 80 years old were still living with Prostate tumorsand they were not the cause of death.
My thoughts below.
This agrees with what Doctors of Alternative medicine have been saying for the last decade or more.Doctors of Alternative Medicinehave been treating and shrinking tumors without Radiation or Chemotherapy. Hope this helps millions world wide but at least one person would make me feel better.
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When I had an enlarged Prostate years ago they did a lazer clean out reamingto increase urine flow. It worked with a sexual side affect they conveniently forgot to mention. Be sure you read up on all different possibilities. See a uroligest not a surgeon or a MD who includes alternative medicine in his bag of treatments. Maybe even read (health and nutritional secrets that can save your life).
Here's my $.02:
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in November '09, just short of my 49th birthday. I had been taking PSAs and digitals since the age of 40. My PSA spiked, the digital revealed an irregular shape, and the biopsies showed cancer everywhere in the prostate, with Gleason scores in the 7-8 range.
Sidebar #1:
When you're afflicted at a relatively young age with Gleason score indicating that level of virulence, surgery is indicated. The success rates of non-invasive treatments in this case pales in comparison with surgery.
Back to the story:
Being relatively young, I was not interested in risking the major side effects of surgery -impotence and incontinence. My urologist agreed completely. He agreed completely because he was a proponent of every non-invasive treatment under the sun, including High Frequency Ultrasound (HIFU). With his assistance, I did a great deal of research, and opted for radiation treatment. The side effects I experienced from this treatment were painfully slow urination, and the need to take probiotics, as the tail end of my digestive tract was now essentially nuked into a bacterially devoid wasteland.
Readers Digest conclusion:
After coming off of drugs inhibiting the production of testosterone (another joy), my PSA proceeded to rocket higher, indicating a failure of the radiation treatment. The strain was too virulent for the radiation to kill. I had laprascopic robot surgery in November to remove the gland. In the interim, the disease metastasized to my lymph system, so the source of my disease was excised, but the need for hormone stanching drugs remains. The disease will not kill me, just make my life rather inconvenient. My surgeon preserved all of my nerve function, so I do not have any of the unpleasant male side effects. I look forward to the discovery of the silver bullet in the next few years, so that I don't need to take any other drugs any more. I cannot reverse the effects of the radiation, so it's probiotics every day, and less bladder capacity, since it was also partially zapped by the radiation.
Moral of the story:
1)Consider your age
2)Consider the virulence of your cancer (Gleason scores)
3)Opt for surgery if you're young and your cancer shows any virulence. Research the doctors who do this procedure SPECIFICALLY.
4)If your PSA number creeps slowly higher, keep an eye open, but don't panic. Keep researching.
5)If you're a male, 40 or over, and you haven't had a checkup in more than 3 years, you're setting yourself up for martyrdom.
6)If you're impressed by everything I wrote, I thank you. But if you need help, you need to do lots of reading and studying to determine the best course for you. Every case is different. Don't take one doctor's word for the right course of action. This is your life, with many joyous parts attached that's at stake.
excellent response. Radition unfortunately like Chemo kills good and bad cells. The different kinds of therapies are ever increasing and more alternatives becoming available. A good friend of mine had high PSA readings for 4 or 5 years I know of. Now they are removing the Prostrate with follow on radiation but say the cancer has not mastecized/spread.
Radiation does not work on many cancers the same with Chemotherapy. The over 100 types of identified cancers could be more are not all responsive to radiation. Those with no hope are the ones doctors of alternative medicine have refered to them most often.
As more money is finally being spent for more alternative medicine research and studies to evaluate effectiveness the more approaches are being validated.
Getting Chemicals and garbage foods out of the food chain like feed for cattle, pigs and chickens are using by products from slaughter houses some cases fecees being intermixed in feed at feed lots all are causing a ever increasin profit for Corporate America and ever increasing danger for our food.
Many countries willl not buy our Pork or Beef because of our mass production and products being feed to these animals injections to decrease fat content or mixed in their feed. Most so called organic meats are far from being Organic. One stipulation for chickens is they must get a couple of hours sunlight but they are still in their pens.
My doctor has discussed chemotherapy with me. He says that the treatment would in fact kill my cancer, but would do other damage to me which is not necessary. The treatment is 4th generation, so it is improving. Perhaps it will be refined enough where I would consider it. In the meantime, the hormone stanching drugs will keep my disease in check. I can't stay on it forever; he feels 5 to 10 years would be about it. By then, I have to believe that the chemo treatment will have reached a generation where the collateral damage to my body would be much less. Better yet, within 5-10 years, I'd hope that a newer, more efficient treatment will have been introduced.
Chemicals are indeed an unwanted part of our diets. That said, it appears that prostate cancer in particular has been around long before these additives came about. Most new cases are for those 70 and older. 80 years ago, life expectancy was less than that. So most of us weren't living long enough to ever get it. In my case, it certainly is possible that the environment exposed me to this. Heredity also played a role, as my maternal grandfather died from prostate cancer. He was 69 years old.