Happy Donut Day! Here's a history of the delicious treat
Happy Donut Day! Here's a history of the delicious treat
From "doughnut lassies" to the cronut, this fried confectionery treat has gotten us through the hard times. Check out it's long-winded history and celebrate national Donut Day on the first Friday of June. Mmmm, donuts.
Click here to watch the video and drool:
Now that you've seen the history, which kind of donut is your preference?
I was born and grew up in the city where Tim Horton opened his first donut shop. Now there are over 800 of them, throughout Canada and into the USA. Tim Horton was a hockey legend from the days when the Maple Leafs dominated the Stanley Cup, and Tim Horton's Donut Shops are as Canadian as Hockey Night in Canada. I loved donuts. When I first came to China, there wasn't a donut in sight. Eventually a Dunkin Donuts opened up in my city and at about the same time I developed too high a blood sugar count, so all I have been able to do is dream about them (along with a totally unavailable hot corned beef sandwich).
My favourite, to accompany a cup of coffee, was just a plain cake donut, unadorned. How about you?
Chocolate donut...I love them with a good cup of coffee. Thegreat thing is, I can eat as many as I want.
Buzzzzzzzzzzzz, don't talk donuts!!!!!!!!They are bad for you. Lol, just kidding. They are bad for you, but anything with a history behind it has to be honored!
Donuts are a major part of a healthy and long life. They are a major food group.
When I was in Art School in Hotlanta, a long time ago, we used to make a weekly Holy Donut Pilgrimage. We'd get right with Gawd and all leap into my buddies Rambler for the mission. One stop at the Zippy Mart so that everyone could purchase their very own gallon or half gallon of ice cold milk and then we were on our way. We'd right out Ponce to the Krispy Kreme. We'd time it for about one in the AM and get there just in time for the new glazed to come rolling down the belts whislt being drenched in syrupy sugary goodness. We'd each get a couple of dozen and sit on the curb in the hot Gawguh night and eat till we could not. Add Top Ramen, cigarettes and piffle and you have the Art Students Diet of Choice and necessity.
I do love donuts. You can keep those little foo foo deserts they sell at bakeries these days. Just gimme a glazed donut. I'm a happy camper.
It makes me think of what my doctor told me a long time ago. He said my cholesterol level was too high and he would prescribe lipitor for me to take every day. At the time I took no daily medication so I asked if I could control it by diet instead of taking a pill. He said I could, so I asked him what I would have to do without. His answer was: "Everything you like." I took the pill instead.
When Krispy Kreme came to Toronto, it was the invasion of the metabolism bandits. I think that was what sent my blood sugar balance through the roof.
Maybe I'll visit the Dunkin Donuts store in my city today and spend an hour nursing a cup of coffee and staring at the feast I cannot eat.
I was in Pootland, Oregon when they opened their very first Krispy Kreme. It was like the circus, carnival, pole dance revue, free money, and cute puppy and kitten emporium all came to town at the same time.
They had to call the cops in to direct traffic. It was something.
If any of you ever do get to The Rose City lemme just suggest a run by VooDoo Doughnuts. They'll marry you in store, you can get a bacon maple bar or a giant brown penis donut along with various other choice and tasty treats. It's just too bad The 24 Hour Church of Elvis closed it's doors. Always good to take your dough and head over there.
You only live once...
I am certainly glad to hear the Kreme still stands. One of these days I am going to make the complete donut circle, ride over to Hotlanta and sit on the curb to eat my glazers. Youth to Gimpster. The Donut Circle of Life.