
MicroVass therapy. I Have dietabetic neuropathy of the feet this works for me.


Category:  Health, Science & Technology

Via:  retired-military-ex-republican  •  12 years ago  •  4 comments

MicroVass therapy. I Have dietabetic neuropathy of the feet this works for me.

I have been a diabetic for aboutten years first 3 of those years I was miss diagnosed. After being on diabetic medicine for 1 1/2to 2 years neuropothy of the feet started. I had my mother in law taking a new technologh at least new to me called Micro Vass ( electrical stimulus). I'm very much into not taking medicine. After about 4 months of MicroVas treatments neuropothy was gone.

Recently inpastfive or six months neuropothy slowly was returning. Went back for more treatments this time once a week getting better every week. Neuropothy went away for 2 days then 3 days then 4 days now am 5+ a little bit I believe this is treatment 5 today.

Itsquite cheap and it works. In Ohio call Dr. Althea Tippett 513-891-9947.MicroVass has quite a few other uses like helping to heal open sores. I prefer non Pharmacutical solutions and try to avoid the scalpal if at all possible.

High Voltage Pulsed CurrentMicroVas is not a cheap stimulator this works can be used with other treatments like salves creams antibiotics. I am using only the MicroVas with45 minute treatments once a week.

This is not a comercial nor do I get one red cent and have no ones approval its just my successful treatments of shoulder pain years ago and neuropothy of the feet. Neuropothy reurned after about 3 years but going away faster this time with the treatments.


jrDiscussion - desc
retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago
Do they also suggest it for sores or wounds that won't heal. I know many doctors refer their patients here. Treatments are paid for by medicare as well. Chiropractors are they allowed to medicate as well? Never been to one do they deal in deep open wounds and non healing surgery wounds as well. Never been to one my son has his back goes out all to often. I know you can buy these it can drive eight emittes to surround really large wounds. With wounds and neuropathy think I prefer a Doctor.
retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

Went to web site for nerve stimulation such as Tens machine and also MicroVas tens seems to be a short term pain reduction battery operated carry on belt kind of thing. MicroVas seems to do more and as far as I know they are in Doctors offices. Machine is about twice the size of a bread box. Medicare pays for my treatments but they are quite cheap. 45 Minutes per session.I will see if the neuropathy goes away again and for how long this time. I saw the open sores being treated at the same time I was being treated everyone is seperated from each other and ona seperateMachine. Tens machine sounds neat seams very cheap like $29 to about $59 plus supplies. Wonder if anyone has used both.

retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago
Dam its rough to get old. Doctor is about 9 miles by interstate. Ill ask around I know a few nurses who may have more insight. Have pain in bottom of heels right on the bone. x rayed no spurs. Started lifting weights to get built up again. numbness is in the bottom of my feet middle three toes to about half way to the heel.
retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

Have a friend who started MicroVas he has had cancer Radiation therapy and Chemo. Had almost no feeling in his hands and very little in his feet. Doctors told him he just had to live with it. Well he is on about his 5th or sixth treatment. Feeling is improving vastly said he had a pain in his left hand the other day amazed him as he could not feel anything before couldnt feel a pen when he was writting. One draw back is as the neuropathy goes away quick little sharp pains start they onlylast fora second but they call them awakening pains which I'm having in my feet.

He also had one leg almost purple from just below the knee to the anklesix years after knee replacement.. Well its color is almost back to normal. The neuropthy and gross discoloration he has had for about six years. He is estatic to say the least. The high voltage MicroVas as works where little battery operated machines you wear on your belt do not. This is not fantasy its fact. Covered by medicare and doctors seem to prefer to perscribe pills my friend says don't work at least not for him. Oh by the way besidesthe cancer he had both knees replaced. It may not be an instantmiraclebut it works. Go to MicroVas.Com and read about it. Told my friend he should have taken pictures of his leg. The numbness they do a computerized nerve conduction test and this is compared to later results no way to cheat. So if you have open sores or neuropathy or pains from diabetes it works. Doctor says improvement its dam near 100 percent of the time for those who stick with it. It takes months but after 6 years my friend says what is a few months and he is feeling again two treatments a week he did I think twice. other 3 weeks he only had time to do once.


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