What is the acceptable time of day to have an "adult beverage"
It's Friday. It's 5:30. I usually limit myself to a single scotch and water in the evening (or course, I drink it from a pint mason jar).
Today a Dirty Martini is calling my name.
I am officially on vacation. In 37 hours I will be on a plane to New Orleans, where the question I ask about time of day becomes irrelevant.
But for those of you out there who do imbibe on occassion, what is an acceptable time of day to have your one (pint) adult beverage of choice? And do all the rules go out the window when you're on vacation?
Seriously, I think 5:30 is a little early, but...
P.S. Do any of you recall the 50s and 60s when Daddy had a cocktail waiting when he got home from work?
I think The Doors answered this one in 1969. Roadhouse Blues-"Well, I woke up this morning, I got myself a beer"
Budweiser - the Breakfast of Champions.
hmmm, interesting question. Personally, I quit over 30 years ago. Not an alcoholic or anything, just never really cared for it and when I got custody of my son I just gave it up altogether.
When I was in the Navy we used to say that anything that needed doing in the shipyard should be done before lunch because the drinkers and the tokers were all going out to the parking lot and would be lit up after lunch.
I do a lot of residential type work lately, (hate houses, much rather do commercial or industrial work), and a lot of the people I seem to be working for lately are retired and have time on their hands. Some of them start pretty early. My last but one job, both the husband and wife were having their first drink, beer for him, martini for her, at 10 am. He was gracious, he came down to the basement and asked us if we'd like a beer.
I will say that I saw nothing wrong with having a beer with a slice of pizza for lunch.
I'm not much of a drinking man. I prefer other forms of emotional morphine to plow through this stress monkey modern amerkan life. I do like a good sip and shot of fine Bourbon when the Jones strikes. Good quality Shine is just fine, as well as a single malt.
Anyhow, we always timed our drinking to Beer Thirty. Meaning any time after you've clocked off the wage slave bus. Ultimately I'm more of a 420 hipbilly.
My Paw was a wild one prior to my Mama. He could straight up chug a bottle of whiskey and spent much time in pool rooms and Buckets of Blood for the sport of brawls and good times. My Mama whooped him up into a good citizen and non drinker and Church goer. Well, every once and awhile he'd have a pull or six and get all wild eyed and squirrelly looking. For him it was generally a sweet tea when he got home from the mines.
You have fun down Noo Awlins way. Watch out for vampires, zombies, garrulous transvestites, chiggers, skeeters, kudzu, and gators. Hit a juke joint out in the county if you can. Much fun and quite possibly some fine adventure to be had.
LOL, I adore the way you communicate, Tex. And I would have married your Paw myself. Love my whisky, my pool rooms and good times. 420 right back at you (which is tomorrow, by the way). I am hoping to see me some vamps and do me some voodoo.
Why, thank you kindly. I fear my Mama might have thumped your pumpkin had you tried to honey her honey. He was a hoot and a half and I miss his ornery persona.
Noo Awlins is the spot for vamps that's for certain sure. As well as voodoo. Might want to pack up a gris gris bag for the trip.
I once, during a foolish combat tour for Madris Gras, saw a woman who was billed as "The World's Largest Stripper". I do believe it was The Hurricane Club but I could be wrong. Evidently, I am Short Term Memory Man. Anyhow, I was in the clutch of the crowd being propelled by the gaggle down the street. I'm not much on crowds so I began worming my way toward the side of the street with my Big Gulp Brew pushed up against my chest when there was suddenly a push from the mob. I was forcefully persuaded by smelly liquored up humanity through the doors of a venue. Not more than 4 feet from me jiggled the largest nekkid woman I had ever seen. It skeered the poot out of me. I might still have PTSD from it.
Went down another time to play in a Rugby Fest around Lake Charles. Hitch hiked into Noo Awlins with a ride in a Covair full of Transvestites. It's a strange, dark and wonderful place. Sorta like your children. Wonderful and Terrible.
Sorry, I tend to ramble. You might not want to encourage me.
A couple to get you in the right state of mind.
And another local with a song that goes with my stripper rant.
According to "Godey's Ladies Book", circa 1870, non-odorous spirits could be duly imbibed in the afternoon, but at dinner, one was allowed to take wine. Harder spirits were reserved for medicinal purposes. Many recipes found in the book included liquor. And yeah, what does that have to do with anything, but, it is a funny book about the conduct of ladies in the Victorian Age.
35 years ago, our sorority training told us that a lady does not imbibe before the evening meal. Even in the mid 1970s, they preferred that you not wear bluejeans downtown, and be dressed nicely at all hours of the day... According to my mother, a lady NEVER imbibes, but she is a teetotaler. According to Grandma, wine is perfectly suitable for the evening meal, or special occasions, (like a toast to the bride, etc.).
Me? I don't think it matters, but if you wake up and have a drink, first thing, every day, I think there could be a problem.
I don't drink anymore, because the medicine I take doesn't react well with spirits. And, I can't take my medicine if I drink alcohol. Frankly, I'd rather take my medicine than stay up all night in pain. And, I have a 14 year old. I could probably have a cocktail in the early afternoon, with no long-term side effects, but I promised myself that my son would NOT grow up with an alcoholic parent, so I rarely drink. I don't want him to think that drinking is AOK in the day...
Actually the true breakfast of champions is Budweiser and Krispy Kreme Jelly donuts...just sayin'
temptation anyone?
Drinking and meds never mix. There are a few alcoholics in my family so I am careful, generally. These last four months have been extremely stressful under the circumstances so I don't even have one until eight or so. I don't like beer or wine or Bourbon or anything sweet so my options are limited, LOL. A nice single malt or a martini is pretty much it.
And Wheel, I think breakfast for the next week will be chickory coffee and beignets.
Don't blog, it raises the blood pressure. LOL
I'm careful, too-- that's a cycle I want to break for my son...
But, I certainly don't mind it if other people drink-- as long as they don't throw up on me or get belligerant...
From keen observation I don't think the Beer Thirty Rule applied to painting crews. We that kept our hands close to whirring blades followed it religiously.
Thump on wood. All of my digits are still on the end of my paws as well. One is sort of floppy at the end and will not point as far as once it did but that didn't happen at work.
I'd just put an edge on my knife and was opening Mary Kay boxes for my Mama whilst doing something I have counseled my daughter against since she could pick up a blade. Never cut toward yourself. She still ridicules me for attempting to separate the end of my finger from my hand. No liquor. No piffle. Just stoopidity on my part. Or, stoopidity vs. my bodily parts.
Great Pair Sez The Bear.
I, too, work with whirling bladed objects that have a tendency towards a mind of their own, so on days when I work it is not until after work. If I have to drive anywhere, that cuts the time available down, also.
But other than that, it's all good with me. Not to say that I do necessarily, but it is allowable.
I beg to differ. Alchol and drugs while operating heavy machinery is what makes America great.
I got suspended from HS for that T-shirt...
Friggin' wonderful, Tex!! Tnx and a tip of the Swami's turban-- FR headed ur way...
And, A Tip O The Stetson in your direction. And, thank you kindly. Accepted with pleasure.
Yeah. I've seen a number of those bobcats turned every which-away. It got so that if I saw one of those things toodling around a site I'd go out and move my truck farther out into the woods.
An heirloom in my family is an absolutely beautiful, exquisitely glazed 1 qt. china cup/mug...legend is that great-grandad drankit every morning, half full of coffee 'topped up' w/ whiskey or home brew. 'Course, that was to get him up and into the WVa coal mines before dawn...for a 12-hr workday.
My personal (pre-retirement) guideline was always 'after work, off the road, after dinner, after chores are done'-- meaning a drink/toke around 8:00 or so. (Vacation, of course, is what you doto get away from humdrum 'rules' & responsibilities.) Now that I'm not a wage-slave, it's 'off the road, after the chores' (lawn-mowing is an exception-- I think there's something in the Bill of Rights about a couple cold ones while I maintain the domain). Being retired is kind of like permanent vacation, except you don't have to leave town, sleep in an uncomfortable bed & pay outrageous prices for the meals...
Pontificating note from a career AoD counselor: When we choose toimbibe/inhale is less important than why. Whatever your buzz of choice may be, it should always be used to enhance enjoyment of life, never to evade/suppress dissatisfaction. Meaning: don't drink or get high out of boredom, frustration, anger, depression, etc. Alcohol is a solvent, not an adhesive-- when we feel like we're coming unglued, a drink isn't going to help hold shit together...
Final personal anecdote... This a a toast from my Dad, a hell-raising young Navy guy in WWII (his carrier was kamikaze'd four times in the Pacific):
He is not drink, who from the floor
Can rise again and drink some more.
But he is drunk who prostrate lies
And cannot drink-- and cannot rise...
Damn, that one looks like a widow-maker for sure! My bet is that themanual sez "Pound an 8-pack before operating this machinery"...
Well, that's interesting. My Paw worked the mines in WVa and was on a carrier in WWII, The Big One. Your Paw didn't box in the Navy did he? That'd be too weird.
Yeah, I totally agree with your paragraph beginning with "Pontificating".
Shyte. I'm kinda slow tonight. Hey, it's 420. What can I say.
It took me a second or two for it to smack me up the side of the head. Thanks for the chortle. Actually, it was more of a snortle. One of those that kind of barks out of your nostrils and if you happen to be milling about in a crowd everyone looks around to see where the nerd is. Not one you'd want to snortle out if you were on a date. I guess Big Dawg did look up to see where the nerd was but realized it was just his nerd and went back to sleep. No harm. No foul. He's not my date. Big Dawg. He's more like my rug. He just lays around and slimes, farts, snorts and sheds. It's all in his contract.
Listen, as long as I am on flow of semi coherent nonsense lemme tell you this story.
I've got this old FJ60 set up for the backwoods. It's got a Safari rack. Anyhow, I'd just moved up to this mountain and didn't really know anyone here. Had to go into town for some possibles and when I got down to the river crossing there were three goober boys bone boxing and smoking cigarettes. I stopped to be all neighborly and such when one of em looked me right in the eye and said, "Nice rack." I couldn't think of any retort other than, "Dang. Never been told that by a man before."
He turned out to be a good character. Chem Trail Jim is what we call him as he is prone to rant for lengthy periods of time about Chem Trails to anyone who is not too polite to just haul off and walk away. Good guy.
Sorry. It wasn't my fault. It's late. It's 420.
Definitely a strange coincidence, Tex. My old man quit HS during the Depression to work in the mines & help keep the family from starving... then into the CCC camps (one of those 'socialist' programs, y'know, gov't spending that kept the country from going totally into the shitter), and then into the Navy as soon as the US got into the war. I never heard any stuff about him boxing, but then Dad rarely ever talked seriously about WWII; my hunch ishe saw too much intense shit, so mostly all he ever talked about was bullshit stories about his time in basic, etc. Here's a real trip: in the 50's there was a TV seriescalled "Victory at Sea", documentaries about naval stuff in Atlantic & Pacific, lot of footage shot by combat photogs, etc. In one episode (think it battle of the Coral Sea?), lot of film of ships taking kamikaze hits...scene aboard a carrier, hit & burning, etc., hatch opens & a bunch of sailors busting ass to damage control/fire-fighting-- as they run past the camera, there's Dad as a young dude, doing what needed to be done to keep 'em floating. Straight up the fucking weirdest thing I've ever seen, it was like being in a time machine... (Sorry B, didn't really mean to get so far off topic...)
'Pontificating'... glad you thought it made some sense, anyhow. It's hard for me to tell when I get up on my soapbox; one of the side effects of 30+ years of pumping hot air for a living-- almost anything I say can sound wonderful to me...
I love that, Tex! Frankly, it sounds like a good idea!
Again, alcohol, drugs and operating heavy machinery. That's why I love this country. USA! USA! USA!
I said, "MIGHT", dear Skeptic... I had an ex-husband that drank a 12 pack every night. Two 12 packs every Saturday and Sunday, because he started early...
He was an accountant, thankfully, he doesn't do my taxes any more!!!
Not everyone can hold their likker... I bet you can, though!
I love a good mimosa on Kentucky Oaks Day-- we used to get all dressed up in our finery, and go to the airport for Brunch on the Friday before Derby day. As we sipped our mimosas, we could watch the rich and famous as they came to Louisville for the race!
WHAT fun!!!
I hear you talking. I am a great bloviater and spouter of useless and convoluted opinion. I can very easily get off topic and just tell a story that something reminded me of. Hey, I finally figured out that I could use the early '70s as an excuse for all of my character flaws. It seems to work pretty well.
Yeah, I had hoped for some sort of CCC, WPA or Federal Arts Program from the current administration. Instead they just gave buckets of yankee dollars to prop up an inherently corrupt capitalist system run amok. It figures.
That's pretty cool that you saw your Dad in a doc. Do you own a copy? Most cool. My Paw didn't talk much about the war either. When I was in High School he discovered and confiscated my stash. I think he thought I was going to Beelzebubbah, or would become a Commie, or end up living in the gutters of some shyte hole city drinking Sterno and pushes needles full of marijuana in my veins or something. Anyhow, he must have been depressed about it as he took a few good pulls off his secret bottle of Jack that he hid behind his guns which he hid behind a cabinet in his shop. So anyhow, he calls me up and wants to have a sit down. I think he had a big lecture all planned out but instead he got kind of maudlin and told me a story about WWII. It was a terse story told in an unusually quite voice for him, being a big Good Old Boy and quick to temper. Apparently he'd had to pull a dead pilot out of a plane on deck and amidst flames with a hook of metal. He told me that and just went quiet. Just shut it right down. You coulda pulled a meat axe out of your under pants and cut the fool out of the silence and it would just have gotten darker and quieter. It was a moment that is for certain sure.
Crap. Did it again. Here's how this can relate to the time of day for drinking. That was the correct time of day for my Paw to sneak a snort. Definitely.
later gator
Well, since my current line of work is bartending, and I have to be at work at 1:30 pm, any time after that would be nice... I would appreciate the tips!!!
If your an adult, having an adult beverage, than anytime you decide to have one is the right time. Remember, your an adult.
Actually the driver didn't get hurt a bit. He DID get covered with diesel fuel when the tank ran over but he wasn't hurt a bit. Had a hard time getting him out of there. The soil there was very sandy and crumbly and we had to bring in a crane to get the bobcat out.
The job site was across the road from William and Mary.
Mike, I hope to tell you, I'm gonna leave my truck right where it sits if you are behind the controls. Anyone else, I'm moving it.
Ever watch Mad Men? They drink and chain smoke all day long in the office. I don't know how they got anything done.