10 Ways to Show Your Love For Your Spouse
Looking through the Asia edition of Wall Street Journal I came across this article, and thought it was good advice.
People Who Put Their Mates' Needs First Make Themselves Happier Too
Little, random acts of kindness that show your appreciation of your spouse can be crucial to bigger marital satisfaction, studies show.
Researchers call this "compassionate love"recognizing a partner's needs and concerns and putting them ahead of your own. "It's not just making people feel good," says Harry T. Reis, a University of Rochester professor of psychology. "It's a way of communicating to the other person that you understand what they are all about and that you appreciate and care for them."
Read the article. There's a video attached.
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How many of us really do this?
My hubby does... I am not kidding!
I am wife #3.... hehe... not a sister wife type of thing, but he was married twice and divorced twice before he met me, and I guess he learned his lesson and third time's a charm etc.
He finds something every day to either do for me, let me know he has been thinking of me etc. It could be as small as leaving a cute message on my facebook page for all to see.
It makes it easy to return the favor and make sure that he is the happiest married guy around. (blushing now...)
Gee it is getting hot in here!
My father was a Naval Academy type, and made sure his son was a gentleman. My wife loves the comments she gets from other women because I am always opening doors, or seating her for dinner, or carrying things for her, and a host of other things.
It does not take much to show your spouse that you love them, but you have to work at it every day. If the dryer is done, empty it and fold it. If the dishwasher is done, put it away. It is so easy to make each others lives enjoyable.
My husband was not a verbal communicator. Where I am outgoing and verbose, he was introverted and very quiet. It took me a little while into our relationship to realize he was expressing his love for me by vacuuming out my car, taking our daughter to the park, or giving me a dishwasher as an anniversary gift. This was how he said I love you.
He was always trying to make MY life easier and making sure that I had everything I needed. Who needs flowers and flowery words when you get a Dyson for your birthday?