Ask the Brutally Honest B*tch ["Dear Abby" style article w/a twist]
Category: The Lighter Side/ Humor
Via: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka • 13 years ago • 68 commentsIf you're looking for brutal honesty (this includes me telling you if I have no friggen clue) w/a bit of sarcasm thrown in, this is the place to ask! Ask any question you like and I'll tell you exactly what I think. I'm not offended easily. This is not be for the easily offended.
I've had a lot of fun with this Q and A in other places. That's what this is about.
All in fun! It's fun coming up with the answers to the crazy questions that come up!
Why do you wear your Sunday underwear on Thursdays?
Damn, is it Thursday already? Since I haven't changed it since last Saturday, the question is irrelevant (well, OK, that's the guy answer).
Soon. From a shotgun blast by a 30 year old outraged husband. Note, if you got to go, that's the way to do it; the older you are, the better it is. If you doubt that, ask Neale, his grandpa almost died that way (for real).
I want the 19 year old Korean chick in the bow of the boat. The coffee and chocolate will eventually float ashore.
Coffee. Here's why.
I can tolerate ambient temperature coffee more than I can chocolate melting everywhere. I doubt there's a fridge on said deserted island. Unless of course, I have a large supply of strawberries with which to consume my melted chocolate.
How can you tell if your wife or girlfriend is actually having an orgasm instead of faking it like she usually does ?
7th floor ? You call that a flood ?!
The correct response is : Get your wife and girl friend together with each other . Then they will each have the big O.
Some people just got to put politics in everything . This is supposed to be a non-political thread just for fun . Fun ? Know what that is ?
Where will the Phantom Shitter strike next? We arent crossing the equator anymore.
Randy, I'm not totally sure the extremist section ever really had it in the first place.
But then, that is a two way street.
Okay, I've got an edgy question. When will I eat my next taco? What will it have in it?
What will it have in it?
If she's still all over you afterwards and she's not eating chocolate.
I'm telling Charlene!
Don't tempt him.
He's got plenty of poop pics. I'd imagine he can oblige the pukey ones as well.
See. Told ya'.
Holy underwear does not exist in my drawer.
If it's holy underwear or commando, I choose commando.
Hit by an ice cream truck.
Coffee. I'm not much for sweets.
If there's no snail trail [unless there's a hormonal imbalance or she's on birth control which also equates to hormonal imbalance], no orgasm.
No. You need to learn basic commands in Chinese.
And I must've missed something. I don't know that I see hostility. Unless it was tossed by the mods before I saw it.
In the neighbors bathroom.
Is this a dirty taco or a regular taco?
Thanks my dear RD!
I never knew a Crystal that had balls before.
Isnt that always the question?
The cream pie is a side dish....depending on which way your head is turned anyway....
Good one Pete!
Damn girl, you're busy!
Yup. My daily schedule begins at 5:30a. Get everyone up and out the door by 6:30a. Drop the son at daycare. Get to work by 7:30a. Get the kids at 5:00p. Help the daughter with her homework. Make dinner. Clean up the kitchen. Do some of my homework. Get the kids bathed and in bed. Go back to homework. Take a shower and bed by 11p. Weekends are to clean and submit my homework. When I want to procrastinate, I come here.
Hi Abby!
How do I keep my hubby up after nookie?
Keep stroking.
Stroke.. stroke... stroke...
You awake yet?
Stroke... stroke... stroke...
Dear Gentle Brutally Honest Bitch,
I recently began to feel guilty about touching myself while reading comments on Newstalkers. Should I feel guilty about such things? I find this extremely difficult to admit, even to myself, that I find other people's words and misery most stimulating. I am most sincere and tidy while touching myself and I hope my sincerity and tidiness are taken into consideration in your reply.
Thank you in advance for your brutally honest reply. I remain yours and typing with one hand in your honor, Nigel Dogberry.
Dear Nigel Dogberry aka Grump,
As long as you clean up and maintain an unsticky computer, I think things are just fine. Good for you for keeping it up at your age!
It looks like I have Marine laughing, covering his eyes, laughing and getting embarrassed all at once.
BHB, thank you for your supportive and kind reply. I do my best and having fantasies about looking at your avatar helps tremendously.
Oooooo.... it's good knowing that you are naughty right from the get go,LOL!
Good question ... MsA is not here all the time to answer these queries . Perhaps someone else will field it ... I'll try to contact Gallagher . That sounds like his thing .
Good question Willow.
The same reason tampons and pads are obnoxiously uncomfortable... A man came up with the idea.
Yours truly,
Let her sleep.
Not quite RD. Three orgasms and she's half dead while he still isn't satisfied. Greatest exercise regimen in the world (beats the hell out of running and you're more likely to stay with it), but any exercise can be overdone.
Gunny, you ought to suggest that the Corps use that form of exercise for boots. They'd be in the greatest shape of their lives. I don't know how the Generals would feel about it, but it would be wildly popular with the troops. They'd never want to leave Boot Camp.
Unless it's a co-ed barracks (and I don't think that the Marine Corps is quite that advanced in it's thinking) , I doubt that letting the boots bang each other would be a good idea. Have them do what General Chennault did in China back in 40 and 41; recruit a traveling battalion of hookers (last I heard there was no shortage of those around either PI or San Diego).
Ahh, but Patraeus was indiscreet. I don't think anyone even heard about General Eisenhower and Mrs. Summersby until the mid 60's and President Roosevelt's affair was kept very quiet until long after Eleanor's death.
She's tired. They make toys for men too.
Definitely. Phoenix City has been notorious since WWII.
I think that in some of those towns it's considered the number one industry (or maybe number two after alcohol sales).
In nine days, will I have time to bend over and kiss my a$$ good-bye?
Da da da da da da da da da da da da
Recited to music from opening credits of The Twilight Zone.
Maybe I should go on a spending spree. The last thing I want to hear before death is my banker telling me that I'm overdrawn.