You can not call someone a liar, unless you can actually prove that they lied. Of course, this is a very difficult thing to do, since most things are subject tointerpretation and that is why it is not a good thing to do.
Why? The policy is very clear. Look, most of the time, calling someone a liar, is a personal attack. Once in a very blue moon, calling someone a liar is the truth and that this is a pattern of behavior, but you better have the proof to back up that statement. It's better to say that the statement is a lie.
I think it is important to clarify some of the fine points of this issue . And to borrow an expression from the gun debate : "Statements don't lie . People do."
The speed that a page loads depends on the number of features. The chat function, the photo gallery, the RSS feed, these all go into page loading time. The chat feature is very useful and fun. But if as a group some of the other functions are slowing us up too much, I am open to removing them.
BTW, using google chrome or clearing your history and cookies will speed things up.
Actually, the main chat room should be cleared every night, just as routine house keeping. It is always off until you go in an make a comment. Every other member will get a red number to show that there are active comments being made in the chat room.
Just suggestion for a little more svelt appearance .
Could you be a little more specific? What would you do away with?
Simple! Our pages are much shorter than NV so there is no need for back to the top. Pages are usually only 12 comment long. It does make for more pages though. To get from one page to another quicker, go to the bottom of the page and put in which page you would like to go to and hit "go".
I kinda wondered about that one too Gunny, but it only takes a second to move the slider to the top so I didn't figure it was too important.
Here's one I was interested in. I know that we can imbed photos from our computers, even within a comment thread (a great improvement in my book), but is there some way to do so with video clips that don't come from someplace like U-Tube? I'd like to be able to post video clips from my own computer. Is it possible or, if not, can I upload them to something like SkyDrive and then download them here. That way I could bore people silly with my home movies.
Also, is there some way of tracking friend comments or all comments on articles you've commented on; much like the friend tracker and comment tracker over on NV. Is there an internal method of doing that or do we need to use the E-Mail notification method. That works, of course, but tends to fill up the Inbox pretty fast.
LOL... Well, I'd like to say that there is something I can do about it, but it is not part of the Ning program, Ning being the platform that this site uses.
Question 1.There is only one way to get those home video clips on the site, and that is to convert them first on Youtube. All that means is setting up a youtube account, and making it private. The reason is simple. Video clips can cause corruption of the system, and those that clear youtube, are clean of any corruption of code. Sorry that there is no direct way to do this, but if you go to youtube, and search the newstalkers, you can see some videos I did with my camera, and it was easy to upload them from my camera and then be able to post them here.
Question 2 YES! You go to your homepage and go to discussion, which is on the left hand side.Click on it and it will bring you to another page. I always keep this page tabbed, and hit refresh for new comments. It will look like this:
This is how I track my comments. If I want to see a friends in particular, I have to go to their page and hit discussions and it will give you your friends comment history. This is one of the reasons we make friends on NT. The other is privacy settings.
I don't think you get what I'm planning . It would NOT be an article in which to attack each other . It would be a general discussion of the issue of what tactics would be considered appropriate on NT .
In my experience Knievel has no respect for the dead of any species . He has left me a many a "gift" from the netherworld . And in answer to your question there are no ferns of any color there . What is the significance ?
How do I post a youtube video? I've tried using the "media" prompt, but I don't know where to find the "embedded code" from the video that I would like to post.
A very good question. Here is what you do. On top of each posting box, there is an icon that looks like film, which is the third on one from the left. It will bring up a large yellow box. Next go to youtube and pick the video you want. Click share, then it will bring up another box that has embed and click that. That is the embed code. Copy it and now come back to this site, and paste it into the yellow box and then hit OK and then reply and you are done.
Nope.....I mean, "How do I follow my old comments without have to remember where I put them?" I'm always losing where I put stuff and now it is happening to my comments.
You go to your home page (my page) and on the left had side you will see "discussions". If you click on that, it will take you to every comment you ever made. Each item is a hyperlink, so all you have to do is click on them. It is the groups tracker. You can also use this on to find your friends comments by going to their page and clicking on discussions.
Does that answer your question? Or is it something else?
Sure, hell, we've all discussed this but many folks just don't get it and still go ballistic so I'm coming around to the point that you may as well speak your mind, hell, they'll be offended anyway!
Did I ever tell you the joke, "suck one dick!" It is apropos to this issue.
I am indeed a red head. I will take that underadvisement. Green it is!
Hamsterpower is a cheap. But the farts to contribute to global warming, but I am also helping the economy by employing theunemployable. You should see what they spend on wheels and toys, never mind the kibble!
Oh, any of you ladies wanna come to my house and get nekkid in the hot tub? I promise not to take any pictures!
Well, a girl can't be careful enough these days, so you will have to throw your phone in the hot tub with you.
Larry, I just checked out the coding and it looks like you were trying upload a picture directly from a wiki page, am I right? If I am, did it have upload data?
Perrie told me how, if you are in the "forums" section, you will see links titled "All Discussions" and "My Discussions" in blue under the listing of all the groups.
OK,I'll bite,......if a car couldtravel faster than the speed of light would the driver ever see his headlights shinning in front of him, and if he does will saying "LOL....that's so easy....LOL..... becuse books don't have pictures....LOL" get me banned from NT?
She said we could ask her anything....just testing the waters.....if I can or can't make fun of today's educational system...and if I do will I be banned from this site.....that was the exact statement that got me banned from NV.......
there was a quote block I could not see....and the question was asked why don't you read....and I replied...noone got the joke/sarcasm with the mispelling of "becuase" to exagerate the poor education system we have.....four of five people sent in malicious reports saying I had personally attack and insulted them with the statement...allwater under the bridge.....
I've seen you around the vine from time to time and never saw anything objectionable . Sure you had strong opinions on some issues but I've never seen you go overboard like a lot of others do . Do you think this gang up was politically motivated ? ... cause I just don't get it .
I think it was vine politics...there was a group that didn't like me....and they kept making complaints......they will tell you how bad of a person I am but nothing Iever said was filled with as much HATE as this sentence I recieved inan email from one of them after I was banned,...."No wonder your f**king stupid wife died....only way she could get away from the sick f**k that YOU ARE"...I bleeped out the nasties.....
That is crazy and heinous all at once. You should name names. It would be good for reference should we encounter said "people" (word people used loosely).
I don't think it would do any see these people don't think they can do any wrong........kind of like not all playing with a full deck.....
Nice idea though.....I wrote an article about the banning, I may email it to the lady boss for her approval to post it......
Well let's not be too hard on them,....after all I had a little to do with it. I did bait them and mess with their heads a little.
they are no more than just bullies, and in my opinion bullies are just like child molesters, there is no cure for it, and they just can't help themselves....
As for naming names, two are already here, (they're both harmless, they are followers and not doers )the others said they will not join NT as long as I'm here,...wink,...then the emails went out to each other,....I'm sure they will join under different names and start the same crap.......what's the saying,...stupid is as stupid does....LOL
Yes I did, but....the CoH does not apply to all people on the vine equally.....that is a fact and it's the number one major flaw in Newsvine and it's moderators.......
I know people say there are just too many people for the two of them to moderate, then I see such stupid,and that is Stupid with a capital S, suspensions for things like saying George Bush and being suspended or banned for derailing because they didn't specify sr. or jr......LOL one person got suspended or banned for saying "two words.....women drivers".......another person got suspended or banned for saying "you meatballs"......
That tells me they have too much time on their hands or they don't take their jobs very seriously.......
A few of them had it out for you because you like to have fun a tease a little bit. They couldnt take it, and took every opportunity to trash you. A couple are convinced that you were one of SWMMule's trolls even those she has repeatedly told them you werent. They supposedly cancelled a Mini Vine Meet because of fears that you knew where it was gonna be and you have guns. The pervert of the group (the one that talks about wanting to hook up with teenage boys, said after having little kids sit on his lap, he can say with certainty that they are sexual beings, and doesnt think there is anything wrong with looking in a child's window when they are changing) said you were leaving scary posts over here. He claims he isnt a member, so I think he's just trying to start more shit.
NG,...I knid of have to be careful ofwhat I say about the wolf pack...In a round about way I gave the Boss Lady my word as a Marine I would not say anything to provoke a response from them first.....
I will say this, they are not the brightest light bulbin the room. And they are still just as pridictable as they were on NV......They have done exactly what I said they would do before they did it....predicting what stupid people will do is not a hard thing to do,...Ooops, did I say that out loud?
As for the planner of that vine meet, well he has had them all fooled.....just this month he said how his father had survived his mothers passing by 20 years....that means she passed in 1992...and how he was in NYC with a tour group of German students and he didn't even get the message of her passing.....
But on another forum in 2005 he said she had passed several years ago, making her passing 2000 to 2003, a far cry from 1992 and he also said how he had only missed one meeting and did not miss any classes or leave the office.....
So which story is true? and he wonders why I call him a liar......
But in defense of the wolf pack, one of their leaders has said she has "Special Training"and knows or can tell these things,....
As for me being the person trolling doesn't take arocket scientist to figure that one out......
I did not name any names. Like I said, if its something that shouldnt be talked about, I wont.
On a different topic, when did NT move? I had joined when it was on Grouply (sp?) but what having a hard time figuring out how the site worked, so I didnt spend much time there. All of a sudden it was gone. Someone said where it was, and when I came here, I had to re-join.
It is especially concerning because you don't necessarily know who is here and under what name.
True, but if I were to guess, Id say your name started with a J.
If you're not, you have a very similar, no nonsense writing style that is very refreshing, just like he does. I especially like when he (you) tries to talk business with someone who just doesnt get it.
By the way, Im the same conspiracy theory believing, anti-status quo, crazy Libertarian I am over there. Name is the same, just changed my avatar pic. We've interacted- some good, some bad, mostly neutral.
As to the issue of talking about "that other place" , we had a problem with such obsessions in the past . We set up an informal rule to not bring up issues from there and to not discuss them . But we did have an old article in which people here ID 'd themselves based on who they were there . It's been a while since we've had this many transplants arrive here at once so some talk is to be expected ... It is OK as long as the focus does not remain on "that other place" .
We have had a couple roll call articles so people who may have known each other on the vine and elsewhere would know who they are here, but that is a voluntary thing. As for the vine, discussing it isnt taboo any longer. We just try to focus on the future rather than dwell on the past. However, sometimes, things just gotta be said, and sometimes those things are related to the vine. No biggie in my opinion.
RD,....bizzare eating habits?...I've been told I'm ugly andmy momma dresses me funny, but never has anyone complained about my bizzare eating habits...
Dumbshit aint very smart, but he's reasonably handsome, so there is that. However, you might also recognize him by his other persona's, including Taco Dave, the Phantom Shitter, Shel's lesser's half, and the ever popular Peter Faden.
Are you asking for trouble ?
Heck no. But the bases of this site was transparency, and the new members might want to know stuff that we already know..
Red with fishnet stockings.
OK , I'll ask a serious question . Explain the NT policy on calling someone else a liar ...
You can not call someone a liar, unless you can actually prove that they lied. Of course, this is a very difficult thing to do, since most things are subject tointerpretation and that is why it is not a good thing to do.
I think I may write an article about this issue ... a meta-article .
Why? The policy is very clear. Look, most of the time, calling someone a liar, is a personal attack. Once in a very blue moon, calling someone a liar is the truth and that this is a pattern of behavior, but you better have the proof to back up that statement. It's better to say that the statement is a lie.
I think it is important to clarify some of the fine points of this issue . And to borrow an expression from the gun debate : "Statements don't lie . People do."
Ya know.. this is a topic best deferred to another time. This article was meant for more direct questions.
Good question Gene!
The speed that a page loads depends on the number of features. The chat function, the photo gallery, the RSS feed, these all go into page loading time. The chat feature is very useful and fun. But if as a group some of the other functions are slowing us up too much, I am open to removing them.
BTW, using google chrome or clearing your history and cookies will speed things up.
Actually, the main chat room should be cleared every night, just as routine house keeping. It is always off until you go in an make a comment. Every other member will get a red number to show that there are active comments being made in the chat room.
Could you be a little more specific? What would you do away with?
Simple! Our pages are much shorter than NV so there is no need for back to the top. Pages are usually only 12 comment long. It does make for more pages though. To get from one page to another quicker, go to the bottom of the page and put in which page you would like to go to and hit "go".
Yes. We are hamster powered, but we only use union hamsters, so no worries. They even get free benefits.
I kinda wondered about that one too Gunny, but it only takes a second to move the slider to the top so I didn't figure it was too important.
Here's one I was interested in. I know that we can imbed photos from our computers, even within a comment thread (a great improvement in my book), but is there some way to do so with video clips that don't come from someplace like U-Tube? I'd like to be able to post video clips from my own computer. Is it possible or, if not, can I upload them to something like SkyDrive and then download them here. That way I could bore people silly with my home movies.
Also, is there some way of tracking friend comments or all comments on articles you've commented on; much like the friend tracker and comment tracker over on NV. Is there an internal method of doing that or do we need to use the E-Mail notification method. That works, of course, but tends to fill up the Inbox pretty fast.
LOL... Well, I'd like to say that there is something I can do about it, but it is not part of the Ning program, Ning being the platform that this site uses.
Question 1.There is only one way to get those home video clips on the site, and that is to convert them first on Youtube. All that means is setting up a youtube account, and making it private. The reason is simple. Video clips can cause corruption of the system, and those that clear youtube, are clean of any corruption of code. Sorry that there is no direct way to do this, but if you go to youtube, and search the newstalkers, you can see some videos I did with my camera, and it was easy to upload them from my camera and then be able to post them here.
Question 2 YES! You go to your homepage and go to discussion, which is on the left hand side.Click on it and it will bring you to another page. I always keep this page tabbed, and hit refresh for new comments. It will look like this:
" LOL... Well, I'd like to say that there is something I can do about it, but it is no " This is the start of the comment I made
You replied 16 minutes ago to Meta: Everything you wanted to know about NT, but were afraid to ask. Article that the comments were made in
Reply by Gene Yarbrough This is who replied to my comment and how long ago
" Peter, I didn't see anything about Catholics, or other Christian faiths in particula "
You replied 25 minutes ago to Islamic Center of Murfreesboro: After Long Fight, Opening Day For Tennessee Mosque
This is how I track my comments. If I want to see a friends in particular, I have to go to their page and hit discussions and it will give you your friends comment history. This is one of the reasons we make friends on NT. The other is privacy settings.
Reply by Perrie Halpern
Cool, thanks Perrie.
No probs!
You're a cat fuhgawdsakes ... dig a hole anywhere you feel like it . But cover it up when you're done .
Max ,
I don't think you get what I'm planning . It would NOT be an article in which to attack each other . It would be a general discussion of the issue of what tactics would be considered appropriate on NT .
That is certainly one possible strategy . But the place to discuss this is in that meta-article when it comes out ... not here .
That does not mean in Perrie's lap ... not even on her couch !
Nope, only in Rich's back yard. I'll send mine over there too, and you can party (you bring the catnip).
That's fine with me, so long as Rich knows he's on pooper scooper patrol.
Good question. Maybe if you smoke it.
I am NOT gonna clean up Fero's poop . That is final ! However , my back yard is available for party "poopers" .
Toys ? How about live field mice ?
If the field mice are not acceptable there is always a dead squirrel to dig up .
I forgot about that. Now I feel sad.
I was sad too ... back then . It is all squirrel-under-the-bridge by now ...
In my experience Knievel has no respect for the dead of any species . He has left me a many a "gift" from the netherworld . And in answer to your question there are no ferns of any color there . What is the significance ?
No , I haven't . But having looked it up I can see why ...
I KEEP LOSING MY COMMENTS!!!! Helppppppppppppp
I wish I had a question, but I don't.
But this is a really good article Perrie!
Thanks Fed! And if you ever do think of a question, just ask me even without an article.
What do you mean Ben? Do you post and they disappear?
Ok Perrie. That's one of the things I love about you. You're just so sweet!
She is sweet ... in between the times she is sour or bitter .
Hey! Meanie. You better be nice, or I'll tickle you!
Then there are those times she is salty ... need I say more ...
I prefer spicy.
Spicy is good ...
How do I post a youtube video? I've tried using the "media" prompt, but I don't know where to find the "embedded code" from the video that I would like to post.
Hi Leona,
A very good question. Here is what you do. On top of each posting box, there is an icon that looks like film, which is the third on one from the left. It will bring up a large yellow box. Next go to youtube and pick the video you want. Click share, then it will bring up another box that has embed and click that. That is the embed code. Copy it and now come back to this site, and paste it into the yellow box and then hit OK and then reply and you are done.
Let me know how that works out for you.
Nope.....I mean, "How do I follow my old comments without have to remember where I put them?" I'm always losing where I put stuff and now it is happening to my comments.
You go to your home page (my page) and on the left had side you will see "discussions". If you click on that, it will take you to every comment you ever made. Each item is a hyperlink, so all you have to do is click on them. It is the groups tracker. You can also use this on to find your friends comments by going to their page and clicking on discussions.
Does that answer your question? Or is it something else?
Be very worried!
Yes! Thank you!
Why can't you? Hell, that just invites skirting, which is ludicrous and, IMO, destructive.
Can you call someone a commie dipshit?
LOL, see what I mean Perrie?
Sure, hell, we've all discussed this but many folks just don't get it and still go ballistic so I'm coming around to the point that you may as well speak your mind, hell, they'll be offended anyway!
Did I ever tell you the joke, "suck one dick!" It is apropos to this issue.
Damn, no wonder we pay such high fees!
Damn unions.
Go ahead.. I'd like to hear it Terry!
No. But you can say that their comments reflect that.
Hey, try calling someone that on the vine! I bet that you get booted before you type the last letter.
Heck they scare me! I still remember the movie "Willard".
.02 (My two cent's worth)
Feronia, I like a little pussy in my lap. You can always nap there.
Perrie- from the picture, you are a redhead. Green goes better with red hair. Just sayin'.
Bruce- You are just........never mind!
Gene- Go wash your brain out- your mind is dirty again.
Randy- Never been innocent, never will be. But then, neither is Ryan.
General- Hamster powered? Is that a "green energy" source? Or do hamster farts contribute to global warming.
Well, that's enough for now! Oh, any of you ladies wanna come to my house and get nekkid in the hot tub? I promise not to take any pictures!
See my .02 comment.
And I would give a shit why?
Damnit, started to type it, got half way through and then screwed the pooch!
I am indeed a red head. I will take that underadvisement. Green it is!
Hamsterpower is a cheap. But the farts to contribute to global warming, but I am also helping the economy by employing theunemployable. You should see what they spend on wheels and toys, never mind the kibble!
Well, a girl can't be careful enough these days, so you will have to throw your phone in the hot tub with you.
Those are not the only farts which contribute to global warming . Just consider these ...
I know we are a small site and all, but do you think it possible we could fit a bar in here?
What the heck????
Larry, I just checked out the coding and it looks like you were trying upload a picture directly from a wiki page, am I right? If I am, did it have upload data?
Sure, but my phone doesn't HAVE a camera. It's only a phone. no camera, no texting, no Angry Birds, Hell, no ringtones. It just RINGS!!
They may well be mobbed up, Randy, but even 50-60 mobbed up hamsters can be stomped when they attack, UNLIKE UAW or ACORN workers.
Larry- you get the bar installed, I'll buy the first round!
Is there a way to see all my postings in one place, sort of like my column on NV? I don't see my postings on "My Page".
Perrie told me how, if you are in the "forums" section, you will see links titled "All Discussions" and "My Discussions" in blue under the listing of all the groups.
Go to "My Discussions" and voila.
Terry & Buzz,
I just found an even quicker short cut.
At the top of each article discussion (like this one) it say in blue, next to a small pair of binoculars "view discussions" and BINGO your there!
This system is even better than I thought!
As long as it one of your your own articles you can go to your own discussions . Good feature ...
OK,I'll bite,......if a car couldtravel faster than the speed of light would the driver ever see his headlights shinning in front of him, and if he does will saying "LOL....that's so easy....LOL..... becuse books don't have pictures....LOL" get me banned from NT?
She said we could ask her anything....just testing the waters.....if I can or can't make fun of today's educational system...and if I do will I be banned from this site.....that was the exact statement that got me banned from NV.......
[[that was the exact statement that got me banned from NV.......]]
Seriously ? Was there some context that made it untouchable or was it just the trigger happy Sally at work ?
Ummm...yes....what is that white puss like stuff on.....ummm...welll......never mind.
When is dinner?
No, the speed of light is the complete absence of time, and all matter is transformed to energy, and so everything is headlights....
there was a quote block I could not see....and the question was asked why don't you read....and I replied...noone got the joke/sarcasm with the mispelling of "becuase" to exagerate the poor education system we have.....four of five people sent in malicious reports saying I had personally attack and insulted them with the statement...allwater under the bridge.....
I've seen you around the vine from time to time and never saw anything objectionable . Sure you had strong opinions on some issues but I've never seen you go overboard like a lot of others do . Do you think this gang up was politically motivated ? ... cause I just don't get it .
Yep. I can attest to that.
I think it was vine politics...there was a group that didn't like me....and they kept making complaints......they will tell you how bad of a person I am but nothing Iever said was filled with as much HATE as this sentence I recieved inan email from one of them after I was banned,...."No wonder your f**king stupid wife died....only way she could get away from the sick f**k that YOU ARE"...I bleeped out the nasties.....
That is really sick . I wouldn't mind writing a meta article exposing that person although I'm not sure what the outcome would be ...
That is crazy and heinous all at once. You should name names. It would be good for reference should we encounter said "people" (word people used loosely).
btw...dinner turned out to be a Spicy vegan chicken sandwich with kale and tomatoes, roasted figs and apricots, and hash browned potaters.
It would have been different, but nobody spoke bastards!!!!!
I don't think it would do any see these people don't think they can do any wrong........kind of like not all playing with a full deck.....
Nice idea though.....I wrote an article about the banning, I may email it to the lady boss for her approval to post it......
That is really gross. What sickies there are out there.
Well let's not be too hard on them,....after all I had a little to do with it. I did bait them and mess with their heads a little.
they are no more than just bullies, and in my opinion bullies are just like child molesters, there is no cure for it, and they just can't help themselves....
As for naming names, two are already here, (they're both harmless, they are followers and not doers
)the others said they will not join NT as long as I'm here,...wink,...then the emails went out to each other,....I'm sure they will join under different names and start the same crap.......what's the saying,...stupid is as stupid does....LOL
OK, this has bugged me all night long,....spicy VEGAN chicken sandwich.....what was the chicken a vegetarian?.....
Yes I did, but....the CoH does not apply to all people on the vine equally.....that is a fact and it's the number one major flaw in Newsvine and it's moderators.......
I know people say there are just too many people for the two of them to moderate, then I see such stupid,and that is Stupid with a capital S, suspensions for things like saying George Bush and being suspended or banned for derailing because they didn't specify sr. or jr......LOL one person got suspended or banned for saying "two words.....women drivers".......another person got suspended or banned for saying "you meatballs"......
That tells me they have too much time on their hands or they don't take their jobs very seriously.......
A few of them had it out for you because you like to have fun a tease a little bit. They couldnt take it, and took every opportunity to trash you. A couple are convinced that you were one of SWMMule's trolls even those she has repeatedly told them you werent. They supposedly cancelled a Mini Vine Meet because of fears that you knew where it was gonna be and you have guns. The pervert of the group (the one that talks about wanting to hook up with teenage boys, said after having little kids sit on his lap, he can say with certainty that they are sexual beings, and doesnt think there is anything wrong with looking in a child's window when they are changing) said you were leaving scary posts over here. He claims he isnt a member, so I think he's just trying to start more shit.
NG,...I knid of have to be careful ofwhat I say about the wolf pack...In a round about way I gave the Boss Lady my word as a Marine I would not say anything to provoke a response from them first.....
I will say this, they are not the brightest light bulbin the room. And they are still just as pridictable as they were on NV......They have done exactly what I said they would do before they did it....predicting what stupid people will do is not a hard thing to do,...Ooops, did I say that out loud?
As for the planner of that vine meet, well he has had them all fooled.....just this month he said how his father had survived his mothers passing by 20 years....that means she passed in 1992...and how he was in NYC with a tour group of German students and he didn't even get the message of her passing.....
But on another forum in 2005 he said she had passed several years ago, making her passing 2000 to 2003, a far cry from 1992 and he also said how he had only missed one meeting and did not miss any classes or leave the office.....
So which story is true? and he wonders why I call him a liar......
But in defense of the wolf pack, one of their leaders has said she has "Special Training"and knows or can tell these things,....
As for me being the person trolling doesn't take arocket scientist to figure that one out......
I was just joining in the conversation. If only certain people are allowed to bring up NV, please let me know and I wont do it again.
I did not name any names. Like I said, if its something that shouldnt be talked about, I wont.
On a different topic, when did NT move? I had joined when it was on Grouply (sp?) but what having a hard time figuring out how the site worked, so I didnt spend much time there. All of a sudden it was gone. Someone said where it was, and when I came here, I had to re-join.
True, but if I were to guess, Id say your name started with a J.
If you're not, you have a very similar, no nonsense writing style that is very refreshing, just like he does. I especially like when he (you) tries to talk business with someone who just doesnt get it.
I understand completely what you're saying, EI.
By the way, Im the same conspiracy theory believing, anti-status quo, crazy Libertarian I am over there. Name is the same, just changed my avatar pic. We've interacted- some good, some bad, mostly neutral.
As to the issue of talking about "that other place" , we had a problem with such obsessions in the past . We set up an informal rule to not bring up issues from there and to not discuss them . But we did have an old article in which people here ID 'd themselves based on who they were there . It's been a while since we've had this many transplants arrive here at once so some talk is to be expected ... It is OK as long as the focus does not remain on "that other place" .
We have had a couple roll call articles so people who may have known each other on the vine and elsewhere would know who they are here, but that is a voluntary thing. As for the vine, discussing it isnt taboo any longer. We just try to focus on the future rather than dwell on the past. However, sometimes, things just gotta be said, and sometimes those things are related to the vine. No biggie in my opinion.
RD,....bizzare eating habits?...I've been told I'm ugly andmy momma dresses me funny, but never has anyone complained about my bizzare eating habits...
Nah...the chicken was actually seitan, and so it is more apprpriately called chikin.
For being a Red Wings/Lions fan. Boo-ya!!!!
P. Nongrata is unwelcome, hence....
Dumbshit aint very smart, but he's reasonably handsome, so there is that. However, you might also recognize him by his other persona's, including Taco Dave, the Phantom Shitter, Shel's lesser's half, and the ever popular Peter Faden.
or peanut butter and mayo sandwiches....yum
how do I seed a story?????????????????????