Only Eight Pilots Are Qualified To Land On This Runway In Bhutan (2 videos)
"There is a small airport in the Himalayan mountains with a 6,500-foot runway and picturesque surroundings. When flying into Paro Airport in Bhutan passengers may be staring in terrified awe of the 18,000-foot mountainous peaks or have their eyes squeezed tightly shut as the pilot weaves through the range." (Yahoo News)
Travel Leisure's 10 most dangerous runways of the world
Comments at the end of the article:
If a USA airline flew that route, they would doubtless charge passengers a $125 "Excitement Enhancement Fee" for this experience.... (Karl)
Let's send all of our politicians to investigate, but with a new pilot, one not familiar with these conditions....... (E W)
I have scarier rides then this when my wife drives! (Salmonella)
Obviously the writer has never landed a jet on a pitching aircraft carrier, in a storm, at night. Now there's a sweet ride... (D)
Reponses to this comment were varied and interesting ...
As a pilot, this doesn't look scary or impossible at all in visual conditions, and the aircraft is not just feet away from houses--more like 100 - 200--on approach. A good performing STOL aircraft could hit this every time. Sensational journalism. (no name posted)
[Do you think it's lame to post comments from the article? lol! Kori]
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Great find Kori! Your two for two. The actual article was really interesting.
You know, often when I post an article I actually find the comments more interesting than the actual article. It really shows some lows ( andoccasionallysome interesting) opinions. I just never thought of posting them before. I think we should start doing that, when we find a real beauty. Maybe we could even make it a contest!
Sometimes they have to abort the landing on a carrier :
Hold on to your seats huh?!
"You know, often when I post an article I actually find the comments more interesting than the actual article."
I agree, Perrie.
I just never thought of posting them before. I think we should start doing that, when we find a real beauty. Maybe we could even make it a contest!
There are some real 'beauties' out there too. I shake my head in wonder at the stuff people will post sometimes. lol!
Nice footage,Rich. Those military aircraft make my heart go pitter patter! Amazing how close the aircraft's tail comes to the deck.
You might find these twovideo sinteresting from the WW2 era. I imagine those planes and even pilot barely returned to thecarrier pretty shot up. At least that is where my thoughts runwhile watching the videos.
Aircraft carrier landings gone wrong
WW2's 362nd Army Air Corp, based in Etaine, France, flying theP-47 Thunderbolton bombing raids. I like the guys on top of the wings while taxiing. I hope they hopped off before takeoff!
P-47 Thunderbolt
Yuppers, Larry. What the landing in Bhutan video doesn't show is the turbulence from the mountains. Also, high altitude take-offs are probably riskier thanthe landings.One comment made me laugh -
Add the letter "N" to Druk Airlines and you'll really see some scared people. (Herb)
haha, Randy. Sky King ... adding that one to my Netflix streaming.
I'm sure that as a youngster youhad to walk10 miles to school, barefoot, in the freezing snow, ice, and slush,just gain to knowledge to knowhow to build and fly those airplanes.
I agree. Kids these days -wimps, I tells ya!! :-D
Some impressive vids Kori . Real wartime footage . Big wow !
^ Only 8 pilots are qualified to use this runway, and I'm 3 of them.
Me, Myself, and I
Wow-- some fantastic footage!
I don't know how many pilots are qualified to make that landing, but I know there ain't none that have my approval to take me in there.
No. Not going to do it. Wouldn't be prudent. Not going there.