
Thriftier U.S. Consumers May Be Hurting Restaurant Sales


Category:  Wine & Food

Via:  community  •  10 years ago  •  9 comments

 Thriftier U.S. Consumers May Be Hurting Restaurant Sales


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Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Randy    10 years ago

I really don't think it's thriftier consumers. I think it's more like people like me who don't want to go out to eat and pack on pounds before the heavy eating of the upcoming holiday season.

Masters Quiet
link   Enoch  replied to  Randy   10 years ago

I think you have a point about the upcoming holiday season.

Both weight gain concerns, and budgeting for holiday expenses, including gifts are also factors.

The job market continues to suck bilge water.

With the middle class eviscerated, that doesn't help matters much.

As you mentioned, health concerns also aren't helping fast food chains.

Finally, as the population ages, limited budgets force people to prepare their own meals increasingly.

All that said, I don't see all restaurants going under.

There will be shake outs from time to time.

That happens in any industry.

Good article Randy.


Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Randy  replied to  Enoch   10 years ago

Finally, as the population ages, limited budgets force people to prepare their own meals increasingly.

We don't actually prepare a meal except on Thanksiving and Christmas. We usually pick out whatever we like when we are out the grocery store and eat it whenever we want it. I can honestly say that in more then 20 years of marriage we have never had a meal at our dining room or breakfast nook  table.

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Randy  replied to  Enoch   10 years ago

My wife and I do celebrate Thanksgiving, a least as far as the food goes. Our families have drifted apart (in many ways) and are in many sections of the country, most of them too far away to get together, though I doubt we would anyway. We make a Turkey for Christmas too, but we don't celebrate Christmas for the usual reasons, since my wife is Jewish and I'm an atheist, however we do celebrate on Christmas Day as it is our wedding anniversary day.

Freshman Silent
link   LynneA    10 years ago

Personally the "restaurants" sited here are overpriced, sit-down, fast food eateries pushing over-processed, fat laden bill of fares.  We've found the average bill for us is in the $40 to $50 range, which is absolutely ridiculous.  Unless traveling on the road, we no longer eat at these places.

I'd rather "save" the money and as a treat go to a real restaurant that uses locally grown vegetables, local meats and has a chef, not a short order cook.  Fortunate to have a couple restaurants that source their food in a 50 mile radius with menus reflecting where the food comes from.  Nothing like hormone and antibiotic free meats and eggs, along side organically grown veggies....delicious and good for us!


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