
Obama bashes US, tells Asian leaders to avoid the ‘pitfalls’ of America


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Via:  community  •  10 years ago  •  9 comments

Obama bashes US, tells Asian leaders to avoid the ‘pitfalls’ of America

It’s quite clear President Obama really hates America, and he has no problem bashing the country that elected him twice every chance he gets.  This time, Obama was speaking at a town-hall event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, when he told young Asian leaders to avoid the “ pitfalls ” of America.

What, exactly, are those “pitfalls?”  According to a report at the Washington Times, “income inequality, a political system controlled by the wealthy and political parties divided along racial lines.”  Translation: America sucks because of racism, Republicans and rich people.

The Times added:

“It is very important to avoid any political system where money overwhelms ideas,” said Mr. Obama, who raised a record $1.1 billion for his reelection campaign in 2012. “And the United States politics process has become so expensive and it lasts so long, and even though I was successful at it, we spend hundreds of millions of dollars in television advertising and in all the things that go into a U.S. presidential campaign.”

He added, “When politicians have to raise so much money all the time, then they start listening a little bit more to the people who have money, as opposed to ordinary people.”

In response to a question from the audience, Mr. Obama also said politics in the U.S. “increasingly is defined by personal attacks and saying very sensational things in the media.” He urged young Asian leaders to try “to debate people you disagree with, without saying that they’re a terrible person.”

Odd, coming from a man who frequently engages in outlandish rhetoric, even telling Hispanics to “ punish their enemies ,” meaning Republicans.  His allies in the so-called “mainstream media” have even suggested he use the military to take out conservative Republicans and members of the Tea Party .

“I really hope that all of you are fighting against the kinds of attitudes where you organize political parties or you organize interest groups just around ethnic or racial or tribal lines,” Obama said. “Because when you start doing that, it’s very easy for people to start thinking that whoever is not part of my group is somehow less than me. And once that mindset comes in, that’s how violence happens. That’s how discrimination happens. And societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term.”

Exit question: Wonder if he was thinking of La Raza or the DNC-approved Black Lives Matter movement when he said that?



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick    10 years ago

The most important thing the Iranians have is their practice of deceiving.  They use deceit to buy time.  In every deal they've ever made with other countries to stop their progress in developing nuclear weaponry, they have admitted the deals were only made to buy time to continue their goal of developing nuclear capacity and that means nuclear weapons my friends.

How does that relate to this article?  Obama is the master of deceit in this country as our president.  He uses every means of deceit to accomplish his goal of "Fundamentally Transforming" this country.  He spreads lies, distorts truths, agitates those who hate this country, puts foreigners in front of the citizens of this country and has alienated our allies while showing compassion to our enemies. 

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  sixpick   10 years ago

What Ronald Reagan once said about the Soviet Union, what it was and what they would do to win is true of Obama and progressives today.  


Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago

Michelle's comments and their attendance at an anti-American "church" made their views clear. His racially aligned party elected him anyway. I guess he spent enough money.

Professor Quiet
link   seeder  sixpick  replied to  Cerenkov   10 years ago

@cerenkov :

Michelle's comments and their attendance at an anti-American "church" made their views clear. His racially aligned party elected him anyway. I guess he spent enough money.

That's funny how they keep preaching to us on how we should act and live, while they do exactly the opposite.  It seems everyone has to cut back while they never cut back.  Where's Michelle now.  I heard she was on another big vacation somewhere.  You hear the same sort of rhetoric from Hillary, flat busted in Tucson who made $30 million dollars talking about income inequality.

McCain said he wouldn't take money during the election and it was agreed upon by Obama, but Obama reneged on that idea and raised that $1.1 billion dollars.  Hillary Clinton has collected more money than all the other candidates combined from Wall Street except Bush, who by some reason isn't doing well.  Could it be the people can see right through him and the Left can't see right through Hillary?

Who is the party for the rich?  Well my on personal opinion it isn't either of them, but a candidate from one of them will be our next president anyway.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

From the same Washington Times article, since the source for the above posted article is very biased.

At the town-hall event, Mr. Obama also warned young Asians to guard against racial divisions in politics, saying in the U.S., “it’s still an issue that comes up.”

“I really hope that all of you are fighting against the kinds of attitudes where you organize political parties or you organize interest groups just around ethnic or racial or tribal lines,” Mr. Obama said. “Because when you start doing that, it’s very easy for people to start thinking that whoever is not part of my group is somehow less than me. And once that mindset comes in, that’s how violence happens. That’s how discrimination happens. And societies that are divided ethnically and racially are almost never successful over the long term.”

He said in the U.S., “we’ve struggled with this for over 200 years, but it’s still an issue that comes up.”

“And so I would guard against that here in your home countries,” the president added.

Mr. Obama said the U.S. “in many ways is better positioned than it has ever been for leadership in the 21st century,” with a strong economy, an improving college graduation rate and a thriving technology sector. But he said there are still some “anxieties” among Americans.

“Number one, in the United States, there is a growing inequality that I think is a real problem not just for the United States but around the world,” the president said. “And when people feel economic stress and inequality, then I think politics become harder because people are afraid for their futures and sometimes politics can become much more divided than it used to be.”

Mr. Obama didn’t mention billionaire GOP donors such as Charles and David Koch, but he said the wealthy in America are hurting the system.

“When there’s more inequality, the people who are powerful can influence the political system to further reinforce their privilege, and it makes it harder for ordinary people to feel that they have influence on the political process,” the president said. “And so people become cynical. Now, these are all problems that can be solved, and I’m confident we will eventually solve them. But right now, our political system does not work as well as it should.”

He is right. BTW, I read the whole Times article (though it's difficult with all of their pop ups) and I didn't read where he "bashed" the US in any manner? There are pitfalls in America. Both politically and economically. He just spoke the truth.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

“income inequality, a political system controlled by the wealthy and political parties divided along racial lines.”  Translation: America sucks because of racism, Republicans and rich people.

Those are real and serious pitfalls and problems in America. The "translation" is, of course, laughingly stupid and moronic.Laugh


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