Via: community • 10 years ago • 9 comments
For nature photographers, in autumn, once the color has left the landscape, those who persist with their outdoor picture taking, will look for form, light, shadow and textures.
In other words … exposure, composition and image-editing take precedent.
A sepia tone overlay on a desaturated original sometimes works effectively in creating a somber mood.
The sepia tone provides warmth, but the subject matter in this case is cold.
The sepia tone provides warmth, but the subject matter in this case is cold.
Typical of the Gemini mind.
You're a Gemini?
You're a Gemini?
Yup! Both of me.
I will get this article some visibility. It's a good challenge.
Interesting photo Mac, very different.
Okay I did post this a few weeks ago, but it belongs here:
Exactly on-target with that pic, Buzz!