I hadn't heard he word "floof" before-- so I googled it. Turns out there were 4 definitions: def 1 sort of what I expected, but def 4 was an interesting surprise!
Check out "floof" on Urban Dictionary. If someone refers to me as a "floof" I'll just punch them in the face...the derogatory outweighs the cuteness depicted here
Calling you that implies that they know something of a detailed nature of your tonsorial habits . Speaking for myself , I wouldn't believe anyone except your husband on that issue ...
They would be white for about 5 minutes in my backyard, which is really muddy right now! But they are beautiful dogs!!!
Rough ruffs.
I'm no expert on canines--anyone know, what breed are they?
I hadn't heard he word "floof" before-- so I googled it. Turns out there were 4 definitions: def 1 sort of what I expected, but def 4 was an interesting surprise!
Check out "floof" on Urban Dictionary. If someone refers to me as a "floof" I'll just punch them in the face...the derogatory outweighs the cuteness depicted here
Calling you that implies that they know something of a detailed nature of your tonsorial habits . Speaking for myself , I wouldn't believe anyone except your husband on that issue ...